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OK guys... so it is time to start cracking down and getting that application all pretty... except, I am a non traditional student that just decided to up and quit her job last year to volunteer and I don't know... not work??? I mean I do work now in retail a girl does have bills... but her is my issue.... I want to go to Texas A&M in Ft. Worth... they want a resume... here is the description...

The applicant’s educational background, honor societies, military service, extracurricular activities, public/community service, honors and awards, publications, foreign language proficiencies, and any other significant achievements and involvements.

Educational Background- ok easy... except I you know, like most typical non traditional students... drank and partied too much and I sure do not have any honors.... I mean I have a year I could go back to school... but that is a last resort

military service- None

Extracurricular activities... I am pretty sure jet setter and binge novel reader isn't really an answer.... any other ideas??? or things I could do to make this look better... remember I am 35 and a decade removed from college...

Public Community Service- I am going to discuss working with kids in Costa Rica and volunteering with an animal shelter in Mexico... I am also about o start volunteering with various human rights groups here in Dallas... I also make chew toys for the local animal shelter out of recycled materials... I do a lot of community service thankfully this might be my saving grace.

Publications- Sounds cool... not published. Open to ideas.

Foreign Language... sigh still not fluent in Spanish... but getting better every day. I would like to list Spanish but I am assuming they want fluency... not hoping to be fluent someday.

Any other significant achievements... I got nada... I have 6 months to achieve something so I am open to ideas.

Guys I am frustrated... I can discuss work history... but quitting a job to volunteer in Costa Rica & Mexico... then coming back and working in retail just doesn't sound great you know???

Along with the LSAT this my current "Admissions" hot topic... so give me ideas guys I need them...

-The pretty boring Jen.


  • 342 karma

    an to piggy back even further.... should I write an addendum for my GPA??? I mean it was 10 years ago and I was pretty damn childish so again that is not really worthy of a paper... because it was the truth. It wasn't because I was ill... or had to take care of ill parents... it was literally because I wanted to go out with friends. Sigh. the application is just as stressful as the LSAT. Any help would be great guys. I know this is two buffaloes and I should take one on a time... but I do need to start taking care of this stuff....

    Also why is CAS so expensive? (that was me bitching... and rhetorical, unless of course you know why then please share)

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    edited May 2017 3679 karma

    Maybe the pro @"david.busis" can weigh in a bit?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited May 2017 23929 karma

    I'll start with the idea of writing an addendum: I wouldn't suggest writing one if you were just partying. They are really only worth writing if you have a valid reason (at least in their eyes, lol) why your GPA is so low. The ten years will help to distance you from it though. So that's a positive. I wouldn't worry about it too much. A good LSAT will get you into those schools. Focus on what you can change at this point.

    As far as your resume goes, I guess you can focus on what work history you do have. What types of jobs did you have before you quit to go volunteer?

    Also, it seems like you have a strong dedication to public service. Make sure your resume/personal statement reflect that. Overall, I think your best bet will be trying to craft a cohesive narrative between your post-law school goals, PS, DS, and resume.

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    edited May 2017 7331 karma

    Hey there,

    I don't think you have a problem at all! Just tell your story. The admissions committees use résumés to get a big-picture overview of what you've been up to, and I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about.

    Educational Background- ok easy... except I you know, like most typical non traditional students... drank and partied too much and I sure do not have any honors.... I mean I have a year I could go back to school... but that is a last resort
    You don't need to go back to school. Plenty of people have no honors. It's fine.

    military service- None

    Extracurricular activities... I am pretty sure jet setter and binge novel reader isn't really an answer.... any other ideas??? or things I could do to make this look better... remember I am 35 and a decade removed from college...
    Extracurriculars aren't important if you've been out of college for a while. Anyway, your community service fills the same spot.

    Public Community Service- I am going to discuss working with kids in Costa Rica and volunteering with an animal shelter in Mexico... I am also about o start volunteering with various human rights groups here in Dallas... I also make chew toys for the local animal shelter out of recycled materials... I do a lot of community service thankfully this might be my saving grace.

    Publications- Sounds cool... not published. Open to ideas.
    Most law school applicants aren't published.

    Foreign Language... sigh still not fluent in Spanish... but getting better every day. I would like to list Spanish but I am assuming they want fluency... not hoping to be fluent someday.
    Just write that you have mid-level proficiency in Spanish or whatever.

    Any other significant achievements... I got nada... I have 6 months to achieve something so I am open to ideas.

    Guys I am frustrated... I can discuss work history... but quitting a job to volunteer in Costa Rica & Mexico... then coming back and working in retail just doesn't sound great you know???
    Actually, I don't think it looks terrible at all. It doesn't look great if you can't account for yourself any given year, but your résumé won't show a gap—just a change. That said, consider using your personal statement to explain why you decided to volunteer, and how you worked in retail when you came back as you figured out your next big move.

    You can find more on résumés in the admissions course.

  • 342 karma

    Thanks guys... I am pretty big into volunteer work and public service and I have already decided my personal statement was going to reflect that... I have been working on that for quite some time and it is finally at a point that all my readers are like yeah it is good... I am going to send it off for professional editing and call it a day... but then I started reading about the resume and I was like... ugh. Another thing that shows how poorly I did in college because I rather have had fun... like I semi referenced to that in my personal statement... that I took education for granted because of my time volunteering in Guatemala... I really am a changed woman... you know stuff you learn in your 30s

  • 342 karma

    Also to answer your question about previous job experience I was an insurance adjuster that worked with attorneys actually... I investigated fraud and handled bodily injuries :) SO it is relevant and I was pretty good at it... I just really went at it with my boss due to human rights issues and that he was an asshole that treated people poorly. Sorry he still gets me fired up... I have never met a bigger jerk in my life. So I can use that experience because it actually gave me a lot of insight into the legal system, I was able to go to mediation, court, and I negotiated with 100s of attorneys all over the US. I will include it that is for sure.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @TheCubicleEscapee said:
    Also to answer your question about previous job experience I was an insurance adjuster that worked with attorneys actually... I investigated fraud and handled bodily injuries :) SO it is relevant and I was pretty good at it... I just really went at it with my boss due to human rights issues and that he was an asshole that treated people poorly. Sorry he still gets me fired up... I have never met a bigger jerk in my life. So I can use that experience because it actually gave me a lot of insight into the legal system, I was able to go to mediation, court, and I negotiated with 100s of attorneys all over the US. I will include it that is for sure.

    Sounds like you actually have some great softs and things to address in your resume and PS!

    Are you interested in insurance law?

  • 342 karma

    Nope I am 100% hoping to get into human rights :) I so do not want to deal with insurance ever again... unless it is in a law class hahaha.

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