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Do I still do the questions with the LG Fool Proof Method?

TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
in Logic Games 1723 karma

I'm making my trek back into LG and while watching JY's LG Fool Proof Method, he says to get the clean copies and all and to focus on making inferences which I totally understand. But he makes no mention of the questions. Should I include those as well or just focus on the inferences?


  • Heart Shaped BoxHeart Shaped Box Alum Member
    2426 karma

    I would say yes. Inferences really come from questions. I think what he meant is if there are any games (from which inferences come) give you any trouble at all, print out 10 clean copies or whatever it takes until you completely master the games/questions/inferences.

    Of course, you could certainly tailor this to your own needs. You dont have to do the 10 copy repetition method for the questions that you believe you have complete control over, though I would recommend still thoroughly review each and every single question at the beginning just to build up a firm logic foundation which would benefit you in all areas of this test later on.

    You are on the right track, just keep going at it and you'll do great!

  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma

    Do the questions as well! Perfecting setups, questions, and inferences are going to lead you to mastery of LG.

    Good luck

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Thanks @"Heart Shaped Box". I definitely know there are questions where there are additional inferences needed. I guess I'm worried about the questions where there aren't any made and its just repetitive where you already know the answer. Would it be wise to maybe just do the questions that force you to make a major inference only?

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    @jknauf Ahh that clarifies my second question. Thanks!

  • Heart Shaped BoxHeart Shaped Box Alum Member
    2426 karma

    Gotcha, I see what you are saying now. But yeah, I agree with @jknauf , do them all, especially at the beginning!

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Awesome! Thanks again!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2017 23929 karma

    @"Heart Shaped Box" said:
    Gotcha, I see what you are saying now. But yeah, I agree with @jknauf , do them all, especially at the beginning!

    For sure do the questions as well! I've realized by re-doing them things begin to click and its like neurons make new connections in my brain. As I'm sure you'll realize, many questions are very, very similar with only different variables (e.g., 7 houses lined up instead of 6 people taking the bus) So when you master the inferences, you'll also be helping yourself get to the correct answer faster because your intuition will build and with that your speed.

    Good luck!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited February 2017 10801 karma

    @akeegs92 said:
    I guess I'm worried about the questions where there aren't any made and its just repetitive where you already know the answer. Would it be wise to maybe just do the questions that force you to make a major inference only?


    So I can totally understand why that's an issue and it sucks to be able to remember which one is the correct answer. But force yourself to come to the correct answer just like you would in any math question even if you know the answer. When you re-do a game your main goal is not just to get 7/7 as fast as you can, but to get 7/7 by doing all the work correctly that it takes to arrive at that answer.

    So when doing repeats focus on the internalizing the method that it takes to come to the correct answer. That's why we do repeats -so we can get the method down without worrying about also getting the answer right. It takes a complex layer out of the logic games, which is really useful to get the correct method down. Knowing that and internalizing this will actually help you in future games and is key to mastering LG. : )

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    This makes a lot of sense now; LG is pretty repetitive. I will definitely do that then. Thanks y'all!

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