Sunny, you seem fairly sure that the 2nd LR Is the real one and Allez, you seem sure that it isn't. Allez, you mentioned something about the bear and it's habitat, do you remember any more questions from that section? It can help me post more in the thread to find out.
First two LR have 25 questions, and the first one is way harder than the other two.
First LR has a question on Stretching with physicians and yoga, also has a question on what is morally acceptable. Only remember these cuz I just got stuck on those two
First two LR have 25 questions, and the first one is way harder than the other two.
First LR has a question on Stretching with physicians and yoga, also has a question on what is morally acceptable. Only remember these cuz I just got stuck on those two
@mta72 Honestly, my memory is not getting kinda hazy. I'm less sure. I think the middle LR for me had a ton of disagree questions on the first page, like 3. I seem to be remembering questions as people post them, but unable to do so on my own.
agreed with everyone who says the science passage in the experimental RC was hardest of all time... really shook my confidence as the first section. luckily I think the rest was fine.
Are the order the games are presented the same across all tests? Some people are listing the games in the real section in an order that I don't remember them appearing on the test. Thanks. Let me know if this violates any of the rules of discussion and I will retract.
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
@LSATcantwin said:
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
@Hannah56 said:
I had 2 RC sections and I remember the tribal immunity, WW1 activist, & the abstract art but I took the test overseas. Does that mean it was the expermental???? I hope so coz the other one was pretty easy.
Yep, that one was definitely the experimental (per others who didn't have that section).
@LSATcantwin said:
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
yeah, totally possible.
did u start drinking yet
TBH I'm in my home alone. Stairing at a's all I can get myself to do...hahaha
@LSATcantwin said:
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
yeah, totally possible.
did u start drinking yet
TBH I'm in my home alone. Stairing at a's all I can get myself to do...hahaha
I may seem all cheery but I'm dying on the inside from this -27 on RC I'm about to get hit by
@dwon said: @mta72 I have the same question re: experimental LR. Were your first two LR sections 25 qs and the third 26?
I am not entirely sure @dwon , I wish I kept an eye out on for that. All I remember from Section 3 is that question about clergy and them exaggerating how religious peasants were. I wish someone had a great memory with a clear-cut answer. Allez and Sunny, did help, so thanks to them!
I think (not entirely sure) that I had like 2-3 disagree questions on the first two pages of the section I had that clergy question. I hope that can help someone decipher if that section was exp. or real.
@mta72 said:
I think (not entirely sure) that I had like 2-3 disagree questions on the first two pages of the section I had that clergy question. I hope that can help someone decipher if that section was exp. or real.
Really hoping the first section of LR was the experimental because I found it much harder than the other two, not entirely sure but I think the first section began with a question about drinking on campus. Can anyone confirm if this was the experimental section?
@LSATcantwin said:
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
yeah, totally possible.
did u start drinking yet
TBH I'm in my home alone. Stairing at a's all I can get myself to do...hahaha
I may seem all cheery but I'm dying on the inside from this -27 on RC I'm about to get hit by
Ah but that can explained to a school easily. Clearly you made a Scantron mistake on question two (double filled question one) and thus missed the rest through a series of comical mistakes on consecutive answer choices. I'm sure law schools will understand ;-P
I had RC LR LG RC LR. Was really hoping that the first RC was real, but turns out it was experimental. Judges passage and Freud/Marx passage were ridiculous. LG was pretty easy and LR was par for the course, if not a little harder.
Hopefully there's a decent curve, though doubtful considering June's RC was brutal, as well.
@reflectionx said:
There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive art. There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or the louvre or astronomy--are there multiple experimental versions?
Yes-- I had 2 RC sections. The section with the Louvre was experimental. It seems like a bunch of people had an experimental LR section (3 LR sections) broken down as LR LG LR LR RC.
Btw-- RC as the 5th section after 2 LR sections is brutal. Tough to power through that.
Does anyone who didn’t have experimental LR remember a question about investment in science and a healthy economy? It was the last one for me second of three LR sections and I’m wondering if that was the experimental. My order was LR, LG, LR, LR, RC
@"Dillon A. Wright" said:
The Judge's Opinions one was real. Astronomy is experimental.
@bswise2 said:
I had 2 RC. One had a passage about astronomy and the other had a passage about judges' opinions. Anyone who can shed light on which was real would be very appreciated.
THANK GAWD. I did okay on the Astronomy one overall, but had a couple of questions I didn't know the answers to at all. I definitely feel better about the other one I had.
Really hoping the first section of LR was the experimental because I found it much harder than the other two, not entirely sure but I think the first section began with a question about drinking on campus. Can anyone confirm if this was the experimental section?
Can anyone confirm this, if the question about reducing drinking on campus was real or experm?
All the LR's were really hard for me I remember the 2nd LR section had a question (towards te end) about an artist who painted a self-portrait also painting a battle featuring aristocrats? I remember this one cause I was really tripped up on it. Does anyone else remember this?
