Yeah I'm not sure. The first LG section I had had the training and grooming game as well as the beer game. The second LG section was by far easier. Let me know if you know if the first LG section is experimental
@smseraj3 said:
Yeah I'm not sure. The first LG section I had had the training and grooming game as well as the beer game. The second LG section was by far easier. Let me know if you know if the first LG section is experimental
MINE WAS IN THE SAME ORDER!! i had a RC, then LR and then the LG (with the grooming crap) and then LR, LG. but the first LG went really bad for me I was just trying to hold back the tears doing the break man. > @danielznelson said:
Hey, @"Pink Dust." The urban/real magazine one is real. Consensus seems to say that the real one was the easier one.
I hope so I found the rc hard!! so i need the LG points, but i know my luck lmao. registered for september. i feel like on a mission here hahaha
Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but not the hardest I've done and easily the hardest section in the test. LR was almost too easy at times, overall very very straightforward with a few small twists. LG shocked me with its manageability. Thoughts for the "curve?" Hopefully not a -8 haha
does anyone remember if there were > @"Mitchell-1" said:
@andrewgong01 said:
I still don't recall any amusement park ones. does anyone else have any other context?
Just so you don't feel crazy, I also don't remember an amusement park question and I had two games sections.
I think I do recall the game of whatever amusement park refers to but I had no idea it was on amusement park. I do know the third one was an obstacle course but it doesn't look like people are mixing it up since obstacle course is mentioned too. I had the other game section with like beer, pet grooming, and two other things that I can't quite recall
@tfatherree said:
Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but not the hardest I've done and easily the hardest section in the test. LR was almost too easy at times, overall very very straightforward with a few small twists. LG shocked me with its manageability. Thoughts for the "curve?" Hopefully not a -8 haha
No, I don't think it was very soft at all. LR was difficult and the second RC passage being the most difficult was a bit of a shock to the system. While the real LG was manageable, I think people may be exaggerating the ease with which it was done. If you aren't experienced with games, I'd expect games maybe 2, probably 3, and definitely 4 to give you trouble. An inference missed here and there would catch up to you quick. I'd explain why more thoroughly but I don't want to say anything I shouldn't.
I had 3 LR sections, sections 1, 3 and 5. First one had the last question to do with some folktales being spoken orally (which I didn't get to) and it was 25 questions (so far it seems like that one is experimental?), second one was 26 questions (don't remember question content but everything that everyone mentioned sounds familiar), and third one was 25 questions with last question being super duper long, filling half the page. Second one was relatively easy.
RC was hard. I only got to 22/27 when I ran out of time... I'm sure I probably got 21 and 22 wrong too...
LG finished 3 games, had 4 questions remaining on the last one ...
Did anyone else find RC harder than all other PrepTests? So much harder than 80 and 78.
I threw away the games, guessed two on the last game and guessed one on the FIRST game.
Not sure but LR seemed "easy" compared to other one for the two real sections. LR was the only saving grace unless I have like chains of careless mistakes.
Is it just me or does everyone else have no idea what your RC score is. I typically average -5 over the last 2 weeks. Before then was -7,-8 really consistently and the highest being -10 but right now I have no clue For me it could be anywhere from -5 to -13
@eagles12345 said:
Is it just me or does everyone else have no idea what your RC score is. I typically average -5 over the last 2 weeks. Before then was -7,-8 really consistently and the highest being -10 but right now I have no clue For me it could be anywhere from -5 to -13
eagles, I'm right where you're at... I feel like I'm -6 to -?????? for RC...
I had RC, LR, LG, LR, LG. I generally get -2 to - 7 on RC, but this RC seemed historically difficult. When the 5 min warning sounded, myself, and many others, quickly flipped to the final passage (judges). To be fair, the games were unusually straightforward too.
@Hurricane11 said:
I had RC, LR, LG, LR, LG. I generally get -2 to - 7 on RC, but this RC seemed historically difficult. When the 5 min warning sounded, myself, and many others, quickly flipped to the final passage (judges). To be fair, the games were unusually straightforward too.
a lot of ppl have been saying that. So don't worry too much , since lsat is scored in relative , not absolute.
