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My 25 point score improvement story. Thanks 7Sage.

Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
edited January 2017 in General 2098 karma
The first time I heard the world LSAT I was watching Suits and I thought come on Mike how difficult it can be. Fast forward a year and I was just done with my diagnostic PT and it was a 148. My first thought was, LSAT is pretty hard. It was so hard that I gave it up for a month to reassessed my life plan and at the end of it I registered for December 2015 test and decided I gonna study LSAT full-time for couple of months and get a 160 which would get me into a decent Law School.

So, I borrowed a Kaplan LSAT book from library and finished it after a month by going to library from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm five days a week. Turned out it was the worse decision that I made during my prep because after finishing the book and taking another PT I got 149. My first thought was it must be the book so I bought power score books and finished them in one month by studying 08:00 am to 04:30 pm seven days a week.

During the same time I was watching YouTube videos about LSAT as break. YouTube being YouTube suggested a lot of LSAT related videos including 7Sage LG videos. I was afraid to take another PT so I printed out all the games from PT1-35 and sort them out based on the game type and did them under timed condition and watched J.Y. explanation for each of them afterward. By this time it was a week before December test I took PT 70 and I only got 152 and realized I will not get a 160 on December test and ended up withdrawing from the test. At that point I decided if I am going to do this I gonna do it right.

So I searched for an in person LSAT course but luckily there was none in my city, which forced me to signed up with an online company. I chose 7Sage one week free trial course, because I had not tried this one yet, bought and read most of LSAT Trainer as well as BRing the three PT that I took in two to three weeks. The free trial course was decent enough so I bought the Ultimate package and went through the core curriculum in three months. During this time, I was studying 07:30 am to 08:30 pm seven days a week. I made a mistake please do not study more that 6-7 hours, I burnt out two or three times and lost around 44 lb unnecessarily. The next step in my prep was fool-proofing all the LG games from PT 1-35 and attending all the webinars by different Sages. Needless to say, I postponed more than once, the more I learned about LSAT the less ready I felt.

The last phase of my prep took more than five months and consisted of taking 32 full-timed PTs and a lot of individual sections. Every PT that I took I made sure to BR it thoroughly on my own and then attend the BR call for it before scoring it. I progressively improved but when I reached 167 I stuck there and I could not go higher, I got a 171 once but it was mostly luck. I reached out to 7Sage community and got help from mentors like @twssmith , @Sami and @nessa.k13.0. I am glad that I got @"Cant Get Right" as my tutor to advise me and go through difficult questions and my PT recordings with me to point out my mistakes a month before the test.

The highest score that I got on a PT was a 172. On the actual test, I managed to get a 173. Thank you 7Sage for helping me increase my score from 148 to 173.


  • lenelson2lenelson2 Member
    523 karma
    Congratulations!! Best of luck to you.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @lenelson2 thanks.
  • tybkh003tybkh003 Alum Member
    18 karma
    Congratulations! That's amazing. I am also trying to increase my score from the 140s to 160s. Your experience gives me much encouragement. I really want to take it in June!! Let' see!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited January 2017 11542 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    The highest score that I got on a PT was a 172. On the actual test, I managed to get a 173. Thank you 7Sage for helping me increase my score from 148 to 173.

    Nader, this is really incredible. You earned every point you got on the test so congratulations! I'm bookmarking this because your story is proof that with dedication, hard work, and determination, the test is YOURS! Also I think it's incredible that you managed to get a 173 with a language barrier. Some people allow that to deter them from doing well on the LSAT so your story is more unique and inspirational because of it :)
  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma
    WELL DONE, INDEED!!! That's FABULOUS! Thank you for posting so much detail about your process! <3
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @montaha.rizeq @ScooterMinion thank you for your kind words
  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    edited January 2017 1644 karma
    Good luck on your application and thanks for your comment on LR.

    I wish I can lose weight by preparing LSAT.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Great job, Nader! I'm immensely proud to have you as a Mentor and a Sage. :)
  • Cicero_SocratesCicero_Socrates Core Member
    14 karma
    Which law school do you plan to go?
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @dennisgerrard thank you and I am always happy to help. @"Dillon A. Wright" I am happy to be part of this community. I do not know yet probably HYS and a local law school near where I live.
  • 60 karma
    Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing the details of your studying journey.
  • Cicero_SocratesCicero_Socrates Core Member
    14 karma
    how long have you been studying LSAT?
  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    edited January 2017 4141 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    The first time I heard the world LSAT I was watching Suits and I thought come on Mike how difficult it can be.
    LOL famous last words

    I'm so happy for you and so glad we met! That's awesome you scored higher on the Dec LSAT! CONGRATULATIONS NADER!!!!

