Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Can I still improve LR by Oct 5? - 7Sage Forum

Can I still improve LR by Oct 5?

KK Free Trial Member
edited August 2013 in Logical Reasoning 345 karma
I'm still getting like 10 wrong in LR and its disheartening because I've been taking timed sections out of PTs (don't have time to do full length except on weekend) and I just seem to do so badly on LR than any other section.

I'm getting -0 to -2 on RC and LG combined but LR has been a nightmare.

I need a score as high as I can get so I can beat the declining medians and get into a good school. However, this is proving hard because I'm getting 10 wrong on LR...


  • James DeanJames Dean Free Trial Member
    297 karma
    I'm in the same situation you are. As of the last 3 tests, I'm consistently getting around -5 for each LR. I feel that with additional tests we will improve. It's just slow. I've seen the trend from the beginning of my testing, it's just slow. If I keep pushing a plateau, it gives way.. eventually. I just hope that's before October 5 as I really don't want to apply late in the cycle with a Dec LSAT.
  • James DeanJames Dean Free Trial Member
    297 karma
    Intense blind review is the only way really. We need to become more familiar with the different questions so we can speed through them as we recognize patterns. I personally use the Manhattan LSAT forum when I feel a video explanation is lacking- it's nice to see differing opinions worked out. They have explanations most previously administered LR's .

    Good luck
  • James DeanJames Dean Free Trial Member
    297 karma
    A friend told me he saw improvements with every 10 PT's. It took him around 10 to get from the 150's to the 160's, and around 10 more to get from the 160's, to the 170's.

    That's my religion. lol if not, I'm going to panic. I'm in the 160's after 6 so I don't see myself off track .
  • KK Free Trial Member
    345 karma
    haha I hope so.

    I need to improve on weaken, flaw, and NA questions mostly. To a lesser degree, I need to work on PSA/SA questions.

    However, I am not sure if I will be able to maximize my potential on LR by the time it is time to take the actual test. I have to take PTs too! :<
  • KK Free Trial Member
    edited August 2013 345 karma
    See this is what I mean... PT 53: 168 actual/179 BR

    I got lucky on a couple of LR questions, especially ones from Section 3. A lot of the LR questions were much, much harder than the questions in RC or LG. For crying out loud two of the LGs were sequencing... come on now..

    Anyone taken PT 53? That LR was brutal wasn't it?
  • James DeanJames Dean Free Trial Member
    297 karma
    On section 3, I got 1-19 correct and then missed 20-23. lol
    On section 1, I missed 4 within the first 13 questions and then got the rest correct.

    Again, just stupid errors it seems... always... especially on section 1. I missed 1 within the first 5 lol

    I can't stand my freaking fluctuations. I just want to get my first 25 streak already!

    I did struggle on the last game. There were a few rules that I was unfamiliar with.
  • KK Free Trial Member
    345 karma
    Yeah 53 had some weird questions.

    Under time limits some of those questions were tough to answer. Lots of wordy stimuli and answers...

    The last LG was tough for me as well because about a minute into making my diagram I realized it was incorrect/inefficient. So I had to redo and came up with something similar to JY's method (instead of the two elements per place side by side I had them vertically). I felt that overall the LG section was fairly easy because I've hardly ever finished a LG section with almost 8 min to kill...

    Would you like to study for LR with me? I have skype but i dont have a headset.
  • KK Free Trial Member
    345 karma
    James how do you "drill" questions you got wrong until you understand why they are correct?

    Please let me know.

    If anyone else wants to add their input please do!
  • Jason BorerJason Borer Free Trial Member
    24 karma
    What helped me was thinking "Every stimulus that contains an argument is going to be flawed--- it is just up to me to find that flaw" I practiced by reading the stim and not moving on to the answer choices until I had an idea of what the flaw was.

    Obviously, this wont work on many must be true/ main point questions, but those answers have always came naturally to me.
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