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Accurately predicting scores with repeated PT's

rzulo1rzulo1 Free Trial Member
edited December 2014 in General 5 karma
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to study for the LSAT and accurately predict my scores given that at first when I started practicing I did not follow any method but took and repeated PT's. Now, I think that I have memorized a great degree of questions and want to improve on thinking abstractly from my preconceived knowledge and get a strong core strategy for test day. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about this? I am enrolling in 7sage to adapt to a strategy (since I don't have one), but, wanted to go around what apparently is this big mistake.


  • basedvulpesbasedvulpes Free Trial Member
    edited December 2014 20 karma
    I think you should remember that your goal in taking PTs isn't to accurately predict your score, it's to get better at the LSAT. So, yes, you will remember some material that you see, but I hardly think you'll have all of the answers memorized. There is absolutely value in going over old material and applying what you have learned since you first saw it.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    One thing that I found was liberating for me was to view practice tests as benchmark assessing my knowledge of the test. I forgot that in the process of studying for the test, I got so obsessed with the score that I didn't step back to think that the only score that matters is the one that I get on game day. Think about the test as something that shows you what your weaknesses are and use 7sage to eliminate those weaknesses.
  • rzulo1rzulo1 Free Trial Member
    5 karma
    Thank you for your comments.
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