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Study group for September/December LSAT?

a.ruqaiiaa.ruqaiia Alum Member
in Study Groups 114 karma

Hi everyone, is there a study/blind review group for those prepping to take the test in September or December? If not, can we start one? The support of a study group is invaluable during this tough time!



  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    Typically the group will start after the June group ends.. but I don't see why we couldn't start one up before that point. I know I've seen a few people who are likely in that time frame who could be interested in joining.. I'm one of them. Are you wanting to just get weekly/bi-weekly calls to discuss questions? Or are you wanting to start the PT reviews every week? (it's probably too early for this, at least in my opinion). I'm curious to hear others opinions. I'm aiming for September myself so I can facilitate this if we get more interest and an idea of a path forward

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I'm in this time frame and definitely interested to hear what you have in mind.

    Are you wanting to just get weekly/bi-weekly calls to discuss questions? Or are you wanting to start the PT reviews every week? (it's probably too early for this, at least in my opinion).

    For this reason, I am thinking Can'tGetRight's Monday night Oldies But Goodies Calls may be sufficient for me at the moment.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @jkatz1488 said:
    I'm in this time frame and definitely interested to hear what you have in mind.

    Are you wanting to just get weekly/bi-weekly calls to discuss questions? Or are you wanting to start the PT reviews every week? (it's probably too early for this, at least in my opinion).

    For this reason, I am thinking Can'tGetRight's Monday night Oldies But Goodies Calls may be sufficient for me at the moment.

    Yeah that's definitely a good starting place. I'm hoping to have time in the future weeks to be able to call in.

    The only thing I think having a separate call/meeting could be useful is to just kind of go over things at a higher level. Go over study plans, what you want to accomplish this week, etc and run questions off of one another. This tends to lead to greater accountability which diminishes the ease of flaking/backing out of certain things.

    Another one would be to set up specific content to cover each week. Maybe coordinate with one of the mentors each week to cover problem areas in greater details with an "office hours" type of atmosphere... Example, set one week as a Sufficient Assumption week. We all bring in questions/concerns we have, get someone (or the group) to talk through certain problems and maybe develop additional strategies on the given question types. I'm spitballing here, so feel free to shred anything I say apart and throw out y'alls own ideas.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Yeah I see what you're saying @Mellow_Z

    Have you ever heard of "Stand Up" in the context of business teams? It's when a company blocks off an afternoon for team members to stand up and share what they learned/accomplished. I can see us having a "stand up" call where we share our breakthroughs, challenges, etc. For example, maybe a few problems required a ton of time during BR to parse apart and answer confidently. I could take 15 min to explain my process to the group as well as present my question analysis.

    Just thinking out loud.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited April 2017 1997 karma

    Sounds very similar to scrum/agile development. That could work. Wouldn't make sense to make it between just us two though, we need moar people!

  • a.ruqaiiaa.ruqaiia Alum Member
    114 karma

    @Mellow_Z I was initially thinking of starting the PT reviews weekly. Just as you were saying, it leads to greater accountability, and will give that extra motivation to do weekly PTs. I guess my initial question is when the September/December BR group begins. If it's after the June test, then the Oldies but Goodies may suffice for now... I'm also up for a review/support group if you guys can get more interested :)

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    edited April 2017 4141 karma

    If you start PTing weekly now, just be careful to save some tests so you don't burn them all. Also try to take the more recent tests closer to the test date and practice building upon your understanding of the fundamentals with the older PTs first.

    With the study groups aimed towards a specific test date, it's best to join after you have gone through the CC and are comfortable with the fundamentals. It's great you know now that you are going to take a test later this year. This way you can hone your understanding of the lessons now and then build towards combining all those skills, experience with earlier PTs, and the information you've learned to get the nuances of more recent tests.

    The Oldies but Goodies group is a great way to review PTs with others if you are going to take the September or December LSAT :)

  • aimhigheraimhigher Alum Member
    100 karma

    I've actually been pretty anxious to get started preparing and studying for the Sept 2017 exam and I don't want to wait until after June to start, either.

    The only thing I think having a separate call/meeting could be useful is to just kind of go over things at a higher level. Go over study plans, what you want to accomplish this week, etc and run questions off of one another. This tends to lead to greater accountability which diminishes the ease of flaking/backing out of certain things.

    I really like this idea and would love to know if any of you would be interested in setting something up prior to the official study group for the Sept LSAT so we can get an early start.

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    I'll be interested in this once it's running.

