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Few questions on LR...

LivePumpkinLivePumpkin Free Trial Member
in General 270 karma

I’ve always wondered how people approach the LR section. Do you read the question stem first or stimulus? After that, how do you approach the question - finding conclusion and the support?

Also, what is the best way to review LR? And what are some important fundamentals when it comes to the LR section of the test? Thanks :)!


  • Marco AntonioMarco Antonio Alum Member
    199 karma

    I find that reading the question stem first works best for me, especially concerning timing. If I for some reason forget to do so, I always find myself having to go back and reread the stimulus again, which is a waste of time. My general strategy that I've found is to:

    1. Understand your task - read the question stem to trigger how to think about the question and decide whether you're reading for an argument or something else.
    2. Evaluate the stimulus
    3. Eliminate wrong answer choices (for most questions) - for some question types you will have a strong idea of what the answer choice is before looking at the options, but you should still eliminate wrong choices
    4. Confirm the right answer - be sure not to compare two possible answers against one another, only compare them individually against the stimulus

    Hope this helps!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @LivePumpkin said:
    I’ve always wondered how people approach the LR section. Do you read the question stem first or stimulus? After that, how do you approach the question - finding conclusion and the support?

    Also, what is the best way to review LR? And what are some important fundamentals when it comes to the LR section of the test? Thanks :)!

    I use 7Sage's system of reading the Q stem first. I think the most important fundamentals are being able to locate the argument core (support + conclusion) and knowing formal logic well. 7Sage's lessons on Valid/Invalid argument have also been instrumental in my LR prep.

    I use the Blind review method to review my LR sections/drills. I think most high scorers agree with this as well.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    @LivePumpkin said:
    I’ve always wondered how people approach the LR section. Do you read the question stem first or stimulus? After that, how do you approach the question - finding conclusion and the support?

    Also, what is the best way to review LR? And what are some important fundamentals when it comes to the LR section of the test? Thanks :)!

    I use 7Sage's system of reading the Q stem first. I think the most important fundamentals are being able to locate the argument core (support + conclusion) and knowing formal logic well. 7Sage's lessons on Valid/Invalid argument have also been instrumental in my LR prep.

    I use the Blind review method to review my LR sections/drills. I think most high scorers agree with this as well.

    Yep. I basically do what J.Y. tells me to do because he is our master:

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    Well my friend who got a 179 reads the question first, but I think that it is ultimately about preference. I read the question first and find it works fine...given I'm not a 7sage but I usually get 5-3 wrong on LR.

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    I also feel like that over time you develop the ability to anticipate the question stem...I feel like that's a really good skill to develop, IMO.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Q stem first

    also, best way to review LR is to breakdown the stimulus and come up with explanations for each answer as to why each is wrong or right

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Nunuboy1994 said:
    Well my friend who got a 179 reads the question first, but I think that it is ultimately about preference. I read the question first and find it works fine...given I'm not a 7sage but I usually get 5-3 wrong on LR.

    Yeah I think the fact reasonable, smart minds who ultimately scored well disagree on whether to read the stim/stem first shows there isn't one objectively right way. That said, I think the argument(s) for reading the stem first make a lot more sense.

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