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Life happens- Deciding to wait until the next cycle

annewr253annewr253 Alum Member
in General 439 karma

Hi guys- just wanted some feedback on my scenario, as I recently decided against my entire plan and am leaning towards waiting until fall 2018 app cycle.

Originally, I intended on applying this fall after sitting this Dec. However, these last couple months have been riddled with work commitments, and a mil other things leading to much less time than I planned on studying.

Initially, I told myself to “power up” and just make these next 5 months the most productive EVER in order to sit in Dec hit my target (170+)… yeah, no. I have come to the conclusion that this may not be realistic with my current full time job and other obligations that I cannot step away from, nor would I really feel fully prepared. I am learning that this is not a journey that I can just put a fixed date on, as I always usually do with my non-LSAT goals.
Sooo… I’ve figured that it might just be best to wait on this. I hate postponing stuff, but successfully conquering this test is not something that will magically happen, unless serious time is put into my prep and I am not in a position to quit my full time job.

Has anyone else been in this position, or have any feedback on deciding to postpone apps til next cycle to take a year for substantial prep. When I I decided to take this test, I had no idea a year would be the length of my prep, but that is definitely becoming my scenario.


  • Paul PedersonPaul Pederson Member
    903 karma

    I have been in the exact same situation as you are now. I'm still in my prep with plans on writing in Dec or Feb. If you don't feel ready just don't take the test. I desperately do not want to put off law school for another year, however if I have to I will.

    Just keep in mind that it is only one year of your life, and in the grand scheme of things a year is not that long to wait.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @attalla253 said:
    Hi guys- just wanted some feedback on my scenario, as I recently decided against my entire plan and am leaning towards waiting until fall 2018 app cycle.

    Originally, I intended on applying this fall after sitting this Dec. However, these last couple months have been riddled with work commitments, and a mil other things leading to much less time than I planned on studying.

    Initially, I told myself to “power up” and just make these next 5 months the most productive EVER in order to sit in Dec hit my target (170+)… yeah, no. I have come to the conclusion that this may not be realistic with my current full time job and other obligations that I cannot step away from, nor would I really feel fully prepared. I am learning that this is not a journey that I can just put a fixed date on, as I always usually do with my non-LSAT goals.
    Sooo… I’ve figured that it might just be best to wait on this. I hate postponing stuff, but successfully conquering this test is not something that will magically happen, unless serious time is put into my prep and I am not in a position to quit my full time job.

    Has anyone else been in this position, or have any feedback on deciding to postpone apps til next cycle to take a year for substantial prep. When I I decided to take this test, I had no idea a year would be the length of my prep, but that is definitely becoming my scenario.

    Same story, my friend. Originally began studying about 11 months ago in August and was going to take December. Life got in the way, new job, break ups, moving, and I began studying for GMAT a little here and there as well. A year is nothing and it is quite common if you're looking to score well. If you want to be an atty, chances are you'll do it practice for 40 or 50 years. so why rush it? It's not going anywhere and the market right now isn't all that great for lawyers. Waiting seems like your best play here.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    I will have about 18 months of prep under my belt before I take the test next June. I had originally planned on taking this September/December and applying in January, but I realized that rushing it would only prove detrimental. They say that slow and steady wins the race, and I think that is rather apropos when it comes to studying for the LSAT.

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