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This thread is for all of us who underperformed.



  • lizpillizpil Member
    282 karma

    I'd also like to say that while the score is very, very important there are brilliant lawyers that went to lesser schools who are crushing Harvard grads. It all depends on what you do with it after law school.

  • Dani BozoDani Bozo Alum Member
    20 karma

    Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone, but I am sorry that you didn't get the score you wanted. It's tough, but let's kick some major bootay on the December LSAT. I have faith that we'll all learn from the September LSAT and do better than we've ever done in December. Best of luck. <3

    p.s. This was so well written. I believe it's most likely a reflection of how awesome your personal statement will be/is.

  • nolchefonolchefo Member
    19 karma

    Thank you for the thread. I needed to read this. I got the same score as you after PT-ing at 175+ for the 3 weeks leading up to the exam. I barely slept the night before, I was super nervous and on the final section I just froze up. Up to that point I hadn't guessed on any questions, and then on the last section I guessed on around 10. I knew I bombed it and I cried my eyes out on a bench. I hung up on everyone and didn't talk to a single human being for a week.

    Today, I'm back on the LSAT grind. I'll get the score I worked for and I'll go on to become a lawyer. Those days after the exam were probably the worst in my life. I don't want to relive that crushing sense of guilt and disappointment that I felt leaving the test center.

  • ssilguero.85ssilguero.85 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    I signed up for the December test last week. That's when it really set in... I had planned on studying all summer long and taking it in September but things didn't go as planned and here I am. I've been loosely studying for maybe a month now but I figured I better sign up for December, even if I'm not 100% ready because that will push me to study and take this seriously. I'm sure I'll have to retake in February but at least then I hope the pressure will be a little less, having gone through it once already. I have been a part of 7Sage for a few months now but this is the first thread I've commented on... because it made me feel like a part of it all. We're all working for the same goal and it is so refreshing to have a community of people cheering you on and understanding of the stress this test can bring. I wish you all the best of luck. Just Keep Swimming!

  • ltownsjrltownsjr Alum Member
    edited October 2017 84 karma

    My original target score was 165. I've studied for YEARS (3) with little improvement. (In part due issues like anxiety) I took the September LSAT and I got a 148. I received a 144 last year and I have been through basically all the practice tests, but I'm not giving up... I'm looking for any help I can get, especially on logical reasoning. I'm not apart of the 7sage community anymore in the sense that I have a paid membership, but l would love to FaceTime/ communicate with those studying for the test. I've self-studied for all this time and I recognize that I have to do things differently. I really wanna hear/see how others who are good at the test and especially LR think about the section. Maybe I can get some tips. Either way, I just wanted to say that Sami's story is inspiring and not unique. We all struggle and we can all overcome! I still believe I can, and you guys shouldn't give up either!

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    Let's see what happens. : ) message you I would love to chat > @"ssilguero.85" said:
    I signed up for the December test last week. That's when it really set in... I had planned on studying all summer long and taking it in September but things didn't go as planned and here I am. I've been loosely studying for maybe a month now but I figured I better sign up for December, even if I'm not 100% ready because that will push me to study and take this seriously. I'm sure I'll have to retake in February but at least then I hope the pressure will be a little less, having gone through it once already. I have been a part of 7Sage for a few months now but this is the first thread I've commented on... because it made me feel like a part of it all. We're all working for the same goal and it is so refreshing to have a community of people cheering you on and understanding of the stress this test can bring. I wish you all the best of luck. Just Keep Swimming!

    If I could offer some advice I really wouldn't waste a take ~ I wasn't ready any my sep score (2nd take but in 5 years) just completely demoralized me. I wish i hadn't taken it.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    @lizpil said:
    I'd also like to say that while the score is very, very important there are brilliant lawyers that went to lesser schools who are crushing Harvard grads. It all depends on what you do with it after law school.

    yes this is very true!!!

  • saralaz92saralaz92 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    Hi Sami, I feel the same way. Thank you for sharing your story. I am currently in need of revamping my study schedule and figuring out realistically how much I can do for the December exam. I was planning on just dong PT's and timed sections but am wondering if there is more I should be doing. Would you be open to sharing your study schedule?

  • sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member
    373 karma

    Sami! I don't know you, but from seeing your posts on the forum and reading this one, I know you are a super conscientious worker and you can get to your 170+ score. It is so common to under-perform on the first take. I could have written your post verbatim after the June test--I was devastated by my score, which, like yours, was an objectively good score, just not one that I was happy with knowing what I was capable of. I doubled down, took Sept, and over-performed. I improved 18 points from my diagnostic. I honestly think that if I can do it, anyone can do it. I'm not naturally inclined to logic at all. Feel free to DM me if you need a pep talk or some advice!! That goes for anyone! 7Sage gave me so much and I'd be more than happy to give back. Best of luck to you and everyone else re-taking, you'll get it, just be patient and keep your confidence up and your head held high

  • yue.j2013yue.j2013 Free Trial Member
    edited October 2017 2 karma

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I have been browsing this site for some while now but your post makes me feel the need to say something. I too have taken the Sep test and underperformed significantly, getting a 170 despite an average PT score around 175. Before anyone says anything, I will admit: this is already a great score that many people dream of, and it's not even that much of an underperformance. Nevertheless it feels difficult to deal with, especially since (a) this is already my second take and I will not have time to prepare and take another round of LSAT this year, perhaps never. (b) all my co-LSAT-taking friends have worse scores than mine, so I can't exactly go around whining and crying in front of them. While I appreciate your courage (and that of many people here) to retake in Dec., personally I have decided to not let my scores define me and apply for my dream schools anyway.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is: you are not alone in underperforming, and even if you don't get a higher score, this doesn't get to define who you are or what you will achieve later, with respect to professional career or not.