    P.S. Because I'm so excited to see what comes next for you, I'll be requesting a signed portrait now in order to get it at a low cost while I still can
  • Jessica_KubaJessica_Kuba Member
    461 karma
    Congratulations, I am so motivated and inspired by your journey.
  • AidoeAidoe Free Trial Member
    236 karma
    Congratulations! You're an inspiration to so many here. If I may ask, how long did it take you to go through the 1-35 LG with the foolproof method?
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @Aidoe thanks, it took me three week to do each game just once and watch J.Y. explanation but fool-proofing them took me about two to three months I was going through core curriculum as well.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    increase my score from 148 to 173.
    Dearest Nader:)
    Tears for you to reach your score after such a long and dedicated journey - YOU DID IT!!!
    My wish is for everyone to be inspired from your story especially those who are ESL. You were an integral part of the pioneers attending every Webinar/Office Hours and the evolving BR/Study group calls when 7Sage added the "live" aspect for the community last year.

    Blessed to be your friend, I can attest that your journey had so many more obstacles beyond your post - testing you more than the actual LSAT test could ever provide to show your resolve and determination to open the door to reach beyond the "glass ceiling" of perceived personal ability and reach for the stars. Underneath your soft demeanor is one of the most caring people I have met on 7Sage but have to admit, the fiery and spunky side of you is my favorite (sorry, but it is so funny when you allow your passion to over-ride your normally soft demeanor:)

    Glenn sends his congratulations and both hope that we will stay in touch during the next stage of your journey:)

    All my love and respect,

    (My prayers will be with you always:)
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited January 2017 10806 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader"

    You already know how proud I am of you <3 Congratulations!
    Hopefully we will always stay friends even through law school <3
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Great job, Nader! I'm immensely proud to have you as a Mentor and a Sage. :)
    @nessa.k13.0 said:
    LOL famous last words

    I'm so happy for you and so glad we met! That's awesome you scored higher on the Dec LSAT! CONGRATULATIONS NADER!!!!

    P.S. Because I'm so excited to see what comes next for you, I'll be requesting a signed portrait now in order to get it at a low cost while I still can
    @twssmith said:
    Glenn sends his congratulations and both hope that we will stay in touch during the next stage of your journey:)

    All my love and respect,
    @Sami said:
    You already know how proud I am of you <3 Congratulations!
    Hopefully we will always stay friends even through law school <3

    These looks like notes from his 7sage yearbook haha! so cute. <3
  • danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4181 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    the more I learned about LSAT the less ready I felt.
    Man this is the perfect way to sum up my feelings towards the LSAT. Most importantly, congratulations to a man who worked harder than just about anyone. You definitely deserved every point scored on that test.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @twssmith thanks for all of your support and help during this one and half year, I could probably given up if you were not there to encourage and advise me . I am lucky to get to know you. Thanks Glenn for me, he did helped me a lot.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @Sami thanks for your kind words One of wishes is to be your classmate at Harvard :)
    @montaha.rizeq that is really funny lol
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @danielznelson thanks for being on the BR calls and helping other 7Sager including me even after getting your170 not many people do that.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma
    Just want to add my public congrats! It was a pleasure working with you in tutoring and in the BR calls, and I knew you were going to do great. I've got nothing but love for you and can't wait to see you taking the next steps and continuing to find success as you move forward. Now get those apps submitted so that you can start seeing those acceptance letters roll in!
  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 378 karma
    CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm in the same boat you started off in (minus a language barrier) and your story is very inspiring. I will keep it in my back pocket as I slug away day after day in preparation for June :)
  • lsnnnnn0011lsnnnnn0011 Alum Member
    227 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" Congrats!!! You deserve that score! I am actually in the exact same position as you were...I am stuck in 166-168 and it seems like I can't break the 170 no matter what I do...the highest score I got from the most recent tests is 170 but that was the only time I hit 170 (except fo PTs in 40s). Can you please specify what exactly you did to break the plateau? Also, did you get 173 in your first take?
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @nessa.k13.0 said:
    P.S. Because I'm so excited to see what comes next for you, I'll be requesting a signed portrait now in order to get it at a low cost while I still can
    @nessa.k13.0 lol, after reading this, I feel all those studying worth it :) thanks for your kinds words.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited January 2017 2098 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" I would not have gotten this score if you were not kind enough to go through my PT recordings and point out my mistakes, thank you for being such a great teacher.

