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I just restarted my full length practice after a while, scored a 164 for pt 52 last week and 172 for pt 51 this week (WTH)..I was also sick while doing PT 52 last week but I doubt that is the reason since I only improved 2 points after BR. Should I attribute this to differences in the level of difficulty? How do you guys keep your score consistent?
i can tell you for sure that it's not difference in level of difficulty. I got destroyed in PT 51(especially LR sec 3. I even remember the section number: that's how hard i got rekt), while doing much better on other ones.
First of all, congrats on achieving such high scores for just starting the PT phase of things. Drastic score fluctuations are a pretty normal phenomenon once you begin taking full timed tests as far as I can tell. My scores did the exact same thing. Because the LSAC keeps a vigorous curve to ensure that no one test is actually "easier" than another on the scale, I don't think you can attribute the differences in your score to that. Now, I qualify that by saying that despite the LSAC's trying to ensure that every test is scored the same, if you're good at say in/out games and you got two of them and are an economics major and received an RC passage on economics, then you'll probably do better. And vice versa for games/subjects you struggle with. That being said, most of the time score differences like the one you note go beyond the surface. They tend to point to some underlying skill that needs to be sharpened up for the next time you take the test.
Perhaps on the higher one you guessed correctly on more of your 50/50 questions. I'm pretty sure this is what happened with me. Then, as I continued to study specific weaknesses in between each PT, the number of questions that I would get down to 50/50 on decreased and the number of questions I could feel confident choosing one of those answers in particular increased. Once I got to that point, I saw my scores start to become more consistent.
I should also add, once I fool proofed LG, my LG score was never a true variable in my score. Before that, I could score anywhere from -0 to -8 all depending on which types of games were on that test. After fool proofing and dedicating countless hours to LG, I could be assured that I would go -0 to -2 every single time. LG is a good place to start with score consistently test after test.
I hope this helps a little bit! Happy to answer any follow up questions you might have.
@Zachary_P Thanks for your help! I am actually pretty consistent in LG, sadly, my fluctuation is mainly in LR, like some answers just don't pop out to me in that test comparing to the others:( How would you approach this? Thank you again