Ya girl went from a 137 to a 160. Proud is all I feel right now. Thank god feb was my best take yet and highest score to date. LSAT IS OFFICIALLY OVER.
Thank you Nicole, Jimmy, David, Corey, and anyone else I've talked to. Most importantly, god bless JY.
Awesome job! That's a HUGE improvement that should not let it go unnoticed, congrats!
I'm just really really relieved right now
1.5 years later, it's over
Congrats! That sounds an amazing improvement
Congrats!! I really enjoyed working with you on BR calls:)
All the best! Tyler
Congratulations this is so awesome!
Congrats! I had a similar improvement from my diagnostic to my second score!
Thank you guys
@westcoastbestcoast feels amazing doesn't it 
Yeah! Even though I did worse on my third take, I can still accept that I made a 20 point improvement!
Congratulations, starting from a similar point you definitely give me hope that my goal is doable.
@westcoastbestcoast you reached your goal you're good to go. I feel really proud of our achievements!!
@"Michelle Juma" you 100% can with 7sage. The biggest lesson for me was to get back up no matter how many times I fell: that includes shitty PT scores, freezing up during wacky ASS games, burn out etc. you can do it.
Thank you so much for your advice, I will definitely keep fighting hard. I hope you get into the law school of your dreams you have earned it
This post gives me hope. I took my second lsat in feb and did only marginally better than I did in December. I'm taking it one last time in June and am working hard for a significant improvement. If not I'll have to put my law school ambition to bed. Congratulations on your improved score. Go be great!
@cskent329 you can deff do it
took me 1.5 years to do it but every second, now in retrospect was absolutely worth it. Just make sure you're not taking BR for granted!
A thousand times this. Congrats!!!!!!
Most importantly, god bless JY.
Lol and congrats!
Congrats! Can't wait to see acceptance letters start rolling in for you! Let us know where you end up; I know you're going to kill it wherever you go!
Congrats and great job!!
@"Cant Get Right" right back at you
y'all, Josh is the man to go to during your insane times. Literally thank you 100x for being super fast in communicating and guiding me as a tutor and a friend 
Well done!
Congratulations! Best feeling in the world