It would be awesome if it were part of the experimental LR...
@kaniko said:
I think I may have found where they got the awful candor passage from.. I found the other one!! It's by someone named Schwartzmann and was published by UVA press around 2007. Don't have the link at the moment, but I googled judicial candor utopian and it came up. It's made from the introduction to his book
I had 3 LR sections. I think we need to establish that the order of the the three LR sections isn't the same for all tests, so the exp. section could have been any one of the them (correct me if I'm wrong, just taking this from the discussion board). Based on the PT's from around 70 forward, I sensed a pattern of one 25Q LR and one 26Q LR. My test order was LR LG LR; LR RC, with the first two LR's being 25Q, the third 26Q. I'm thinking one of the 25Q sections was an exp., but what do I know?
Probably the best way to figure out which LR was exp is for test-takers who had 2 RC or 2 LG sections to ID as many LR Q's as possible. If you can remember which passage they were in, count that section as scored.
Can confirm that RC was Forests, Native Language/Radio, Judges from hell, and Grand Theory (Marx/Freud). LG was Machiavelli/Shakespeare Villians, Movies, Lunch Specials, and Witnesses.
Don't remember these LR Q's others have mentioned: joggers, dress code, lemurs, primates
All the LR's were really hard for me I remember the 2nd LR section had a question (towards te end) about an artist who painted a self-portrait also painting a battle featuring aristocrats? I remember this one cause I was really tripped up on it. Does anyone else remember this?
It would be awesome if it were part of the experimental LR..
--I had 3 LR sections and had self-portrait/battle Q as well. Can't remember what section though
How did people find it? I thoguht RC was doing alright until the third passage (dual) nothing easy but the dual one seemed hard to discern the stance; lots of disagreements over what each passage stood for
@LSATcantwin said:
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
yeah, totally possible.
did u start drinking yet
TBH I'm in my home alone. Stairing at a's all I can get myself to do...hahaha
I may seem all cheery but I'm dying on the inside from this -27 on RC I'm about to get hit by
Right there with ya bud. I figure about a week-long bender give or take then right back on the grind.
Best part is when you feel pretty good about both LR's, feel like you went -0 in LG, and then have RC as the very last section and have it obliterate you. RIP.
@jackigoe said:
Best part is when you feel pretty good about both LR's, feel like you went -0 in LG, and then have RC as the very last section and have it obliterate you. RIP.
Yeah, I much prefer June's approach of obliterating me on section one and leaving me to contemplate my life decisions for the next five sections. This was the worst...
I had LR, LG, LR, (break), LR, RC
My first LR was legit.I screwed up the second LR. Does anyone know which section was the experimental one? If the second section was not the experimental, I am thinking to cancel my score. I remembered my first LR had 25 questions, the second LR had 26 questions with the last two pages containing 5-7 quesions.I don't remember how many questions were in the third LR section but I knew the last two pages contained only four questions.
@reflectionx said:
There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive art. There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or the louvre or astronomy--are there multiple experimental versions?
This is what I'm wondering as well. I remember the pyramid and Louvre passage but I can't remember the other passages from that section for the life of me. Do you remember what the comparison passage was for your experimental section?
Haha yes, someone clear this up?
If someone had:
LR - LG - LR - LR - RC - which LR was experimental?
If someone had:
LR - LG - LR - LR - RC - which LR was experimental?> @JDtobeeee said:
Was told the Second LR was experimental.....
@mta72 Honestly, my memory is not getting kinda hazy. I'm less sure. I think the middle LR for me had a ton of disagree questions on the first page, like 3. I seem to be remembering questions as people post them, but unable to do so on my own.
agreed with everyone who says the science passage in the experimental RC was hardest of all time... really shook my confidence as the first section. luckily I think the rest was fine.
Had LR-LG-LR-LR-RC. Any idea what the question distribution for LR was? Remember it being 25-26-26 for some reason.
Are the order the games are presented the same across all tests? Some people are listing the games in the real section in an order that I don't remember them appearing on the test. Thanks. Let me know if this violates any of the rules of discussion and I will retract.
@AllezAllez21, I am like 60% sure that I had like 3 disagree questions in the first two pages also on my middle LR. so maybe.
It was 25, 25, 26 with the general consensus that the section with a vandalism question was the real 25.
Isn't it possible to have the same section order (LR LG LR LR RC) but not have the LR's in the same order? Can't my third section be someone else's first? Etc? How can you determine from order alone?
yeah, totally possible.
did u start drinking yet
@mta72 I have the same question re: experimental LR. Were your first two LR sections 25 qs and the third 26?
Yep, that one was definitely the experimental (per others who didn't have that section).
