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Course First Then PT's?

LKmusic91LKmusic91 Member
in General 40 karma

Hi all! I just wanted to know if any of you suggest finishing the course and THEN completing PT's along with the Blind Review as opposed to doing PT's WHILE going through the course. Thanks and happy studying!


  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma

    Hi @LKmusic91 ! I recommend finishing the course first and then PTing. This way you don't burn through PTs when you come across content that you haven't done the lessons on.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I second what @"nessa.k13.0" said. PTs are very tempting for many reasons. But the key to improvement is effective studying. It is far more effective to learn the fundamentals for each section (including question types) before testing yourself on them. By taking PTs before you've completed the core curriculum, you are testing yourself on information and abilities you haven't learned yet. Don't do that! lol

    This error of taking ineffective PTs also has a compounding effect because you'll have less fresh material to work with once actually have practiced all the fundamentals.

    Be careful not to speed through the cc either. Really take your time. Memorize everything JY says to memorize. Return to topics you're fuzzy on. BR EVERYTHING. Ask questions and answer questions. Fight the urge to use a PT until you feel like you've got the material down.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I just started the CC but do want to offer this caveat - taking the first PT when noted on the study schedule as a baseline. I asked the group if I should skip this first PT, and most folks said no and that it would be a good gauge to 1. understand how difficult the test is and 2. give yourself a pulse to see where you are (PT) and where you could go (BR) and beyond after more months of studying. I took my PT on Sunday and am currently BR-ing. Excited (and nervous!) to see what my score is, but I do think taking the initial PT as a baseline is very helpful.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yeah -- agree with all above. Take the June07 as a diagnostic recommended. See how taking a time LSAT feels and see where your weaknesses are. Then complete the CC with plenty of problem sets. I'm not saying t do them all, but make sure before you move on to new lessons you have a very strong understanding of how to correctly solve X problem.

    Taking PTs a long the way, before you finish the CC, seems like a chance for a lot of missed opportunities. One, you'll almost definitely not be ready or have learned all the necessary info to do well. And Second, you'll be burning through finite tests that you'll want to take when you are at that proper stage (having finished the CC, fool proofed the games, done plenty of problem sets and timed sections, etc.)

    What I would recommend doing is taking timed sections from older tests and BR'ing them as you go through your CC. This can give you a good gauge of where you need work as well as practice with timed material.

    Good Luck!

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