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Uh oh, serious coffee issue

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

So im one of those perpetual starbucks dwellers. I cannot study anywhere else. I just started tracking how much coffee i drink a day....its insane. Apart from the health ramifications i have realized that a triple shot gives me the perfect amount of focus for 2 sections or so and then my brain shuts off. My score normally starts tanking at section 3 on most PTs EXCEPT if its LG. Im attributing this to coffee over fatigue bc i can do 6 or 7 timed sections and be ok if i have coffee. What do i do?



  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    So im one of those perpetual starbucks dwellers. I cannot study anywhere else. I just started tracking how much coffee i drink a day....its insane. Apart from the health ramifications i have realized that a triple shot gives me the perfect amount of focus for 2 sections or so and then my brain shuts off. My score normally starts tanking at section 3 on most PTs EXCEPT if its LG. Im attributing this to coffee over fatigue bc i can do 6 or 7 timed sections and be ok if i have coffee. What do i do?

    Have coffee on test day? Bring extra for during the break... I think it might be a bad time to try to quit any bad habits if you're planning on sitting in only a few short weeks.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    5 hour energy; caffeine pills; caffeine suppositories.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Have you tried caffeine supplements? Some have done this for the LSAT. Take it during the break, and this way it doesn't also give you the urge to go pee.

    I'm a coffee junkie as well, but I feel like just that 1 cup of coffee in the morning is good for me for a PT/test day. Then maybe later on I'll have more coffee, or if it's test day, later on I'll have some vodka instead. haha.

  • BillGreenpointBillGreenpoint Alum Member
    318 karma

    I would say eliminate your caffeine dependence. But, given the short time period before the test, it's probably best to just put a band-aid on the problem. A well timed caffeine pill, aka diet supplement like Hydroxycut, etc., should help out. Perhaps take it between Sections one and two. Be sure to test whatever you take before test day so you know how it affects you.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Not sure if im taking September. I like the idea of another 3 months of study, ive still got tons of material that i havent squeezed yet.
    Wondering if i should try and change some of my bad habits for then

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @uhinberg I saw that sneaky suppository comment. that a thing...O_O

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Lol @LSATcantwin yup sure is, not sure the procters are gonna be down for me to pull down my pants midway through the test tho. ;p

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    it sure is

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    One of these days I'm gonna have to give this coffee thing a try. Seems fun!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @Freddy_D said:
    One of these days I'm gonna have to give this coffee thing a try. Seems fun!

    it's very fun

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    Try Peach Black Tea Lemonade and the Strawberry Acai Refresher. Both give you as much caffeine as coffee but hydrates you more. If you can, try to cut back one cup worth of coffee a day until the test so that's more effective come test day.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @Freddy_D said:
    One of these days I'm gonna have to give this coffee thing a try. Seems fun!

    it's very fun

    You've convinced me. I am now one of you

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    @Freddy_D Uhhh, (utter shock) Fredward you dont consume the beverage?!?!?

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Im sorry this requires caps *THE BEVERAGE

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Thanks @Victoria14 im gonna try

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @Freddy_D said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @Freddy_D said:
    One of these days I'm gonna have to give this coffee thing a try. Seems fun!

    it's very fun

    You've convinced me. I am now one of you


  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    edited August 2017 2983 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    @Freddy_D Uhhh, (utter shock) Fredward you dont consume the beverage?!?!?

    Nope, I've never had said beverage. Milkshakes and smoothies are my drug of choice.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Here's a good place to give a plug for the 7Sage coffee mug, mentioned in other posts.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Any coffee's good, unless it's kopi luwak (/CF ------> KL).

  • Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
    432 karma

    Hey! So I've had coffee dependency before and all it did for me in the long run was burn me out, increase my anxiety, and deplete my natural energy level. If you plan on taking the exam in September, it's not the time to cut coffee out and I would stay on your usual routine of caffeine that you know would pull you through the whole exam, as stated above (be careful if you're doing caffeine pills though especially if you haven't taken them before, they can mess you up). However if you decide on taking the December exam, you do have time to wean yourself off coffee dependency before then. What coffee dependency does to us in the long-term is deplete our natural energy and focus so I think it's beneficial for your health & LSAT studying to reduce your intake. It's alright to have one small cup every day or every other day to get you going, but drinking too much will give you that coffee burnout. All in moderation :)

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Starbucks is bae

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma
  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    edited August 2017 1084 karma

    I agree with @Sarah_39
    I used to have a coffee dependency also and I actually weened off of it specifically for this test (part of a bigger project to undo some unhealthy habits). The first week off coffee was brutal, withdrawl and tired all the time. After that, I saw massive improvements. Now I start my day everyday with a pot of jasmine tea (green also works) and the caffeine from jasmine or green tea is way more smooth and gives you a slow burning and steady source of energy, not the spikes (highs and lows) of coffee caffeine. If you are writing in December, I"d highly recommend going off coffee. I'd recommend switching to jasmine or green tea rather than black tea as black tea isn't as good for you. It has helped me in many other areas of my life as well.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    long live Covfefe!

  • Trust But VerifyTrust But Verify Alum Member
    432 karma

    Coffee may not be good for your Blood type. For example, coffee isn't beneficial for Blood Type 0.

  • spitzy11spitzy11 Alum Member
    772 karma

    I would be careful with Starbucks. From my experience, their coffee is extremely acidic, even more so than the average coffee. I attribute the two ulcers I got during spring 2017 semester to Starbucks almost every day, school, work, and studying for the LSAT. If you have a stomach of steal however, I retract. If not, just be sure to take your probiotics like Cultrelle, Align, VSL, etc. to keep the good bacteria there. I've seriously never felt the insane pain that I felt when I had extreme heartburn during my daily Starbucks weeks.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Coffee is getting a bad rap over here. So, just to even the playing field, this:

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I used to work for Red Bull in college, so I might be a little biased, but try out some delicious Red Bulls? They always helped keep me going while studying for finals as well as partying after.

  • elle_satelle_sat Alum Member
    98 karma

    A scoop of pre-workout. LSAT is a maaaajor brain workout after all :P

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @elle_sat said:
    A scoop of pre-workout. LSAT is a maaaajor brain workout after all :P

    YEAH!! the tingles and jingles from a good pre-workout will put you on some levels! :astonished:

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    I used to work for Red Bull in college, so I might be a little biased, but try out some delicious Red Bulls? They always helped keep me going while studying for finals as well as partying after.

    I was a Monster addict in high school and will always prefer Monster over Redbull :D

    I used to drink henny and red bull though. although I think henny is trash. fight me.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    i'm the same - a law student gave me the tip to buy chocolate covered coffee beans for break so thats what im doing and having a large coffee in the AM

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    red bull/monster is sooooooooo bad for your health - try hiball/yerba mate etc. from whole foods instead same energy

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    @spitzy11 said:
    I would be careful with Starbucks. From my experience, their coffee is extremely acidic, even more so than the average coffee. I attribute the two ulcers I got during spring 2017 semester to Starbucks almost every day, school, work, and studying for the LSAT. If you have a stomach of steal however, I retract. If not, just be sure to take your probiotics like Cultrelle, Align, VSL, etc. to keep the good bacteria there. I've seriously never felt the insane pain that I felt when I had extreme heartburn during my daily Starbucks weeks.

    Klaire labs has really good probiotic myself and toddler take

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @kkrystyna said:
    red bull/monster is sooooooooo bad for your health - try hiball/yerba mate etc. from whole foods instead same energy

    100% agree.

    I had TERRIBLE health in high school, and also had sleeping issues which I always partially attributed to my drinking of Monster basically every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @kkrystyna said:
    red bull/monster is sooooooooo bad for your health - try hiball/yerba mate etc. from whole foods instead same energy

    100% agree.

    I had TERRIBLE health in high school, and also had sleeping issues which I always partially attributed to my drinking of Monster basically every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

    I usually drink cold brew now and sometimes the organic energy drinks which are so much better. I cringe when my mom drinks red bulls.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @kkrystyna said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @kkrystyna said:
    red bull/monster is sooooooooo bad for your health - try hiball/yerba mate etc. from whole foods instead same energy

    100% agree.