  • sabreighasabreigha Alum Member
    10 karma

    Lol I wish I were able to do as well as even half of you guys! The December test feels so close and I’m nervous I’ll underperform again, but reading this thread gave me a bit of comfort! Best wishes to everyone :)

  • rs94lawschoolrs94lawschool Free Trial Member
    16 karma

    Hmm...Sami girl, I went from a 146 to a 142. Can't say I relate to your crying over the 160's score and feeling bad about it. But anyway, I get your point of underperforming. I'm trying 7Sage now, we'll see how it goes.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @rs94lawschool said:
    Hmm...Sami girl, I went from a 146 to a 142. Can't say I relate to your crying over the 160's score and feeling bad about it. But anyway, I get your point of underperforming. I'm trying 7Sage now, we'll see how it goes.

    Scores are relative. The feeling of knowing you can preform better and didn’t reach that potential is the same from 120-180. Doesn’t matter what your score range is, it sucks!

    On another note welcome to 7Sage! It has helped me a ton and continues to do so!

  • karllessmannkarllessmann Alum Member
    8 karma

    @Sami First, I know you didn’t meet your own expectations, but coming from someone outside looking in, you did a great job! I wish I came even close to that after I took the September test, but I just wasn’t completely prepared. Now, I’m preparing for the December test. Just by reading your comments, I can tell that you are going to achieve the goals you set for yourself, including the LSAT. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

  • sdunlap1984sdunlap1984 Member
    33 karma

    Thank you for this. I did the exact same thing that night. I cried for a couple of hours. I scored 5pts below my PTs. All of my family kept telling me it was a good score and it IS a good score, just not a GREAT score. I spent last weekend blowing off steam and am back on the horse this week, but WOW was that the worst email I have ever opened. Hugs, let's kill December!

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @sdunlap1984 said:
    Thank you for this. I did the exact same thing that night. I cried for a couple of hours. I scored 5pts below my PTs. All of my family kept telling me it was a good score and it IS a good score, just not a GREAT score. I spent last weekend blowing off steam and am back on the horse this week, but WOW was that the worst email I have ever opened. Hugs, let's kill December!

    Yeah, its amazing how a lot of people do not understand and think I am overreacting. LOL. sigh but I love that we have each other and we get it. :) Lets kill it this December.

    @karllessmann said:
    @Sami First, I know you didn’t meet your own expectations, but coming from someone outside looking in, you did a great job! I wish I came even close to that after I took the September test, but I just wasn’t completely prepared. Now, I’m preparing for the December test. Just by reading your comments, I can tell that you are going to achieve the goals you set for yourself, including the LSAT. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you. :) I know how you feel but I believe in you. I think the only think I would say is make sure to not take it before you are ready. So if that means Feb or June so be it. Just make sure its a result you will be happy with. Let me know if I can do anything to help. <3

    @rs94lawschool said:
    Hmm...Sami girl, I went from a 146 to a 142. Can't say I relate to your crying over the 160's score and feeling bad about it. But anyway, I get your point of underperforming. I'm trying 7Sage now, we'll see how it goes.

    I think we both underperformed and that's why we both feel bad. I think you made a great choice with 7sage and you cannot go wrong with the core-curriculum. You'll do great :).

    @sabreigha said:
    Lol I wish I were able to do as well as even half of you guys! The December test feels so close and I’m nervous I’ll underperform again, but reading this thread gave me a bit of comfort! Best wishes to everyone :)

    I think everyone feels nervous they will underperform. When @"Cant Get Right" and @"Daniel.Sieradzki" did the support group last week they both talked about how they underperformed twice. So it actually happens a lot. We just learn from it and get better :). >

    @"yue.j2013" said:

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I have been browsing this site for some while now but your post makes me feel the need to say something. I too have taken the Sep test and underperformed significantly, getting a 170 despite an average PT score around 175. Before anyone says anything, I will admit: this is already a great score that many people dream of, and it's not even that much of an underperformance. Nevertheless it feels difficult to deal with, especially since (a) this is already my second take and I will not have time to prepare and take another round of LSAT this year, perhaps never. (b) all my co-LSAT-taking friends have worse scores than mine, so I can't exactly go around whining and crying in front of them. While I appreciate your courage (and that of many people here) to retake in Dec., personally I have decided to not let my scores define me and apply for my dream schools anyway.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is: you are not alone in underperforming, and even if you don't get a higher score, this doesn't get to define who you are or what you will achieve later, with respect to professional career or not.

