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Advice for Sleep Schedule

Quick SilverQuick Silver Alum Inactive Sage
edited November 2014 in General 1049 karma
I'm not a morning person, but I know I'll need to be up at 630 for the December LSAT.

I was on a good schedule for a while, and I thought switching the clocks back would help. But the past few days I've been having trouble sleeping and got off track.

Any advice for how to get back on track?

ie How to get sleepy at earlier bed times? How to stay on track?


  • 131 karma
    It's something you really have to prepare for in advance. I.e. if you want to go to bed at 10 p.m., then you should be winding yourself down starting from 9 p.m. You can Google stuff, but I have found that your body has a natural rhythm that it adjusts to, and if you discipline yourself enough, you will start waking up the same time every day without an alarm. This, of course, presumes, you are consistently going to bed around the same time as well.

    All goes to say that the LSAT requires a tremendous amount of discipline, both physically and mentally.
  • madeleinemadeleine Alum Member
    259 karma
    I took in September and one month beforehand set several guidelines for myself, which seemed to help. Maybe you will find them helpful:
    1. No screens starting at 9:30pm. If you can help it, no bright lighting either. I can't fall asleep easily in the dark and quiet, so I listen to this podcast called "sleep with me." It has stories that get progressively less interesting over time... I am always knocked out 20 minutes in.
    2. No coffee after 1pm (everyone is different, but coffee in the afternoon/evening makes going to bed early much harder for me)
    3. If you have a restless night's sleep, this is a good way to reset yourself. do NOT nap, no matter what. It will be terrible. But at night you will crash early and likely stay asleep all night.
    4. Always wake up at the same time, weekends included. For me, this meant no social life on weekends in the month of September. I didn't drink alcohol either. I was up at 6:30 every morning, ate the same thing, drank the same cup of coffee, and LSAT'ed either before work or did a whole PT if it was the weekend.

    @Derek is right, discipline is everything. Imagine the leisurely possibilities you can treat yourself to when it's all over!
  • CallMeJazzyCallMeJazzy Alum Member
    65 karma
    Like others have said, it's really all about discipline and setting a schedule that's conducive to getting to bed around 10. It's mostly a head game, in my opinion. Set a schedule and stick to it and in about a week, you'll find that the routine gets easier to stick to. The key for me was to start getting ready for bed/winding down about 40 minutes beforehand. I also stopped taking my laptop and cell phone to bed with me. I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, so I charge my cell phone in my bathroom at night and it forces me to get up to turn the alarm off in the morning. It sucks but it works.
  • AnkushSaxAnkushSax Alum Member
    59 karma
    Cut back on carbs. Eat dinner 1.5-2 hours before bed time. Go to sleep at least seven hours before you need to wake up.
  • danballinger5danballinger5 Alum Member
    198 karma
    One thing that I had to do - if I wanted to go to bed at 10pm - was stop any LSAT training by 8pm. My mind needs a couple of hours to relax. I even meditate for 10 to 20 minutes before I crawl into bed to make sure that my mind has let go of the test and any other stressors from the day. When I do get into bed, I try to read something informative yet not rigorous - like a textbook from a 101 level class. If it is monotonous enough to put me to sleep during the daytime, it usually works even better at night.

    Also, you might want to check out Melatonin. It is the naturally occurring hormone in animals that regulates the body's day-night cycles. It is very cheap and can be found in any vitamin section.

    Hopefully some of this helps.
  • Quick SilverQuick Silver Alum Inactive Sage
    1049 karma
    Thanks all - very helpful!
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