I also had 2RC, 2LR and 1LG. I did feel like both of the RC were unusually difficult and time consuming. I can't particularly remember which of the two RCs I did within time and the other I ran out. This was my first time taking the test and honestly I think my nerves got the better of me. My heart was thumping all through the first three sections and I couldn't concentrate properly. Plus (I'm not trying to make excuses for myself) the girl sitting next to me kept reaching into her pocket for m&ms during the test! She's not supposed to eat anything while taking the test, is she? But anyway, her chewing and cracking the packet distracted me a bit. Should I have said something to the examiner? Anyway, first three games were straight forward and I got caught up on the last game Anyone have recommendations for which PTs have games similar to the last one?
My last LR had a question about red light and chlorophyll. My first LR had something about vampires and was the hardest for me. The second LR was the easiest for me (and I think had 26 questions?).
I believe the last LR is real. Do we know whether the first or second LR is experimental?
I had the exact same order and based on the two questions you described, the same order questions within the sections as well. I also felt like the first (vampire one) was the hardest. Fortunately, I believe that was the experimental one. Check on the other thread about which one's are real... I can't quite remember other questions from that first section. Look through that thread and help me out if you can and maybe we can find a way to confirm it was experimental.
really hope your right .. struggled with time management on the first section
I only had two LR sections and I had the red light/chlorophyll plus the vampire one
I had only two LR sections and I saw that one also
@kregerrm said:
Had 3 LR and the last one felt quite a bit harder and just a little different from the first two. There was a parallel reasoning question in the last one about draining a marsh and needing to test the environmental effects of it. Anyone with only 2 LR see that one? It's basically all I can remember from the LR cause it's just a blur.
SAME. I had multiple 2 or 3's of the same letter in a row and it was making me real nervous
@Hannah56 said:
I don't know if this is an allowerd question, please delete if it's not. But the last LR with 25 Q's had a lot of straight line bubbling? Or is it only me
Wait, what is this curve you are speaking of? I am now horrified.
@tfatherree said:
Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but not the hardest I've done and easily the hardest section in the test. LR was almost too easy at times, overall very very straightforward with a few small twists. LG shocked me with its manageability. Thoughts for the "curve?" Hopefully not a -8 haha
@"Hunt Lind" said:
SAME. I had multiple 2 or 3's of the same letter in a row and it was making me real nervous
@Hannah56 said:
I don't know if this is an allowerd question, please delete if it's not. But the last LR with 25 Q's had a lot of straight line bubbling? Or is it only me
same for me--2 and 3's of the same. I was sitting there like WHAT IS THIS SORCERY THIS CAN'T BE
@tfatherree said:
Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but not the hardest I've done and easily the hardest section in the test. LR was almost too easy at times, overall very very straightforward with a few small twists. LG shocked me with its manageability. Thoughts for the "curve?" Hopefully not a -8 haha
I thought the same, RC was tough, but the LR were extremely manageable, seemed like fewer 4/5 star difficulty Qs. And I thought games 1 and 2 were easy, 3 had one tough question and game 4 was time consuming, but i had extra time from 1 and 2 so i felt pretty confident and answered all the questions with 3 minutes to spare
We're free!I definitely feel like it wasn't as bad as I expected.
@"Hunt Lind" said:
Wait, what is this curve you are speaking of? I am now horrified.
The curve is how the LSAT is scaled relative to its deviation from a standard of difficulty. Some tests are much more or less difficult than others in comparison. If you found it hard (I guess even if you didn't) you probably want the curve to be higher like -12 or - 11 rather than -8 because you can miss more questions and have a better scaled score.
Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and say hey. Taking the September test.
Thoughts on general difficulty? Especially with LG. That's the only section I fear seeing something crazy. Judging from what's been said, seems like A TON of the older style games are coming back into style in full force.
@RRH1616_ said:
Plus (I'm not trying to make excuses for myself) the girl sitting next to me kept reaching into her pocket for m&ms during the test! She's not supposed to eat anything while taking the test, is she? But anyway, her chewing and cracking the packet distracted me a bit. Should I have said something to the examiner?
