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Feel gutted by the test. It was such a weird mix.
I went perfect on LG -0
I did horrible on LR -8/-5
I did horrible on RC -7
My lowest PT in the 3 months prior to the Sept test was a 163. My highest was a 174.
So here I am. 163 and feeling pretty beat down. Since I'm a splitter obviously I'm not getting into the schools I had hoped for. (2.7 GPA)
I also have a ton of pressure on me so I have to apply this cycle, just not many ways around idk what to do...retake in December and pray? Apply with this score now and pray? Lower my standards considerably?
This test sucks some times
Definitely never lower your standards when it comes to law school. If you scored a 174, ever, it was not by mistake. You are 100% capable of getting that score on a retake. Perhaps your nerves got the best of you, or you had an off day. It happens...
Why do you have to apply this cycle? I guess I'm always curious what prevents people from sitting out a cycle (getting the score they need, scholarships, better chances at better schools, etc.) that allows them to somehow attend law school? It's always seemed a bit like people invent reasons why they have to go...
Im in the same boat. Im a splitter and got a 165 on this test after scoring in the low 170's regularly in PT. Haven't looked at my distribution yet scores yet. Im blind reviewing the test as i write this. I don't have to apply this cycle but I would like to. Im more shocked than i am mad. This was a favorable test for me. Got 2 LG sections early in my exam didn't really feel tripped up about anything.. I felt comfortable all around. But shit happens. Ill go stuff my face with some Ben and Jerry's and then get back to work later this week. this is just one of those lumps. I will get a 170 or above. YOU will get that 170 and WE will walk across that stage in a few years.
Currently living at home and don't make nearly enough money to live on my own. Parents gave me an ultimatum and not really sure what else to do. Fucking rent where I am for a single bed and bath is $1400 month lol it's law school or I gotta figure something else out. My current job is awesome sept it pays like total crap.
F***! I feel you my man ... I live in NYC where my shoebox apartment is a bit more than that. It sucks...
Well I think you are incredibly bright, motivated, and capable of scoring that 170+ in December. Pick yourself back up and go get it! If there's literally anyone I believe can do it, it's you @LSATcantwin
May the dark side be with you
I vote for retaking in Dec and praying! It sucks that you don't have a choice in this - as I would retake when ready - like Feb. I know that is late in the game, but what the hell.
Have you considered a heart-to-heart with your parents?
And I agree with the Divine Alex (I just changed your name, lol), if you scored 170+ in a PT then get back on your horse and study the hell out of this test. You have about 6 weeks. Do it and do it hard. Don't burn yourself out but def study the crap out of it.
I'm with vader - you WILL do this. Now, go on and study.
I also went -13 on LR. This was very far above my norm and super deflating. However, I am motivated to bounce back and get a 170+ in December. Stay positive, we got this!!!
Hey man. What was your PT average and where they on the recent exams? I have been studying while living with the parent, so I understand your pain.. been studying for this exam for a while and managed only 1 point improvement, with similar number questions wrong as you on each section.
I am in a similar position, Anakin. (Can I call you Anakin so that you will come back from the Dark side?) I have that ultimatum (“this cycle or bust”). We can do this!!!!
PT average was a 168 and they were recent yeah.
It's incredibly insane...I might consider maybe looking for a filler career until I can get my score up but I HAVE to make more money or I won't survive lol
@LSATcantwin if that was your average, I would advocate a retake. Im sure you know that a three point test date drop is normal due to nerves. Idk what happened to the LR section for me as well. I went minus 3 on each of the LR sections on PT 80 but felt this exam's LR was much more difficult. How long have you been studying? And what was your diagnostic?
Do whatever you need to man. The biggest mistake in life is settling for less than we know we are capable of achieving. It's always so upsetting to me when parents/family don't understand the importance of this test and how much it could potentially be worth... sigh
I'll be rooting you on in whatever you choose Anakin (lol! @akistotle)
Dannnngit @LCMama2017 said can you talk to your parents again? Tell them to come on the forum and talk to us we'll convince them lol. I definitely think you shouldn't lower your standards. Any way you can get a roommate if you have to move out? A better paying job? This does suck all around sorry
Bout a year, my Diag was a 151. LR was the bane of my existence...
This is the easiest multiple choice question in history! RETAKE IN DEC AND CRUSH IT!
