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Reading Comprehension

vanessaogbeidevanessaogbeide Alum Member
in General 32 karma

Hey guys,

RC happens to be my worst section, by far. I am not seeing any improvement between practice tests in that area specifically. I am really stressed out about it. Any suggestions as to how to see improvement?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited October 2017 23929 karma

    @vanessaogbeide said:
    Hey guys,

    RC happens to be my worst section, by far. I am not seeing any improvement between practice tests in that area specifically. I am really stressed out about it. Any suggestions as to how to see improvement?

    Have you gone through the RC lessons contained in the core curriculum? A big part of getting better at RC is having a solid strategy and just practicing it a ton. My advice would be to do both of those things. I know that might seem overly obvious but you wouldn't believe how many people think they can master RC without a specific strategy. I started off missing between 5-7 on RC and was only able to get better with tons of untimed drilling while practicing and perfecting my strategy. So there is hope!

    The universal tip that all strategy guides and prep companies seem to agree on is the idea that you should read for structure over details.

    Are there specific issues you're running into with RC such as timing or specific question types?

  • LivePumpkinLivePumpkin Free Trial Member
    270 karma

    I totally agree with Alex. Even with myself, I’ve noticed that when I used one strategy for RC, it took time before I started to see improvements with it. I would say experiment with a few approaches and see which one seems to suit you. Next, just stick with it because you want that approach to almost become automatic for you when you do RC.

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