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Sufficient Assumption Q's

annadaleannadale Alum Member

I feel like I'm having trouble with the SAs and the PSAs, even though JY says they should be freebies on the test. I did really well on the SAs in the core curriculum, when just working in lawgic. But when working through the English statements in the stimulus, it takes me a long time to translate the English into lawgic that feels aligned with the valid argument steps we learned. And sometimes I think I would get the answer much more quickly if I didn't go through those steps.

I've been using the Question Bank to focus in on just SAs and PSAs - usually getting 1-2 wrong and the rest right, out of sets of 5-7 questions...but for freebies on the test, I should be getting 100% right.

Anyone else have a similar issue? I'm so frustrated by this. Does anyone have suggestions for getting better? And getting faster?


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited November 2017 13286 karma

    This might sound counter intuitive but stop using lawgic unless the stim is EXTREMELY heavy with conditional statements.

    For SA questions my mindset always goes right to, "where is the gap in this chain?" and I do it without going to lawgic unless I have to.


    If I go to the store, then I will buy milk. I conclude that since I went to the store I will buy cereal. does cereal link into this? At all?

    In order for me to have a valid argument here I need another statement that links cereal in. The correct answer choice will do exactly that.

    • If I buy milk, then I also buy cereal.

    You do not need to break that down into complex logic in order to see that the conclusion is talking about something that the premises don't support. Your job is to make that argument VALID. To make something valid you need an answer choice that links all pieces of the argument together in an air tight way. We need something that FORCES the conclusion to be absolutely true. It's such a strong bond we need that it makes the right answer stand out.

    Start trying to find gaps in subject matter where things don't seem to link instead of resorting straight to logic and see if it helps a bit.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    Just wanted to say that I am right there with you! SA questions are the hardest for me.

  • annadaleannadale Alum Member
    31 karma

    Thanks for advice @LSATcantwin! I like the idea of practicing my logic intuition in my brain instead of just going straight to lawgic to work out the answer. Maybe that will also help me see the correct translations?

  • annadaleannadale Alum Member
    31 karma

    @"samantha.ashley92" thanks for the support. let's stay strong!!

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