That must've been so annoying. I can't believe people are so selfish and irresponsible about making noises. I could deal with coughing or sneezing(cuz theyre unintentional), but hearing stories like these annoy me so much because I know how mad I would be if I were in that situation. Even small random noises can all of a sudden blank you out and being angry makes you lose focus for like 20~30 seconds, which is a valuable time enuff to read a whole stimulus in LR question.
Did anyone understand the child inference inner thoughts one from RC.? What is the general consensus on LR because it seems like through different forums RC was brutal and LG was easy (sigh, why did I not understand the first game intially and wasted 5 mins and guessed 2 on on the last game) . Did people find LR average or closer to the hard side?
Guys, please click the other stickied link or the link on the first page of this thread. It already tells you what's experimental and what's not. That clears up so many questions I've seen in this thread.
Does anyone else now think they may have done poorly on LR -- like a lot of random careless mistakes somewhere in the middle where the questions were hard but you think you pulled some "stupid" move
@eagles12345 YES OMG I'm psyching myself out today. Yesterday walking out of the test center I was sooo happy and feeling confident, but today I'm like, what if I don't know anything and missed half the LR questions... I think it's just doubt. I'm choosing to rely on my first reaction after taking the test until I'm proven otherwise in 3 weeks!
@"nicole.burdakin" Go with your initial gut instinct. I am sure you did great! All of us experience a roller coaster of emotions after taking an LSAT. You can go between thinking you aced a section to believing you went -10. In my experience from past LSATs, the truth is usually much closer to the initial gut instinct. You got this!
I had a 3rd LR and I remember the train clocks but I don't remember the pluto question or caterpillars with spots or the Pluto planet. Maybe I am still blacking it all out ha.
@ashtyntarapchak said:
did anyone have a logic games about supervisors?
I did. The one about President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice President one, right? I can't remember it clearly.
Yep, me too. Looks like there were MULTIPLE experimental logic games sections used at different locations.
I remember President and 3 VP's and 4 employees, AND a game with catering crews. I think BOTH of those games were from an experimental section that not a lot of folks here got.
Can anyone confirm if the LG section with the beer game and training/grooming game was experimental? Also can anyone explain the curve people are talking about? Thanks
@jayjack34 said:
Urban Rural Magazine
Travellers & Cities (Tokyo, Sydney, Manila)
Obstacle Course
and the last one was a composer scheduling performers
YES! performers being scheduled! THAT'S the fourth one everyone keeps missing and slipping in an experimental game into the real one!
Do you remember any other (non-illegal to share) details about the obstacle course? like maybe a name or two or any other descriptive keywords?
I had an experimental LR section and the question stems initially threw me off - I can see LSAC changing up their Q stems a bit to make it slightly more trickier/time consuming but I think the fundamentals will remain the same.
@smseraj3 said:
Can anyone confirm if the LG section with the beer game and training/grooming game was experimental? Also can anyone explain the curve people are talking about? Thanks
While I also had two LG sections, those topics did not appear in EITHER of my LG section, therefore they must have been experimental.
The curve:
Your score isn't determined directly by how many you got wrong or right, but by how well you did in comparison to all of the other test takers so that an extremely hard test where everyone does poorly, you can get a higher score with more raw mistakes... You should really know this by now in your academic career...
@smseraj3 said:
Can anyone confirm if the LG section with the beer game and training/grooming game was experimental? Also can anyone explain the curve people are talking about? Thanks
@RRH1616_ said:
Plus (I'm not trying to make excuses for myself) the girl sitting next to me kept reaching into her pocket for m&ms during the test! She's not supposed to eat anything while taking the test, is she? But anyway, her chewing and cracking the packet distracted me a bit. Should I have said something to the examiner?
That must've been so annoying. I can't believe people are so selfish and irresponsible about making noises. I could deal with coughing or sneezing(cuz theyre unintentional), but hearing stories like these annoy me so much because I know how mad I would be if I were in that situation. Even small random noises can all of a sudden blank you out and being angry makes you lose focus for like 20~30 seconds, which is a valuable time enuff to read a whole stimulus in LR question.