  • leslieh327leslieh327 Alum Member
    130 karma

    I'm interested. Plz tag me

  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma

    I am also interested

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    What timezone is everyone in? I'm eastern, so I would only be able to do like 6-10pm start EST (assuming 1 hour in length so I could get to bed before 11pm). If we do weekends I'm largely available - it would probably be easier to coordinate a Saturday or Sunday get together just so we don't fight work and school schedules. I think we could honestly just use the 7sage discord and all join in a voice chat channel.. I don't know what the requirements are for hosting a webex or gotomeeting are, but we could also host something if desired (just have to be careful of sharing LSAC material and breaking ToS, etc.)

    @leslieh327 @"Adam Hawks" @"grace..." @aimhigher @"a.ruqaiia" @jkatz1488

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    I live in China, so I'd prefer a 7pm EST or 8pm EST starting time.

  • beyondsblue-1beyondsblue-1 Alum Member
    edited April 2017 30 karma

    @Mellow_Z @leslieh327 @"Adam Hawks" @"grace..." @aimhigher @"a.ruqaiia" @jkatz1488

    I think starting something up now for Sept LSAT is an excellent idea. I live in the West Coast, looks like we have East Coasters and people living in China. I do not know how many of you are working full time 40+ hours a week, and studying for LSAT on the sides. After a whole day of demanding work, personally I am pretty beat. How does arrange something during the weekend sound for everybody? That way it is easier to coordinate a time that works for everyone, and we can set up study goals for the upcoming week and talk about them in the next meeting.

  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma

    I am also in Easter time zone. Available Wed, Thurs, Sunday evenings 6-10 pm, Friday 7:30-10 pm.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    So as of now it looks like Sunday at 7pm EST would work for everyone that has posted their availability?

    and @beyondsblue-1 I work full time and still study 3 hours every night; barring any personal commitments that might pop up. I still feel like I don't have enough time to get as much done as I want to.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    @Mellow_Z Sundays 7pm works fine for me, but I thought about it over the weekend and at this point I have the feeling that I should stick mainly to Oldies But Goodies (OBG). Like many of you, I am working in addition to my studies and need to plan my schedule accordingly. That said, I am still very interested in this group and would like to pop in from time to time, but I feel I should make my level of commitment clear at this point before the planning progresses further.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @jkatz1488 said:
    @Mellow_Z Sundays 7pm works fine for me, but I thought about it over the weekend and at this point I have the feeling that I should stick mainly to Oldies But Goodies (OBG). Like many of you, I am working in addition to my studies and need to plan my schedule accordingly. That said, I am still very interested in this group and would like to pop in from time to time, but I feel I should make my level of commitment clear at this point before the planning progresses further.

    Yeah I don't really think any sort of rigorous commitment would be necessary. I have no idea what to expect if I do set something up lol.. I'll end up trading an hour trolling 7sage/TLS forums for chatting on discord about LSAT - likely something that will pertain more to my studies, so I view it as a wash in terms of time spent.

  • tcookPHLtcookPHL Alum Member
    300 karma

    I'm available on Sundays at 7PM. I would really like to start doing something as well. I'm having trouble trying to get a post-curriculum schedule together.

  • joe.j.hamjoe.j.ham Alum Member
    88 karma

    Hi,I'm interested in this group as well. Would appreciate being tagged for future movement with this. Availability extremely flexible I'm EST.

    Also, if anyone is interested in getting something started this week or next, I should be starting pt's soon. (I studied before last summer and took a break currently have PT 49-51 AND 62 TO current.

  • extramediumextramedium Alum Member
    419 karma

    Tag me as well @extramedium

    I'm free whenever

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @extramedium said:
    Tag me as well @extramedium

    I'm free whenever

    Hey nice to see you pop your head in! Sorry to drop that bomb on you in the first LR section of the oldies last night :tired_face: (the one about disease X or virus X or whatever that left us all dazed and confused hahaha)

  • extramediumextramedium Alum Member
    419 karma

    @Mellow_Z said:

    @extramedium said:
    Tag me as well @extramedium

    I'm free whenever

    Hey nice to see you pop your head in! Sorry to drop that bomb on you in the first LR section of the oldies last night :tired_face: (the one about disease X or virus X or whatever that left us all dazed and confused hahaha)

    No worries. That PT had quite a few difficult SA and RA questions. Always good to go over those that aren't so obvious.

  • a.ruqaiiaa.ruqaiia Alum Member
    edited April 2017 114 karma

    I would love a study group to prep for Sept! 7pm EST Sunday works perfectly for me :)

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    Does anyone have anything in particular they would like to discuss? I'm all for setting something up but I have no clue what people want or expect out of me if I were to coordinate it :confused:

  • a.ruqaiiaa.ruqaiia Alum Member
    114 karma

    If the group is meant to prepare for the September test, should we start PTing and BR weekly? we could set up a schedule to start from earlier tests and work our way to most recent. What do you all think?

