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Law School vs Undergrad, Just Riddle Me

combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
in General 652 karma

So I am pretty excited/nervous about starting my1L at UChi next month. After talking to some people, I have been told by some that they earned higher GPA's in law school than they did in undergrad. Of course, this is not the same as saying that it is "easier" because I highly doubt that it is. The curve could benefit some or students could benefit from being in classes that they are skilled in(unlike undergrad where classes outside your major could bring you down like Math, etc)

What are some of your thoughts?


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Too many factors to give a meaningful answer. Depends on what your undergraduate experience was like.

  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma

    @10000019 for instance, effort or other factors?

  • dml277dml277 Alum Member
    775 karma

    Sorry this is not answering your question, but I can't resist the urge to say that I immediately thought of the riddled basin of attraction RC passage when I see the word "riddle" ...It's a sign I've been thinking about RC quite a lot lately haha

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @10000019 said:
    Too many factors to give a meaningful answer. Depends on what your undergraduate experience was like.

    Agree with @10000019 tat there are too many factors to answer the question meaningfully. I don't think many people would say that law school is easier than undergrad, but as we get older we hopefully get better at the skills needed to do well in law school. I also think that a very big factor is the fact that if you're in law school we can generally assume you're decently smart and want to do well. So along with maturity, just the fact that law school is going to generally have smarter people might make it seem easier/harder for some.

    I also think you might be on to something @combsni in that perhaps the fact that we aren't taking such a large variety of classes may make it seem easier/harder for individuals. If you're a strong reader/writer/have good study habits, etc, then you'll likely think law school is easier than a bunch of the, say, physics classes we were required to take in college.

    Also, the curve at many of the top schools makes getting anything below a B- pretty hard. So you'd have to factor that in too.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    p.s. good luck and congrats at uChi!

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