Exactly I definitely blanked during some spots because her chewing and eating irritated me. Once you get distracted, you need to re-read.
@fmihalic2 said:
Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and say hey. Taking the September test.
Thoughts on general difficulty? Especially with LG. That's the only section I fear seeing something crazy. Judging from what's been said, seems like A TON of the older style games are coming back into style in full force.
Hey. As I wrote above, I feel that this was at least a somewhat below-average difficulty test. The logic games section may be the single easiest LG section I've ever done. No odd or pattern games like have recently been included. LR had a lot of what I estimated to be very easy questions, and a few difficult ones. Again some of the easier LR sections I've done. RC was moderately difficult throughout, rather than one or two virtually unreadable passages as sometimes happens. The questions in RC made it more challenging, in my estimation. Referring to the game what you're hearing reminded you of, the game you're thinking of is much more difficult than what was on the test.
@jayjack34 said:
Urban Rural Magazine
Travellers & Cities (Tokyo, Sydney, Manila)
Obstacle Course
and the last one was a composer scheduling performers
YES! performers being scheduled! THAT'S the fourth one everyone keeps missing and slipping in an experimental game into the real one!
Do you remember any other (non-illegal to share) details about the obstacle course? like maybe a name or two or any other descriptive keywords?
Yeah it was deciding the order of the OC. Vault, Wall, Zipline, Spinning, Rope Swing, and T (I can't remember all of it though) Also, not in that order. I still remember some of the grouping rules but don't know if we can post those
@smseraj3 said:
Can anyone confirm if the LG section with the beer game and training/grooming game was experimental? Also can anyone explain the curve people are talking about? Thanks
While I also had two LG sections, those topics did not appear in EITHER of my LG section, therefore they must have been experimental.
The curve:
Your score isn't determined directly by how many you got wrong or right, but by how well you did in comparison to all of the other test takers so that an extremely hard test where everyone does poorly, you can get a higher score with more raw mistakes... You should really know this by now in your academic career...
That's actually not how the LSAT "curve" is determined. It's not a curve in the traditional sense-the score chart is supposed to be adjusted based on the logical difficulty of the exam. Then, your percentile ranking measures you and your score against the last three years of test takers. But yes, basically, if the overall logical difficulty of the test was a bit lower than average, it may require more questions to get to certain scores. Usually affects high score area more.
I had them both!! but i had two LG sections!!
Yeah I'm not sure. The first LG section I had had the training and grooming game as well as the beer game. The second LG section was by far easier. Let me know if you know if the first LG section is experimental
Hey, @"Pink Dust." The urban/real magazine one is real. Consensus seems to say that the real one was the easier one.
MINE WAS IN THE SAME ORDER!! i had a RC, then LR and then the LG (with the grooming crap) and then LR, LG. but the first LG went really bad for me
I was just trying to hold back the tears doing the break man. > @danielznelson said:
I hope so
I found the rc hard!! so i need the LG points, but i know my luck lmao. registered for september. i feel like on a mission here hahaha
Did anyone feel like this was (as far as the LSAT goes) an unusually straightforward, if not overtly soft test? RC was moderately difficult, for sure, but not the hardest I've done and easily the hardest section in the test. LR was almost too easy at times, overall very very straightforward with a few small twists. LG shocked me with its manageability. Thoughts for the "curve?" Hopefully not a -8 haha
does anyone remember if there were > @"Mitchell-1" said:
I think I do recall the game of whatever amusement park refers to but I had no idea it was on amusement park. I do know the third one was an obstacle course but it doesn't look like people are mixing it up since obstacle course is mentioned too. I had the other game section with like beer, pet grooming, and two other things that I can't quite recall
No, I don't think it was very soft at all. LR was difficult and the second RC passage being the most difficult was a bit of a shock to the system. While the real LG was manageable, I think people may be exaggerating the ease with which it was done. If you aren't experienced with games, I'd expect games maybe 2, probably 3, and definitely 4 to give you trouble. An inference missed here and there would catch up to you quick. I'd explain why more thoroughly but I don't want to say anything I shouldn't.
I thought it was a playground, not an amusement park? I may be wrong.
