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BR.. Agony

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

Does anyone else find BR tortuous??


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited July 2017 10801 karma

    They definitely are. See if you can find a buddy to do this with. It becomes more fun.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    Does anyone else find BR tortuous??

    Sometimes, but try taking a break after your test. I like to take a half hour and just relax. Then hit the BR. I actually have learned to enjoy it because it is where I get to realize my mistakes and examine my mindset and it feels good to understand why I am missing questions or hesitating.

    Also, as Sami says, BR'ing with a buddy might be something to help break the monotony.

    It's a central part of the test, so find a way to learn to enjoy it. After all, that's where a bulk on your learning is going to take place. And if you want to be a lawyer, get used to re-reading the same boring documents until your eyes bleed ..... Think of it as good practice :)

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    So i just finished BRing and grading my firwt PT. I got 11 wrong after the BR. 7 of them were ones that i didnt BR. I was overconfident and got them wrong. The other 4 were ones that i did BR and still got wrong. How do u guys go about studying after this? I was thinking of making a lost of all the ones i got wrong on the actual timed tests and studying why i got them wrong amd then drilling the question types i c that there is a trend of getting wrong. What do u think? How do u Learn from ur mistakes?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    So i just finished BRing and grading my firwt PT. I got 11 wrong after the BR. 7 of them were ones that i didnt BR. I was overconfident and got them wrong. The other 4 were ones that i did BR and still got wrong. How do u guys go about studying after this? I was thinking of making a lost of all the ones i got wrong on the actual timed tests and studying why i got them wrong amd then drilling the question types i c that there is a trend of getting wrong. What do u think? How do u Learn from ur mistakes?

    I write out explanations and jot down little notes to summarizing what I did wrong and how to avoid making the same mistake again. Then I return to the CC if need be to refresh myself on the question types I missed. Then I watch JY's explanations and drill question types that I feel I need to work on.

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