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Worth it?

kaoyakukaoyaku Free Trial Member
edited January 2015 in General 9 karma
Hey there. I decided to take the December test with not all that much preparation (~10 PT's). Average PT score was around ~159 but ended up with a 152. In my PT's and actual test my LR/RC were approx. -6 with LG closer to ~ -9-11. I'm senior Finance major and could get an internship this summer and prep for the June test more seriously. With 7Sage's resources how are the chances given my situation (low LG sections) to get up around 165+? Thanks for your help.


  • mackenzie.dubmackenzie.dub Alum Member
    3 karma
    A 13 point boost is a pretty large jump, but definitely achievable. Most students study for the LSAT at (the very) least three months. LG is the easiest section to improve on, so it may be in your favor to retake in June with more preparation under your belt. This, of course, depends on your school of choice, but that 13 point jump could result in thousands of dollars saved depending on the institution. Good luck!
  • seglen512seglen512 Free Trial Member
    14 karma
    It is totally possible to get -0 on an LG section with practice. It is so learnable. The other two sections are way less learnable, especially RC. If you're getting -6 on your other sections right now I don't see why you shouldn't be able to score even higher than 165 by June. Aim for taking 30 practice tests before the June test, and more importantly, review your mistakes thoroughly after each test.
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