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Reorganizing RC in the Core Curriculum

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited August 2017 in Reading Comprehension 14283 karma

Just a heads up guys - I'm going to reorganize the RC part of the Core Curriculum soon. There might even be a few new lessons. Don't be alarmed if you see classes get moved around in the syllabus!


  • dml277dml277 Alum Member
    775 karma

    Thanks JY! I'm definitely looking forward to the possibility of new lessons!

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Wait, there's a reading comp section to this test?


  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Oooooooooooo, nice!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Wait, there's a reading comp section to this test?


    LMAO :wink:

    This is going to be awesome!

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    7Sage is becoming more and more awesome... <3

    I hope you will incorporate the low-resolution/high-resolution summaries technique in the CC.

  • -ObbuddO--ObbuddO- Alum Member
    236 karma

    Awesome! Putting off RC lessons due to procrastination has finally paid off

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nOtsodOpekid said:
    Awesome! Putting off RC lessons due to procrastination has finally paid off

    Now there's a silver lining approach to procrastination :)

  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma

    Time for boost RC!!

  • LSAT Is ComingLSAT Is Coming Alum Member
    530 karma

    @"J.Y. Ping" said:
    Just a heads up guys - I'm going to reorganize the RC part of the Core Curriculum soon. There might even be a few new lessons. Don't be alarmed if you see classes get moved around in the syllabus!

    This makes me very happy. Anyway it'll be done before the Sept. exam?

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Bumping this!

  • Michael NMichael N Member
    7 karma

    Were there new classes added? Any reason for the reshuffle? Was in between the RC not sure if i should continue or pick up w the new lesson in the order currently listed

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    @"Michael N" said:
    Were there new classes added? Any reason for the reshuffle? Was in between the RC not sure if i should continue or pick up w the new lesson in the order currently listed

    New lessons will be added soon, RC section was just reorganized to flow better.

  • shubeckw2shubeckw2 Member
    14 karma

    That's great to hear how you are still optimizing and making changes to help us! Is there any way for you to provide the old syllabus or CC layout? For some reason I'm having a really tough time trying to rearrange the study schedule since now it looks like I've done lessons out of order, and now it's thrown my weekly schedule out of whack on the study schedule.

  • liza.bennettliza.bennett Alum Member
    edited July 2017 108 karma

    Excited for this. Hopefully it helps me more in the future when I come back to it. :)

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited July 2017 14283 karma

    Hey guys, the first new batch of lessons, grouped under the "Reading Comprehension - Science" class, is already up. A few more lessons will trickle in the next few days. New problem sets will be updated in a week or so.

    After the September test and before the December LSAT we're scheduled to release the next class in the new RC curriculum, "Reading Comprehension - Art".

    Some of you have expressed concern that this changes your study schedule. Yes, it does. You can follow your old study schedule if you like. You'll have to manually skip around since some classes (i.e. lesson sets) have been moved around. And you'll have to replace what used to be called "Introduction to Reading Comprehension" with the new class "Reading Comprehension - Science".

    Or you can generate a new schedule and follow that.

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    I'm beyond excited!!! Thanks JY!

  • doyouevenLSATdoyouevenLSAT Core Member
    edited July 2017 610 karma

    can anyone else see them i can't. i tried logging out and back in, and it is just still says

    "intro to the reading.."
    "memory method.."

    Does anyone know what the new additions are titled?

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    @MichaelTheArchAngel in your syllabus it should be at the very end right after the section on "Grouping & Sequencing" games. The heading for the new RC seems to be "Reading Comprehension - Science."

  • alaa.11alaa.11 Free Trial Member
    33 karma

    Thank you J.Y for this, it will definitely be informative, interesting, and most importantly, super helpful. When is the soonest we can expect the update by ?

  • doyouevenLSATdoyouevenLSAT Core Member
    edited July 2017 610 karma

    I see that part, but the content is the same as it was before, just minus the old "science video"

  • dncdrc_04dncdrc_04 Alum Member
    152 karma

    This section is my Achilles heel. Definitely looking forward to the reorganisation!

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    @MichaelTheArchAngel oh I didn't realize that was the same content from before.

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    @MichaelTheArchAngel I saw some new updates in science section just now!

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14283 karma

    @"Testing..." Yes, we just pushed out a fix and everyone (Starter and above) should be able to see new lessons now.

  • doyouevenLSATdoyouevenLSAT Core Member
    edited July 2017 610 karma

    ok there is a boat load of new content now. And the science video returned. Are the videos going indicate where they're from? PTwise.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Wow I thought you were going to add just a few videos, but there are tons of new videos!!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @akistotle said:
    Wow I thought you were going to add just a few videos, but there are tons of new videos!!

    :) just checked out some of the new stuff and, yeah, this GIF sums it up.

  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    813 karma

    Wow, RC - Art, this is all i have ever wanted. I am the worst on art passages!!

  • sjiang666sjiang666 Alum Member
    157 karma

    Can't wait for the RC Art! But I am sitting on the Sept test :neutral:

  • Thanks, JY! The new RC breakdown has been super helpful!

  • lsat 1101lsat 1101 Alum Member
    267 karma

    Sounds great! Thanks :)

  • jennybbbbbjennybbbbb Alum Member
    630 karma

    @nOtsodOpekid said:
    Awesome! Putting off RC lessons due to procrastination has finally paid off

    I know right! LOL

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