    @lsnnnnn0011 first of all congrats for breaking 170 barrier. Yes this was my first and last take :) going through recordings of my PT and having someone else analyse it with me helped me a lot to reach 170+ score repeatedly.
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" Dude, you have to be the poster child of 7 Sage!! In-freaking-credible! Congratulations! I remember attending a webinar and you volunteered to answer a question. You sounded so unsure but I loved how you stepped up and look at you now! Wow! This is just freaking awesome!
  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma
    Amazing! My diagnostic score was similar to yours. Unfortunately, I did not withdraw from the December test and only scored a 160 - but reading this has inspired me to take advantage of all that 7Sage has to offer and fully commit. I hope to make an inspirational post similar to this one someday! Thank you and congrats!
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    One of wishes is to be your classmate at Harvard :)

    haha lol You mean while you go to Harvard first, you hope I can be your classmate ;)
  • PomegranatePomegranate Alum Member
    577 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" I want to join in on the compliments.This is really a testament to your hard work! Thank you for posting the details of your studying journey. As ESL I'm especially motivated and inspired by your experience :))
    Congratulations on an awesome score!!! All the best in your future endeavor! :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
  • PomegranatePomegranate Alum Member
    577 karma
  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    This is awesome! Your progress is admirable
  • dml277dml277 Alum Member
    775 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" Congratulations Nader! Your hard work paid off! It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the BR calls. You and your super sharp instincts with NA questions ;) It was nice to have someone to chat about Canadian law schools too! I hope applications go well!
  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    813 karma
    This is so awesome, many congratulations @"Not Ralph Nader" , your story is truly inspiring, I have been stuck at 166 and after reading your story i got the right dose of motivation. Hope you get into the law school of your choice, my best wishes to you :)
  • mcmlaw36mcmlaw36 Alum Member
    631 karma
    Thanks for the inspiration!!! Much appreciated and a huge congratulations to you.
  • This is absolutely amazing! Congratulations!
  • AidoeAidoe Free Trial Member
    236 karma
    @"Not Ralph Nader" said:
    go through my PT recordings and point out my mistakes
    Ah! I hate to be so sniveling amidst all the deserved praise you're getting but please do disclose what was pointed out if you think the insight might be beneficial to the rest of us. Thank you, your excellency!
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited January 2017 2098 karma
    @Aidoe I do not remember all of them (there were too many) I do remember my reluctant to skip those questions that I did not have any idea after the initial 30 seconds and how I wasted a lot of time debating between two wrong answer choices on questions that I should to skipped in first place was pointed out. I did not made those mistakes on my actual test, on the test day I skipped three questions in a row on one of the LR section and came back to them and still got two of them wrong but I got the rest of questions in that section right.
  • sufferings77sufferings77 Alum Member
    17 karma
    congrats nader, thk you for sharing your success story.
  • AndWhyisBwrongAndWhyisBwrong Alum Member
    92 karma

    Congratulations! Your story is so inspiring! I sent you a pm about a day ago and ran across this today. This has answered all of my questions. I am new to 7Sage but one of the first things I did was listened to the webinar, "Our 89 Point Increase Story". It was so informative and I was so motivated by your story, as well as the stories of @"Cant Get Right", @"danielznelson", and @"Accounts Playable." There is so much power in your humble spirit. I really admire that! Best of luck to you and thanks so much for sharing your story in such detail.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Great story! Thanks for sharing!

  • YaGurlKBYaGurlKB Free Trial Member
    edited June 2017 8 karma

    Nice job! Where did you access all the logic games from 1-35?

  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    @katiebecker said:
    Nice job! Where did you access all the logic games from 1-35?

    Ultimate+ has them in a bundle!

  • Daniel.SieradzkiDaniel.Sieradzki Member Sage
    edited June 2017 2301 karma

    @"Not Ralph Nader" , I heard about your score, but I only recently found this thread. You are awesome! I was always happy whenever I saw your name on a BR call. Your insight into problems (especially NA questions) is extremely powerful and helpful. You absolutely deserve all of this success! Thank you for sharing this inspiring tale of hard work, good BR'ing, and fully utilizing this awesome community.

  • asaunders2010asaunders2010 Member
    26 karma

    I actually have a similar story (although I take the test today). I went from scoring a 142 on my very first PT, and just yesterday I got a personal best at 162. I was averaging 156 ish until I finally found the "trends" and saw that "flaw" questions were absolutely fucking me, I went back and did that section over completely. I went from -8.5 average on LR to -5

  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma

    @katiebecker I printed the games individually from PDF version of PDFs. But as @kimmy_m66 pointed out Ultimate+ has the LG bundle.

    @Daniel.Sieradzki thanks for your kind words, I learned a lot from you.

    @asaunders2010 Congrats, you are right mastering flaw questions are a necessary condition for success on this test.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    @"Not Ralph Nader" Wow! Congrats! Your story is truly inspiring!
    Hearing about the hard work you put into increasing your score motivates me to stick to my regimen> @"Not Ralph Nader" said:

    @Aidoe I do not remember all of them (there were too many) I do remember my reluctant to skip those questions that I did not have any idea after the initial 30 seconds and how I wasted a lot of time debating between two wrong answer choices on questions that I should to skipped in first place was pointed out. I did not made those mistakes on my actual test, on the test day I skipped three questions in a row on one of the LR section and came back to them and still got two of them wrong but I got the rest of questions in that section right.

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