    Thank you for this. <3 It doesn't matter what the score is underperforming just feels awful. But like you said, we can't let that define us and must indeed do better. I think a 170 score still gives you great options for schools but I definitely have to pull up my socks and score in that range before I can apply to be competitive for those schools. I wish you the best and you'll do great on your apps. Let us know how it goes.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @saralaz92 said:
    Hi Sami, I feel the same way. Thank you for sharing your story. I am currently in need of revamping my study schedule and figuring out realistically how much I can do for the December exam. I was planning on just dong PT's and timed sections but am wondering if there is more I should be doing. Would you be open to sharing your study schedule?

    Hi Sara,

    Yeah sure. I think the right schedule can make a world of difference but it has to be customized to your needs. For example, when I was first dealing with my September score the drills assigned to me was to break down arguments - this was to boost up my confidence by showing me I do know how to break arguments. Then it was to not pre-phrase the logic of the stimulus as much - so I was assigned untimed section drills but to do the questions in a specific manner. I then took and PT and blind reviewed it. Now, I am working on practicing breathing between each game in LG, each passage in RC, and after each page turn in LR to help me relax and perform stress free.

    So I don't think the answer is any drill will work for you. I think drills are very important to address issues between PTs, but they have to do more with understanding what you personally need to overcome. The right question is what's holding you back and the answer to that question dictates your drills between PT's and what your schedule should therefore look like. For example, at one time I needed confidence drills but right now that would be useless to me. So see what you need to work on. Do you need to work on a specific question/game? Or do you need to slow down or speed up? Are you para-phrasing too much etc? Are you stressed?

    I hope that helped. <3

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @ltownsjr said:
    My original target score was 165. I've studied for YEARS (3) with little improvement. (In part due issues like anxiety) I took the September LSAT and I got a 148. I received a 144 last year and I have been through basically all the practice tests, but I'm not giving up... I'm looking for any help I can get, especially on logical reasoning. I'm not apart of the 7sage community anymore in the sense that I have a paid membership, but l would love to FaceTime/ communicate with those studying for the test. I've self-studied for all this time and I recognize that I have to do things differently. I really wanna hear/see how others who are good at the test and especially LR think about the section. Maybe I can get some tips. Either way, I just wanted to say that Sami's story is inspiring and not unique. We all struggle and we can all overcome! I still believe I can, and you guys shouldn't give up either!

    I really do think you can and thank you for sharing your story <3. It means a lot to me especially showing me so much support.

    I know each week on Monday's @"Cant Get Right" will host free LR tutoring session so you should definitely attend those. Also @"Daniel.Sieradzki" will start tutoring RC every Thursday I believe. So you should attend those as well. They are both free :).

    Thank you for offering your love and support, it really means a lot. <3

    @"Dani Bozo" said:
    Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone, but I am sorry that you didn't get the score you wanted. It's tough, but let's kick some major bootay on the December LSAT. I have faith that we'll all learn from the September LSAT and do better than we've ever done in December. Best of luck. <3

    p.s. This was so well written. I believe it's most likely a reflection of how awesome your personal statement will be/is.

    Thank you <3. Lets definitely kick some ass in December :).

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @"nessa.k13.0" said:
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @Sami I felt this way after the June test. When I got my score you were so sweet and encouraging. I know you have it in you to keep pushing till you reach your goals. I you know your stuff. Reading your post affirms for me why we need to train for a worst case scenario level accuracy and focus on having a lower range at a level we’ll be happy with. Thanks for sharing your story ❤️

    <3. Thanks for being there for me as well. :) I am glad we have each other.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    @Sami Your story is just like mine :(. I knew I did poorly right as I left the exam...nothing felt right.

    Still I had the hope that I was just overthinking it and I actually performed well.

    :( Was crushing to see that hope was unfounded..

    Yup. lol I am actually blind reviewing a PT with a tutor and so far we have reviewed three sections and I did great. His response was, how much could you have really messed up the 4th section? I was like - do not give me hope! It hurts. I rather just be hopeless and not have any expectations from myself. That way if I meet it I will be happy but if I don't I won't be this hurt.

    What has LSAT made me? lol

  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    732 karma

    @tringo335 said:
    Michelle Obama was waitlisted at Harvard
    Hillary Rodham Clinton failed the Bar Exam
    Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything
    Dr. Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 publishers
    The Dyson guy went through 5,126 failed vacuum prototypes
    Lady Gaga was dropped by her Record Label after only 3 months & cried so hard she couldn't even talk
    Steven Spielberg was rejected by USC School of Cinematic Arts 3 times...

    Everyone on this thread who thinks they've failed is in damn good company. All of you have been an inspiration on this site whether you know it or not. You don't realize, but people see your dedication and are silently rooting for you and genuinely believe in your success. Take a few days, cry over a mountain of ben and jerry's, but when you're ready get back in the game because Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

    Amazing advice even two years later. Thank you!

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    You haven't failed until you stop trying. Until then, it's just a momentary set back.

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