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wrong RC section uploaded on LSAC for Dec14 test?

PeterPeter Free Trial Member
edited January 2015 in General 90 karma
Hi all,

In the December LSAT, I had an experimental LR section so only one RC section (section 4). I remember clearly two of the articles were on perfume and stealing thunder. In the LSAC's Disclosure Book uploaded RC section, neither of these articles were included. Anyone else notice this issue?



  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    That means the other Reading Comp was the real one then? Did LSAC fool us somehow? I could swear the perfume one was the real one.
  • PeterPeter Free Trial Member
    90 karma
    Unless I had a faulty test, the perfume one has to be the real one since it was my only RC section
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    @Peter - It's definitely a mistake then. Do you know what the curve is?
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    No the perfume one was my only RC too
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    The wait is killing me man
  • PeterPeter Free Trial Member
    90 karma
    @tsamvelyan curve was -12
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    Do they release All the scores by the end of the day?
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Perfume was also my only RC section.
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    That's a slightly less generous curve than what has been standard for December tests generally
  • tsamvelyantsamvelyan Alum Member
    431 karma
    @Peter - Thanks. And, wow, I thought the curve would at least be -13 as this was a ONE DIFFICULT TEST!
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    All of my sections are wrong -- mine are from PT 73. I'm sure they'll correct this in the coming days.
  • migalunamigaluna Free Trial Member
    58 karma
    Yeah all the sections are wrong. They are from pt73. Maaaaan did really solid on two LRs bombed the game and the RC.
    Did anyone else struggled with the Mexican-Americans passage or was it just me? Can't help but feel that they have been increasing the difficulty for the RC with each test :( It is like you have to be Albus Dumbledore to ace the RC nowadays.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    its all over TLS waiters thread, there seems to have been a upload error or something with a lot of people, I wouldn't read too much into it
  • mjjohns6mjjohns6 Member
    418 karma
    Would this mean that some of our scores are lower than they should be because they've made a mistake? LOL
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    @mjjohns. I actually wondered the same thing but when I compared the answer sheet to PT73, there was no correlation. I don't think there's any chance the scores have errors and suspect they'll have it sorted by tomorrow afternoon.
  • Kimber77Kimber77 Alum Member
    30 karma
    Have they ever made a mistake like this? So I'm guessing our scores are still correct even though the RC section they uploaded is wrong... Right? Was this the experimental RC?
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    I don't know if they have done this before, but, speaking from experience with databases, I don't think it's too big a deal. Probably just mixed up the "pull" for the links. If you are still nervous about the score, I suggest doing what I did: check your score report with the credited responses and see if they match up with the section of questions you're worried about. I bet they don't match. If they don't, I think you're safe in assuming your score is accurate as the scores will have been created from an entirely separate process.

    For the record if the RC starts out with Darwin, that was from PT 73 and was not an experimental from December's test (PT 74).
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    should be fixed now
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