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So what will be going down in these meetings and what do you need to do to prepare?
These classes are a live, Sage guided forum to help address whatever it is you're studying within LR. We'll use older tests to work through questions, discuss question types, break down argument structures, and analyze answer choices. We'll also talk general LR strategy and pacing. To prepare, just use whatever portion of the week's homework that is relevant to your current studies.
This week's homework: PT 35 Logical Reasoning
LR Tutoring with Sage Josh - PT 35
Monday, August 21, 7:30 PM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 853-312-053
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
Cool idea!
I'm down with this!
More dreamy drawl with a weekly oldie PT goal? YES PLEASE!!
I'll be there!!!!!!
Thank you Josh for taking it on. I will be there.
This is awesome! Really wish this was PST T_T
I mean, how do you lose four super bowls in a row!?
I have to be that guy who asks if this will be recorded and provided for later viewing.
OOOOO nice. What pts do you consider oldies? like 30 and down? Can we get a schedule too of what pts you're going to look at?
Do we use the same dial- in for next Monday's?
...Also my mom used Sweatin to the Oldies as her workout when I was a kid and the gif is giving me so much life ... that is all.
No, these will not be recorded.
Hey N!, I think I'm going to work my way up sequentially from 17, so that'll be the schedule.
I'll post a new thread with a new link at some point in the next couple of days.
It's a classic! Did anybody else see all the stuff with Richard Simmons recently? There was a lot of speculation that he was being held hostage by his housekeeper or something. Sounded to me like the guy just wants to be left alone for a little while, lol.
@"Cant Get Right" Ok, I love it.
OK it could be that I'm a little lazy and cranky because I haven't had my afternoon coffee yet, but has the PT for the upcoming Monday session been specified? I am assuming it is PT 18 but juuuust want to double check. Thanks! @"Cant Get Right"
Might want to update the thread title for the next session! (Unless you're making a new thread, then ignore me :P)
A new thread was the original plan, but now that you mention it, keeping this same thread seems way more reasonable than creating a new one each week.
Updated for next week!
@allanisrael this is the review I mentioned
This sounds like a great idea. Are you doing this every week? I hope to join you on April 24 (PT19)!
Every week, yep!
@"theLSATdreamer " here's the thread to watch. The man with the plan is Cant Get Right.
I can't say enough good stuff about this study group! The tips are endless (I learned lots from other students too) and the gains are plenty!
@"Cant Get Right" Thanks for doing this, sounds like a great idea.
I just wanted to clarify..Are we supposed to do this PT under timed conditions and then join the study session (kind of like the BR study groups? or just print the PT and join?
Hey all, I forgot to update the link!
Give me a few minutes and I'll post with a new link and let you know when to join!
Ain't nuttin happenin... same gotomeeting link?
Oldies but Goodies
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 853-312-053
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
Ah, new link
Ok, link is posted above and also corrected in the main post. I've got it set up as a recurring meeting now so this link won't expire for next time.
@"Cant Get Right" Thanks for holding these sessions. Tonight was great and I appreciate the format of these sessions because it makes it much easier to fold into my weekly review.
@"Cant Get Right" Thank you so much for letting me struggle and joke my way through Q21 (the attribution paintings question). You steered me onto the right path, and I fee like I owned that question. I really needed that pick-me-up after my recent LSAT struggle/rut.
Also, jazz and big band music is my thing. Fite me lol.
awww lol you wait to tell him about Jazz now after its all over?
I did mention it during the review, but I didn't pursue it because any minor distraction would have resulted in me losing all train of thought.
That single question fried my brain hard. I'm just really glad all of the other answers were "very wrong" lol. Had we approached it as a strengthening question, I would have been lost. Going at it as a weakening was the best approach.
Haha, sorry to have hated on your jazz! I used to play trombone in a jazz band if it helps! Now if we're talking Dixie Land Jazz, that changes everything. I even like Miles and Thelonious and a lot of the old guys, just not all this contemporary cerebral jazz. When Jazz is great, it's great. When it's anything less, it's awful!
lol. That makes sense. But I think we shouldn't lose any opportunity to give @"Cant Get Right" a hard time.
- Yeah, that question was definitely weird, the stem and the stimulus! But I am glad we got it. I was looking at Manhattan Forum about how they classified it and it was kind of interesting because their approach was there is no conclusion in the stimulus as they are all facts. So we just need to strengthen the point/conclusion stated in the question itself.
lol I am just glad LSAT has done away this such crappy way of asking questions. But if it comes back we will be ready 
lol What I see here is someone trying to qualify their conclusion to smooth any issues. I don't remember any such statements made last night. @"H O Thomas" can testify to that.
I can neither confirm nor deny the actions of any such events without the Secretary's approval.
Is it possible to do an hour/1.5 hours later? I'd love to join but am on the west coast and work until 5 PM. Much appreciated!!
@"Cant Get Right" I'm in the same boat as @ilee. If you can't move the time, are the sessions still typically going after about an hour? Thanks!
The time is fine with me. But what we need to do before attending this session?
I hope to join in, this sounds great!
@dennisgerrard You don't need to do anything in particular, but many of us use the PT being covered that week for our prep. Some people take the PT under timed, test day conditions, others drill it to pieces -- both are fine for the purposes of these sessions. In fact, even if you've never seen the PT before, you could still benefit because we do the questions live.
@dennisgerrard What @jkatz1488 said.
My hope is that you won't do anything to change your independent studies for these meetings. Just do whatever you'd be doing on your own, and throw the upcoming Oldie in as a part of your source material. I want to adapt the study group to you, not for you to adapt to the study group!
For folks wanting the later start time, these will go for at least three hours, so my hope is to start early enough that east coast isn't too late but that west coast can make it. If east coast needs to leave early or if west coast needs to come in late, that's perfectly fine. Let's plan to discuss the start time at the next meeting and we'll see what works best. See y'all there!
@"Cant Get Right" thanks for being so accommodating! Can the discussion re start time be after 5 PM PST? ha