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Question about the fool proof method

CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
in General 550 karma

Hi all,

How many times would you retake a logic game when you are under time the 2nd time around? For example, I just did a medium-difficult logic game. I royally messed up on the board and took 20 minutes on what was supposed to be a 10 minute game. Then I repeated the game right afterward, this time doing the game board correctly, and got well under the target time (6 minutes).

At this point, I will definitely be repeating the game tomorrow and a week from now, and maybe further along the line than that. I've read @Pacifico's awesome post and seen the video and guide for the Fool Proof method on 7sage. When you''re hitting under a target time, what "standard" do you use when you know to move onto another game? For example, in the scenario above, would you redo that game or not, and why?


  • katapultz6katapultz6 Alum Member
    81 karma

    At least for me personally, this depends on the game. In your situation, if I happened to repeat it a week later and had absolutely any hesitation on any of the inferences, questions, etc. - I mark it down for another repeat ( for ~week later). Otherwise, if I fly right through it and get all the inferences correct, then I'll usually move on from that game.

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