I had 3 LR sections, sections 1, 3 and 5. First one had the last question to do with some folktales being spoken orally (which I didn't get to) and it was 25 questions (so far it seems like that one is experimental?), second one was 26 questions (don't remember question content but everything that everyone mentioned sounds familiar), and third one was 25 questions with last question being super duper long, filling half the page. Second one was relatively easy.
RC was hard. I only got to 22/27 when I ran out of time... I'm sure I probably got 21 and 22 wrong too...
LG finished 3 games, had 4 questions remaining on the last one
Did anyone else find RC harder than all other PrepTests? So much harder than 80 and 78.
I threw away the games, guessed two on the last game and guessed one on the FIRST game.
Not sure but LR seemed "easy" compared to other one for the two real sections. LR was the only saving grace unless I have like chains of careless mistakes.
Is it just me or does everyone else have no idea what your RC score is. I typically average -5 over the last 2 weeks. Before then was -7,-8 really consistently and the highest being -10 but right now I have no clue For me it could be anywhere from -5 to -13
I had one RC two LGs and two LRs. For me, RC was really tough and LG was easy.
eagles, I'm right where you're at... I feel like I'm -6 to -?????? for RC...
I had RC, LR, LG, LR, LG. I generally get -2 to - 7 on RC, but this RC seemed historically difficult. When the 5 min warning sounded, myself, and many others, quickly flipped to the final passage (judges). To be fair, the games were unusually straightforward too.
a lot of ppl have been saying that. So don't worry too much
, since lsat is scored in relative , not absolute.
I also had 2RC, 2LR and 1LG. I did feel like both of the RC were unusually difficult and time consuming. I can't particularly remember which of the two RCs I did within time and the other I ran out. This was my first time taking the test and honestly I think my nerves got the better of me. My heart was thumping all through the first three sections and I couldn't concentrate properly. Plus (I'm not trying to make excuses for myself) the girl sitting next to me kept reaching into her pocket for m&ms during the test! She's not supposed to eat anything while taking the test, is she? But anyway, her chewing and cracking the packet distracted me a bit. Should I have said something to the examiner? Anyway, first three games were straight forward and I got caught up on the last game
Anyone have recommendations for which PTs have games similar to the last one?
I did. The one about President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice President one, right? I can't remember it clearly.
I only had two LR sections and I had the red light/chlorophyll plus the vampire one
I had only two LR sections and I saw that one also
SAME. I had multiple 2 or 3's of the same letter in a row and it was making me real nervous
Wait, what is this curve you are speaking of? I am now horrified.
same for me--2 and 3's of the same. I was sitting there like WHAT IS THIS SORCERY THIS CAN'T BE
I thought the same, RC was tough, but the LR were extremely manageable, seemed like fewer 4/5 star difficulty Qs. And I thought games 1 and 2 were easy, 3 had one tough question and game 4 was time consuming, but i had extra time from 1 and 2 so i felt pretty confident and answered all the questions with 3 minutes to spare
We're free!I definitely feel like it wasn't as bad as I expected.
The curve is how the LSAT is scaled relative to its deviation from a standard of difficulty. Some tests are much more or less difficult than others in comparison. If you found it hard (I guess even if you didn't) you probably want the curve to be higher like -12 or - 11 rather than -8 because you can miss more questions and have a better scaled score.
Who else died at the nuclear reactor / steam / emissions LR question?
Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and say hey. Taking the September test.
Thoughts on general difficulty? Especially with LG. That's the only section I fear seeing something crazy. Judging from what's been said, seems like A TON of the older style games are coming back into style in full force.
Manila Tokyo Sydney..makes me think of the Philadelphia Montreal Toronto Vancouver game..:
That must've been so annoying. I can't believe people are so selfish and irresponsible about making noises. I could deal with coughing or sneezing(cuz theyre unintentional), but hearing stories like these annoy me so much because I know how mad I would be if I were in that situation. Even small random noises can all of a sudden blank you out and being angry makes you lose focus for like 20~30 seconds, which is a valuable time enuff to read a whole stimulus in LR question.
