Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Can I Choose Which LSAT Score to Apply With - 7Sage Forum

Can I Choose Which LSAT Score to Apply With

Gary NYCGary NYC Free Trial Member
in General 95 karma

Hey Guys,

I'm looking at tier two schools to apply to.

My question is... can i choose which score to send. In other words. So if i took the June 2017 and September 2016 LSAT, and I scored better on september 2016, can i choose this September to send? Or I have to use the most recent score?


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    You have to submit all scores. But either way, they can see all of your scores anyways when LSAC sends your stuff to them. I feel like if you leave out scores they may raise an eyebrow, so just submit them and tbh they will more than likely only care about your highest score either way.

  • Gary NYCGary NYC Free Trial Member
    95 karma

    oh i see.. so lets say i got a 163 on september and 160 on june. It should go down as me having got a 163 for application purposes. They'll take the higher and report that?

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @"Gary NYC" said:
    oh i see.. so lets say i got a 163 on september and 160 on june. It should go down as me having got a 163 for application purposes. They'll take the higher and report that?

    What do you mean for application purposes? Like the ones you report to them on the app? You should write both scores down if that's what you mean. If I'm mistaken correct me :P

    But what I meant by them caring about your highest score was that most schools don't average scores, and they only report an applicants highest score so that is what they will mainly focus on. 1 lower score won't hurt you at all since they care about your highest score, but they DO need to have the other scores.

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    Law schools would be sent both LSAT grades. You can't chose to send one and not the other. For "application purposes" most schools will say they look at both scores, but the received wisdom is that they mostly care about your most recent score. But they will certainly see both your scores.

  • Gary NYCGary NYC Free Trial Member
    95 karma

    So I mean like.. what is my applicant profile. my GPA is ___ and my lsat score is ____. They would just take the highest regardless of if i got a lower score later on. Then, they report that score for their ratings.

  • Gary NYCGary NYC Free Trial Member
    95 karma


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @"Gary NYC" said:
    So I mean like.. what is my applicant profile. my GPA is ___ and my lsat score is ____. They would just take the highest regardless of if i got a lower score later on. Then, they report that score for their ratings.

    yes they would take your highest, regardless of scoring lower after. The only thing I can see happening is them brining it up in an interview (assuming the school does interviews), but even if they do just give them a non-BS reason and own up to it. Unless you're applying to Yale though, you have nothing to worry about!

  • EvetteCeeEvetteCee Alum Member
    224 karma

    Law schools see all of your LSAT scores, but usually they just take into account the highest.

    So, if you got a 163 on the September 2016 LSAT & 160 on the June 2017 LSAT, they will take the 163. However, there are some schools that average the scores, but this isn't that common anymore. You should be fine (:

  • Gary NYCGary NYC Free Trial Member
    95 karma

    Thank you guys so much! @"Bay Area" @TheMikey @"Rigid Designator"

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