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Weird Games (virus game etc.)

sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
edited August 2017 in Logic Games 708 karma

I am SUPER concerned about getting a weird game on the sep LSAT. I have the "miscellaneous" cambridge packet with all of the weird games but each is so freakishly different I feel like they can throw in whatever. I get so frozen I literally go -7 on a weird game but then when I watch the explanation and re-do it I get it all right.

I'm just worried on test day there will be a weird game I won't be able to make a game board for .. how is everyone approaching this since weird games are becoming more and more common?

here is my list so far in case it helps anyone -
pt 1/2/1
pt 2/3/3
pt 4/3/4
pt 6/4/3
pt 6/4/4
pt 8/2/2
pt 9/3/4
pt 10/2/3
pt 11/1/4
pt 12/2/4
pt 13/1/4
pt 15/4/2
pt 16/1/4
pt 18/1/3
pt 18/1/4
pt 20/3/3
pt 21/1/2
pt 30/1/1


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Tbh, I just did the misc games from the earlier PTs and just tried my best to make game boards I'm familiar with (or something similar to them) fit the weird game.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited August 2017 13286 karma

    Spend more time upfront. Once you see that the game is an odd ball, you should spend the time really understanding what the game is asking. There's a great example of a game with employees working on 4 different items and how they pass them off to each other during the week. The first past through I did not focus on creating a solid board, or really trying to understand what the game was saying.

    On my second pass, I spent more time upfront. This allowed me to really visualize and picture what was going on. Because I had a better understanding of the rules and what was being asked, I was able to build a better board that expressed what was going on, thus improving my score on the section.

  • sandy180sandy180 Alum Member
    edited August 2017 159 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    "I had a better understanding of the rules"

    Don't rush into the game board would be my 2 cents. Keep in mind, the LG section is asking you to analyze and infer, and you cannot do either if you do not understand the situation and the rules thoroughly. Maybe take the attitude that you want a weird game on test day because you're brilliant and a Logic Game Machine:) Also, clarifying rules in your head is not tantamount to "doing nothing", although when the clock is ticking it can really feel like that. You got this!

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    edited August 2017 2983 karma

    Echoing LSATcantwin and Sayhey, a lot these "weird" games are not that difficult once you understand what is happening. Spending time upfront is critical.

  • PositivePositive Alum Member
    edited August 2017 426 karma

    Based on Cambridge LG package, PT 1-20 has 16 Misc. games; PT 21-40 has 3 Misc. games.
    = For simplicity's sake, let's suppose we have total 20 games. (I can't do math lol)

    I was also so nervous about these Misc. games trend and decided to do some research about minimum amount of time needed to master these games.

    As you can see below,
    Suppose you do 4 games a day:
    40 min (10 min each at max) + watching JY's videos (about 15 min at max) + review
    = it will take about 2 hour to do one set.

    From today till the September test, if you can mange to go through the whole 20 games (1 cycle = 5days) five times, I have no doubt your score will greatly increase!!

    Good luck! : ) hope this was helpful.

    Games JY' Video length(min:sec)

    Difficulty 1
    PT1-S2-G1: 13:55
    Total: 13:55

    Difficulty 2
    PT6-S4-G3: 10:26
    PT20-S3-G3: 12:16
    PT9-S3-G4: 9:07
    PT21-S1-G2: 14:44
    PT30-S1-G1: 18:50
    Total: 32.94

    Difficulty 3
    PT4-S3-G4: 11:57
    PT8-S2-G2: 12:38
    PT18-S1-G3: 11:53
    PT18-S1-G4: 13:21
    PT12-S2-G4: 7:09
    PT10-S2-G3: 9:19
    PT16-S1-G4: 12:19
    PT2-S3-G3: 14:30
    Total: 91.46

    Difficulty 4
    PT13-S1-G4: 17:21
    PT6-S4-G4: 10:44
    PT15-S4-G2: 13:52
    PT11-S1-G4: 8:41
    PT40-S2-G3: 17:24
    Total: 66.82

    In total: 204.77 = about 3 hour and 20 min watching JY's videos.

  • NikkkkkkkNikkkkkkk Live Member
    edited August 2017 250 karma

    Also worried about these. Thanks for the really helpful post @Kings Never Die

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Spend more time upfront. Once you see that the game is an odd ball, you should spend the time really understanding what the game is asking. There's a great example of a game with employees working on 4 different items and how they pass them off to each other during the week. The first past through I did not focus on creating a solid board, or really trying to understand what the game was saying.

    On my second pass, I spent more time upfront. This allowed me to really visualize and picture what was going on. Because I had a better understanding of the rules and what was being asked, I was able to build a better board that expressed what was going on, thus improving my score on the section.

    Yeah when you're doing this game you have to look at what the rules say ahead of time, because there HAS to be inferences to be made. I spent probably 2 or 3 minutes just looking through the rules trying to really wrap my head around it. Finding the crucial link between the two pieces let me solve the rest of the game pretty easily. It also wasn't imperative to have a concrete "gameboard" as long as you have a feel for how the pieces work. I actually didn't end up making a GB for this one at all, and got through with a -0 in 11 minutes.

    So focus on the time up front, don't rush into the questions, and don't force the game into a traditional gameboard; it might do more harm than good.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    I did the science flasks game it and it really tripped me up and lowered my morale - I can't believe I missed the inference about total amount of combinations .. thx for the tips everyone.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    @LSATcantwin yeah i just did that game yesterday in PT72. Knocked me off my game. But after the panic i was able to really visualize what was going and i was able to salvage 3 pts. I think as long as you try out a couple of scenarios, and get a feel for how the pieces moved around, its doable

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