    I had TERRIBLE health in high school, and also had sleeping issues which I always partially attributed to my drinking of Monster basically every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

    I usually drink cold brew now and sometimes the organic energy drinks which are so much better. I cringe when my mom drinks red bulls.

    yeah, I'm not a fan of red bull.

    iced coffee <3

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @kkrystyna said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @kkrystyna said:
    red bull/monster is sooooooooo bad for your health - try hiball/yerba mate etc. from whole foods instead same energy

    100% agree.

    I had TERRIBLE health in high school, and also had sleeping issues which I always partially attributed to my drinking of Monster basically every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

    I usually drink cold brew now and sometimes the organic energy drinks which are so much better. I cringe when my mom drinks red bulls.

    yeah, I'm not a fan of red bull.

    iced coffee <3

    A red bull every once and a while isn't that bad for you. Trust me, I used to promote it so I'm not lying ;)

  • elle_satelle_sat Alum Member
    98 karma

    @Freddy_D said:

    @elle_sat said:
    A scoop of pre-workout. LSAT is a maaaajor brain workout after all :P

    YEAH!! the tingles and jingles from a good pre-workout will put you on some levels! :astonished:

    Hahah!! You get me <3!

  • ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
    513 karma

    I slammed a 20oz red bull as I was walking in test day and the proctor stood there like....
    Alt Text

  • elle_satelle_sat Alum Member
    98 karma

    @ZaTabler said:
    I slammed a 20oz red bull as I was walking in test day and the proctor stood there like....
    Alt Text

    Hahha! And how did that work out for you? Did you score a 181?! :)

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz My old roommate used to take nootropics like Alpha Brain instead of coffee that used to work well for him. It's one less extreme option to try. Though the use of pre-workout seems pretty interesting but intense!

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Im alergic to beta alanine which is in pretty much every pre workout so i think i have to rule that one out

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    about to have my first cup of coffee <3

    vanilla creamer ftw<3

    how do people drink their coffee black

  • ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
    513 karma

    @elle_sat said:

    @ZaTabler said:
    I slammed a 20oz red bull as I was walking in test day and the proctor stood there like....
    Alt Text

    Hahha! And how did that work out for you? Did you score a 181?! :)

    Only thing it did was make me have to pee about 10 min into section 2.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @ZaTabler said:

    @elle_sat said:

    @ZaTabler said:
    I slammed a 20oz red bull as I was walking in test day and the proctor stood there like....
    Alt Text

    Hahha! And how did that work out for you? Did you score a 181?! :)

    Only thing it did was make me have to pee about 10 min into section 2.

    haha, the proctor was probably like "damn, this person is getting pumped and they are about to kill this shit"

  • elle_satelle_sat Alum Member
    98 karma

    @TheMikey said:
    about to have my first cup of coffee <3

    vanilla creamer ftw<3

    how do people drink their coffee black

    Nooo! How dare you wash out the coffee flavor?!

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    @TheMikey said:
    about to have my first cup of coffee <3

    vanilla creamer ftw<3

    how do people drink their coffee black

    Black? I don't even drink my tea black. Gotta have some milk.

    It's funny how this thread has become so popular.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    @ZaTabler said:

    @elle_sat said:

    @ZaTabler said:
    I slammed a 20oz red bull as I was walking in test day and the proctor stood there like....
    Alt Text

    Hahha! And how did that work out for you? Did you score a 181?! :)

    Only thing it did was make me have to pee about 10 min into section 2.

    Good point. Caffeine is a diuretic, so too much, could lead to some unwanted consequences on test day. Maybe adult diapers are the solution for that.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @elle_sat said:

    @TheMikey said:
    about to have my first cup of coffee <3

    vanilla creamer ftw<3

    how do people drink their coffee black

    Nooo! How dare you wash out the coffee flavor?!

    idk, I just don't like it. I need at the VERY LEAST a pinch of milk in it

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