Yep! Had everything uploaded where I could see it. Didn't do as terribly on the RC as I thought I would, but still would have liked a higher score overall. Oh well!
@Iamrapidash said:
Yep! Had everything uploaded where I could see it. Didn't do as terribly on the RC as I thought I would, but still would have liked a higher score overall. Oh well!
@Iamrapidash said:
Yep! Had everything uploaded where I could see it. Didn't do as terribly on the RC as I thought I would, but still would have liked a higher score overall. Oh well!
I heard that this year they were sending out scores from highest to lowest. So they'll send out all the 176+ scores in the first batch, then in the second batch, all the 170-175s, etc on down.
@"Cant Get Right" said:
I heard that this year they were sending out scores from highest to lowest. So they'll send out all the 176+ scores in the first batch, then in the second batch, all the 170-175s, etc on down.
@JSigerson221 Honestly, if your goal is just 170 and you got a 168, I'd go ahead and apply now while I'm early to take advantage of rolling admissions. But if you think you can best 170, maybe 172, then I think will be worth it. Either way its already a great score so don't be down on yourself! congrats
@"Felix Mendez" well not my goal, I guess I should have said the least I would have been happy with. I was scoring between 174-180 (180 once) on my last 6 practice tests before the lsat. I really want to get into UVA or U of M and their medians are both 169. My gpa is a 3.5 (due to some poor desicions at the beginning of my academic career - once I transferred to a university I graduated with a 4.0) so I kinda need to reach their median. But I appreciate the advice and thanks for the congrats!
I just got my score...
Did they send you an email?
Yep! Had everything uploaded where I could see it. Didn't do as terribly on the RC as I thought I would, but still would have liked a higher score overall. Oh well!
what was the curve?!
I heard that this year they were sending out scores from highest to lowest. So they'll send out all the 176+ scores in the first batch, then in the second batch, all the 170-175s, etc on down.
And before anyone gets upset, that is a joke;)
I just got my scores too...
brah...I'm a freaking snowflake....don't do me like that...
Law schools really need to not be sending me emails right at this moment. Talking to you @Cincinnati.
Nobody should send an e-mail right now...I'm mad at Linkedin and Best Buy so far...
Yeah, I don't even know what Tumblr is, but I know that I hate it.
Welllllll this happened.
AHH so mean haha that killed me
I'm retaking lolololol
bombed RC badly, probably would've been happy with my score if I didn't bomb RC as bad as I did
at least I -2'd LG, but even that pisses me off since LG was incredibly easy
Wait how can you tell how many you missed per section?
item response report
Got my score as well. Did unusually badly on LR, but did well on games (-3) and LR was surprisingly forgiving (-4). Will be retaking in December.
Brah...I got destroyed. I will be going hard until Dec...
RC destroyed me BADDDDDDDDDD
LR my dood. -13 total haha
I did pretty bad in LR as well -5 and -6.....
never happens to me I usually -2 each LR
I scored a 168 while getting -8 in that God forsaken reading comp section. My goal was a 170. I don't know whether to take it again or not.
@JSigerson221 Honestly, if your goal is just 170 and you got a 168, I'd go ahead and apply now while I'm early to take advantage of rolling admissions. But if you think you can best 170, maybe 172, then I think will be worth it. Either way its already a great score so don't be down on yourself! congrats
@"Felix Mendez" well not my goal, I guess I should have said the least I would have been happy with. I was scoring between 174-180 (180 once) on my last 6 practice tests before the lsat. I really want to get into UVA or U of M and their medians are both 169. My gpa is a 3.5 (due to some poor desicions at the beginning of my academic career - once I transferred to a university I graduated with a 4.0) so I kinda need to reach their median. But I appreciate the advice and thanks for the congrats!
I feel this... RC -18 for me. I killed all other sections. I spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME on Judges.