TBH I'm in my home alone. Stairing at a's all I can get myself to do...hahaha
Is it bad to cancel a score? Really not feeling good about the test
I may seem all cheery but I'm dying on the inside from this -27 on RC I'm about to get hit by
I am not entirely sure @dwon , I wish I kept an eye out on for that. All I remember from Section 3 is that question about clergy and them exaggerating how religious peasants were. I wish someone had a great memory with a clear-cut answer. Allez and Sunny, did help, so thanks to them!
I think (not entirely sure) that I had like 2-3 disagree questions on the first two pages of the section I had that clergy question. I hope that can help someone decipher if that section was exp. or real.
Clergy question was real
Really hoping the first section of LR was the experimental because I found it much harder than the other two, not entirely sure but I think the first section began with a question about drinking on campus. Can anyone confirm if this was the experimental section?
Ah but that can explained to a school easily. Clearly you made a Scantron mistake on question two (double filled question one) and thus missed the rest through a series of comical mistakes on consecutive answer choices. I'm sure law schools will understand ;-P
@barbie58t this is the same as I had...still trying to figure it out
I had RC LR LG RC LR. Was really hoping that the first RC was real, but turns out it was experimental. Judges passage and Freud/Marx passage were ridiculous. LG was pretty easy and LR was par for the course, if not a little harder.
Hopefully there's a decent curve, though doubtful considering June's RC was brutal, as well.
December's looking pretty nice right about now.
Yes-- I had 2 RC sections. The section with the Louvre was experimental. It seems like a bunch of people had an experimental LR section (3 LR sections) broken down as LR LG LR LR RC.
Btw-- RC as the 5th section after 2 LR sections is brutal. Tough to power through that.
Oh yeah--LG was real easy. If I recall correctly, I had most difficulty with the third game. The first two were a breeze
The suspects/interview one?
Guys! Was the Venezuela and Uruguay game experimental???! Ordered by Jan feb n march
Does anyone who didn’t have experimental LR remember a question about investment in science and a healthy economy? It was the last one for me second of three LR sections and I’m wondering if that was the experimental. My order was LR, LG, LR, LR, RC
It was Question 25
Who is in Brooklyn and wants to meet out tonight? I need to talk about this test with someone who understands my pain...
I think I may have found where they got the awful candor passage from..
Can anyone confirm this, if the question about reducing drinking on campus was real or experm?
Hey everyone,
Had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC.
All the LR's were really hard for me
I remember the 2nd LR section had a question (towards te end) about an artist who painted a self-portrait also painting a battle featuring aristocrats? I remember this one cause I was really tripped up on it. Does anyone else remember this?
It would be awesome if it were part of the experimental LR...
I had 3 LR sections. I think we need to establish that the order of the the three LR sections isn't the same for all tests, so the exp. section could have been any one of the them (correct me if I'm wrong, just taking this from the discussion board). Based on the PT's from around 70 forward, I sensed a pattern of one 25Q LR and one 26Q LR. My test order was LR LG LR; LR RC, with the first two LR's being 25Q, the third 26Q. I'm thinking one of the 25Q sections was an exp., but what do I know?
Probably the best way to figure out which LR was exp is for test-takers who had 2 RC or 2 LG sections to ID as many LR Q's as possible. If you can remember which passage they were in, count that section as scored.
Can confirm that RC was Forests, Native Language/Radio, Judges from hell, and Grand Theory (Marx/Freud). LG was Machiavelli/Shakespeare Villians, Movies, Lunch Specials, and Witnesses.
Don't remember these LR Q's others have mentioned: joggers, dress code, lemurs, primates
Already signing up for December after a misread on the game
--I had 3 LR sections and had self-portrait/battle Q as well. Can't remember what section though
How did people find it? I thoguht RC was doing alright until the third passage (dual) nothing easy but the dual one seemed hard to discern the stance; lots of disagreements over what each passage stood for
Did the real LG have sth about two authors and assigning chapters on plants? And also a game abt parkdale (??)
I had only one 1 LG and didn't have those games
Right there with ya bud. I figure about a week-long bender give or take then right back on the grind.
Best part is when you feel pretty good about both LR's, feel like you went -0 in LG, and then have RC as the very last section and have it obliterate you. RIP.
Yeah, I much prefer June's approach of obliterating me on section one and leaving me to contemplate my life decisions for the next five sections. This was the worst...
I had LR, LG, LR, (break), LR, RC
My first LR was legit.I screwed up the second LR. Does anyone know which section was the experimental one? If the second section was not the experimental, I am thinking to cancel my score. I remembered my first LR had 25 questions, the second LR had 26 questions with the last two pages containing 5-7 quesions.I don't remember how many questions were in the third LR section but I knew the last two pages contained only four questions.
If you thought RC was hard you should of seen the experimental RC
This is what I'm wondering as well. I remember the pyramid and Louvre passage but I can't remember the other passages from that section for the life of me. Do you remember what the comparison passage was for your experimental section?