Basically got the same numbers you did
was PTing between 169-172, but ended up with a 165 with -12 total on LR, perfect games, and -6 reading. Really considering whether the retake and delayed app would be worth it. Not sure where to go from here in terms of LR strategy since it seems like I’ve only gotten worse
Definitely retake!! Sounds like the September test just wasn't your test, given your normal PT average. Odds that that will happen again in December seem low to me, especially if you keep up the prep over the next 7 weeks or whatever it is. Don't settle!
@"marvin.dike" hey I hear ya man. It's super frustrating going -0 in one section and then bombing the rest lol. We'll get back at it and hope for something different!
We will definitely get back and get a better score. We will not accept anything less
I've already chatted with you, but dude... You are completely able to do this in December. Go do it! I've decided to apply with the scores I have now, and if I don't get in... Well, i'm taking a gap year to retake the LSAT and get some more experience.
@LSATcantwin, where do you think you went wrong on the Sept test? Was it test day nerves? Anything atypical during the exam? Bubbling mistake? Skipping more questions than usual? If you can find anywhere that you’ve left obvious points on the table, I’d say retake in December. If you can pinpoint exactly what you need to focus your studies on for the next two months, retake in December.
However, if you simply need to master more of the material, a +7 to +11 score increase would be a remarkable feat in a mere two months’ time. I think now’s the time for brutal honesty with yourself. Since there’s no 3 test limit, I guess there’s no downside to taking the December test besides the money spent. But, are you prepared to take it a third time if you don’t see the score you want in December?
So, definitely retake. Maybe in December. Figure out what went wrong and if you can fix it in two months.
Hey, I'm in the same boat with living at home and studying and even feeling immense pressure to apply this cycle. Even got a 163, except for some reason I bombed LG (haven't had the heart to do a full review yet). I'm planning on studying, retaking in December, and crushing. My average was 166-167, and I would be thrilled with a 167 at this point if I'm being honest. But seriously, I have a feeling the whole community here is looking out for you, and you're GOING to nail the next one.
I'm getting my associates in the mean time and avoiding loan payments
I scored exactly the same score as June's. Devistated! I think it's because I took the European version. The level of difficulty level as you progressed in the section was different. The easiest game was the last one and the most time consuming was first. Same with LR, I struggled with the first few pages. Should I retake? Will applying later in the cycle hurt my chances in getting into top 40'sh schools? Like George Washington, Fordham?! And of course T14? NYU, Columbia!
You were one of the most encouraging people for me before I took the September test. You told me not to freak out so I am telling you now, if you feel in your bones you can do better, retake. You don't want to be saying you wish you had. The minute I got my 152 I put in to retake. But you can't count yourself out, remember that numbers may matter but as Anna Ivey said they don't matter as much as your application as a whole does. Even people with high scores don't get into those T14 schools I'm sure we're all reaching for. I say retake because I feel you can do better but that's only if you also feel that you can do better. I believe in you and say to continue doing a little work each day while really strengthening your PS and Résumé. I also suggest to everyone like you and I to really perfect our applications because we are going late into the cycle their will be more candidates and we want to be able to see our score and send every one of our applications off immediately! Whatever you decide I wish the best absolute best of luck and am a part of this community that will be supporting you.
I've loved reading all of your comments and discussions @LSATcantwin you're going to kill it next time you are so capable of winning this test. I mean your user name even says "lsat can't win", so don't let the LSAT win beat the LSAT and get the score you want, we're all cheering you on!!
@apawalter Thank you. I just did a blind review of the test - 180. I'm not sure how to feel about that lol why couldn't I have just done that on test day? haha
@keishabarnes95 Thank you! It's rough going right now but I'm sure I'll rebound. The score is just so raw! haha
@StellaBlue Well at least all the cool people will sill be around while we study for the next one right? ^_^
@"nicole.burdakin" I really don't know. I just did a blind review of the test and got a 180 without any hiccups at all. It all came very clearly to me. I think I have a really bad anxiety problem as well as preforming poorly timed.
@Victoria14 hey hey! Chin up right? (easier said than done haha) Good luck with the applications! I think secretly I want to retake partly because the application part seems scary...haha
I needed to hear this and so much of this rings true for me, too. Made a 164 and was used to performing in the high 160s/low 170s. I felt comfortable with everything, but it was a false sense of security with the LR, where I lost the vast majority of my points. RC and LG gave me little grief --- even the judges candor passage didn't kill me. I'm both shocked and mad, so I'm like... dead-set to kill the December test.