Did anyone understand the child inference inner thoughts one from RC.? What is the general consensus on LR because it seems like through different forums RC was brutal and LG was easy (sigh, why did I not understand the first game intially and wasted 5 mins and guessed 2 on on the last game) . Did people find LR average or closer to the hard side?
Guys, please click the other stickied link or the link on the first page of this thread. It already tells you what's experimental and what's not. That clears up so many questions I've seen in this thread.
I didn't study very much, but the games were surprisingly doable, while the LR and RC were very difficult.
So, was the 26 question LR section real? I haven't seen that question answered anywhere, and I've seen conflicting reports.
Yes the 26 question Lr is real @dantlee14
Does anyone else now think they may have done poorly on LR -- like a lot of random careless mistakes somewhere in the middle where the questions were hard but you think you pulled some "stupid" move
@eagles12345 YES OMG I'm psyching myself out today. Yesterday walking out of the test center I was sooo happy and feeling confident, but today I'm like, what if I don't know anything and missed half the LR questions... I think it's just doubt. I'm choosing to rely on my first reaction after taking the test until I'm proven otherwise in 3 weeks!
Are the accommodation test the same in term of what real whats not?
@"nicole.burdakin" Go with your initial gut instinct. I am sure you did great! All of us experience a roller coaster of emotions after taking an LSAT. You can go between thinking you aced a section to believing you went -10. In my experience from past LSATs, the truth is usually much closer to the initial gut instinct. You got this!
Urban Rural Magazine
Travellers & Cities (Tokyo, Sydney, Manila)
Obstacle Course
and the last one was a composer scheduling performers
@"Lauren Alvarez"
I had a 3rd LR and I remember the train clocks but I don't remember the pluto question or caterpillars with spots or the Pluto planet. Maybe I am still blacking it all out ha.
Yep, me too. Looks like there were MULTIPLE experimental logic games sections used at different locations.
I remember President and 3 VP's and 4 employees, AND a game with catering crews. I think BOTH of those games were from an experimental section that not a lot of folks here got.
Can anyone confirm if the LG section with the beer game and training/grooming game was experimental? Also can anyone explain the curve people are talking about? Thanks
YES! performers being scheduled! THAT'S the fourth one everyone keeps missing and slipping in an experimental game into the real one!
Do you remember any other (non-illegal to share) details about the obstacle course? like maybe a name or two or any other descriptive keywords?
I had an experimental LR section and the question stems initially threw me off - I can see LSAC changing up their Q stems a bit to make it slightly more trickier/time consuming but I think the fundamentals will remain the same.
While I also had two LG sections, those topics did not appear in EITHER of my LG section, therefore they must have been experimental.
The curve:
Your score isn't determined directly by how many you got wrong or right, but by how well you did in comparison to all of the other test takers so that an extremely hard test where everyone does poorly, you can get a higher score with more raw mistakes... You should really know this by now in your academic career...
FUCK YEA, thanks so much!!
I definitely blanked during some spots because her chewing and eating irritated me. Once you get distracted, you need to re-read.
Hey. As I wrote above, I feel that this was at least a somewhat below-average difficulty test. The logic games section may be the single easiest LG section I've ever done. No odd or pattern games like have recently been included. LR had a lot of what I estimated to be very easy questions, and a few difficult ones. Again some of the easier LR sections I've done. RC was moderately difficult throughout, rather than one or two virtually unreadable passages as sometimes happens. The questions in RC made it more challenging, in my estimation. Referring to the game what you're hearing reminded you of, the game you're thinking of is much more difficult than what was on the test.
Yeah it was deciding the order of the OC. Vault, Wall, Zipline, Spinning, Rope Swing, and T (I can't remember all of it though) Also, not in that order. I still remember some of the grouping rules but don't know if we can post those
That's actually not how the LSAT "curve" is determined. It's not a curve in the traditional sense-the score chart is supposed to be adjusted based on the logical difficulty of the exam. Then, your percentile ranking measures you and your score against the last three years of test takers. But yes, basically, if the overall logical difficulty of the test was a bit lower than average, it may require more questions to get to certain scores. Usually affects high score area more.