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @"a.ruqaiia" said:
    If the group is meant to prepare for the September test, should we start PTing and BR weekly? we could set up a schedule to start from earlier tests and work our way to most recent. What do you all think?

    Well, when the June group ends, I think it is meant to transition to the September group. There are traditional study group leaders that lead those things, and probably more suited to do so than I. I also think it's very early to begin PTing and BRing full tests for the September exam for most people. I'm guessing a lot of the September folks are still working through the CC or drilling specific question types - which leads to a possible topic for our weekly agenda.. maybe go over specific LR types each week and work through stuff together. Discuss strategies, methods, etc.

    If you are just looking for PT and BR on older tests, I would highly recommend sitting in on the Oldies but Goodies call on Monday nights - I think they are going over PT 20 this week. It's an open forum where you can ask questions you ran into and they go into detail why certain answers are what they are.

  • leslieh327leslieh327 Alum Member
    130 karma

    I can make Sunday evenings!

  • acalzada89acalzada89 Core Member
    edited May 2017 14 karma

    Hi everyone. I can make Sunday evening's as well (I'm West-Coast time)! Just completed my in-class course and hoping to start Group BR'ing.

    Admin edit: You know what I removed. This is against our TOS and LSAC's TOS. Not a good way to start off your legal career.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited May 2017 1997 karma

    Does anyone have insight on where to start things off at? We have a good group of people but lack any sort of direction at the moment :tired_face:

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    550 karma

    I also was looking for such a group (i.e., lead by an official study group leader!) Where art thou, oh official study group leader? We need you for September/December!!!

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    550 karma

    Also, Sunday nights work well for me.

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    edited May 2017 550 karma

    Additionally, I am confused because the June Study group, which I am currently in, started BR-ing weekly 8 MONTHS ago (late November!) It's only 4 months before the September LSAT! Very confused :neutral:

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @CinnamonTea that question can best be answered by @"Cant Get Right"

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    550 karma

    Thanks Sami! Did he mention something regarding an official study group earlier? Or are you referring to his "Oldies but Goodies" weekly meeting?

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    550 karma

    Also sad I can't make your RC session @Sami as it's my birthday party, otherwise I would totally be there! Sounds awesome!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @CinnamonTea said:
    Thanks Sami! Did he mention something regarding an official study group earlier? Or are you referring to his "Oldies but Goodies" weekly meeting?

    There will be one coming up soon and it will be different from Oldies but Goodies. : ) But you can always ask him and that way he knows he needs to do this earlier.

    @CinnamonTea said:
    Also sad I can't make your RC session @Sami as it's my birthday party, otherwise I would totally be there! Sounds awesome!

    and Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @CinnamonTea :heart: I hope you have the best birthday party. There will be a couple of RC session so it will be here the next time you have time. <3

  • CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
    550 karma

    Thanks Sami! Really appreciate it. And whew, that's a relief. I thought I would be like a castaway adrift in the ocean without a study group... clinging to a log... OK I'm being dramatic, haha. I am relieved, though.

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma

    I am interested as well!

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    Eh, I guess we are only 19 weeks out. Starting BR wouldn't be an awful idea given that if you go all the way to 80, there are 45 total to work through (assuming 1-35 used for learning/drilling).

    @"Cant Get Right" do you have a timeframe of when you were going to start the official group?

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma

    Looking into it now!

  • PrepGoalsPrepGoals Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    I am interested as well. I will be taking the LSAT Sept.2017

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    I'm interested!

  • -ObbuddO--ObbuddO- Alum Member
    236 karma

    I'm interested!

  • TheAnxious0LTheAnxious0L Alum Member
    587 karma

    I'm interested! I work Monday-Friday 9/5, so evenings and weekends work best.

  • Jay BirdJay Bird Alum Member
    26 karma

    Count me in!

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    Awesome turnout so far! I think we're gonna have some details worked out soon, so stay tuned.

  • StellaBlueStellaBlue Alum Member
    185 karma

    I'm interested as well! I think I'm sort of in the same boat as @jkatz1488 in terms of commitment because I definitely still need to drill my fundamentals (but I'm almost through the CC, woohoo!) but Sundays 7pm EST work for me as well!

  • kfrye150066kfrye150066 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I'm interested!

  • SuuuGeeeSuuuGeee Member
    30 karma

    Interested! Please tag me!

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