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Webinar on LG in CC and PT's

dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
edited July 2017 in Logic Games 260 karma

@"JYP JYP" @twssmith @danielznelson @"Daniel.Sieradzki" @"Cant Get Right" @"Alex Divine"

Are any study group leaders, mentors or sages interested in leading a session on LG in CC and PT's??? Since we'll be having sessions for LR and RC, it seems practical to have one for LG as well. Any thoughts???


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited July 2017 23929 karma

    I think that might be a good idea... Though, there is actually an older one from Sage Corey from a bit over a year ago. It deals with splitting boards, so maybe a new one might be a good idea.

    Honestly, LG webinars seem difficult because JY basically has all the video explanations done pretty excellently. I'm not sure what strategies or tips another Sage could include that JY doesn't address in the CC or explanations.

    While I'm sure there could be more things added in a webinar, unfortunately, my LG skills are good, but not great. Certainly not enough to lead a webinar. Once I'm a sage though ..... just wait on it ;) lol

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited July 2017 10806 karma

    @dfletch5 said:
    @"JYP JYP" @twssmith @danielznelson @"Daniel.Sieradzki" @"Cant Get Right" @"Alex Divine"

    Are any study group leaders, mentors or sages interested in leading a session on LG in CC and PT's??? Since we'll be having sessions for LR and RC, it seems practical to have one for LG as well. Any thoughts???


    @"Cant Get Right" already does Oldies but Goodies on Monday nights for older PT's that are part of the curriculum. He addresses LR and LG questions from those PT's. But honestly JY does such a good job in these videos that almost nobody ever has questions about them. But feel free to do those games before the meeting and bring those questions up to him.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    Sounds like a plan!

    For now, we'll wait for other group leaders, mentors and sages to respond -:)

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Sami said:


    @"Cant Get Right" already does Oldies but Goodies on Monday nights for older PT's that are part of the curriculum. He addresses LR and LG questions from those PT's. But honestly JY does such a good job in these videos that almost nobody ever has questions about them. But feel free to do those games before the meeting and bring those questions up to him.

    Yeah, @Sami makes a great point here. @"Cant Get Right" 's oldies but goodies on Mondays sound like a perfect place to get some extra help with LG/LR and all that.

    Also, if you ever come across a video explanation for LG that doesn't click with you, be sure to check the comments underneath the explanation. I've gotten some great little tips and tricks by reading those.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma


  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    @"Cant Get Right" Are the Oldies But Goodies blind review sessions? If it is, I am currently not doing PT's. Really, my query was a thinking out loud point. I am not at LG in the CC yet. So, I'll cross that bridge when I get there and possibly join the Monday sessions for more support -:)

    @Sami @"Alex Divine" Thanks to everyone who tried to help. Thinking ahead though, it doesn't hurt to have a group reviewing JY's explanations for LG and verbally working through their understanding of JY's process.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @dfletch5 said:
    @"Cant Get Right" Are the Oldies But Goodies blind review sessions? If it is, I am currently not doing PT's. Really, my query was a thinking out loud point. I am not at LG in the CC yet. So, I'll cross that bridge when I get there and possibly join the Monday sessions for more support -:)

    @Sami @"Alex Divine" Thanks to everyone who tried to help. Thinking ahead though, it doesn't hurt to have a group reviewing JY's explanations for LG and verbally working through their understanding of JY's process.

    Definitely go through the LG part of CC first. You'll learn a lot and will have a lot less questions than you do now. JY does an amazing job at teaching how to diagram and approach every game type!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    It doesn't hurt at all. : )

    But you do have @"Cant Get Right" currently available. The PT's he does are from older PT's that are used in core curriculum for this exact reason. You don't have to do the whole PT. You can just do Logic game and bring those questions only.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    Ok! Awesome! Thx!

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    @"Alex Divine" @Sami
    Ok! Thx! Awesome! Really appreciate the direction-:)

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma

    Hey @dfletch5 , I think the others covered it pretty well, and all I can really do is reinforce their points. It is hard to do LG stuff because normally all anyone can do is kind of strive to match JY. He really kind of nails it, and there's not quite as much else to talk about like with LR and RC. And you already have JY.

    That said, I'm totally open to doing LG on Monday nights. Questions just tend to be directed more at LR, because well, JY, haha. We've done several games though.

    And those sessions are exactly for people who are not PTing yet, so feel free to jump in. If you're between the CC and PT phase, use the source material from the PT for the week for your drills or exercises. If you're still in the CC, use the question bank to sort the PT for whatever specific question type or concept you're working on. It's all old PTs precisely so that you can use it without burning valuable PTs.

  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    @"Cant Get Right" thanks a million!

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