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Dress for Success

kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
in General 1617 karma

Something I've noticed about my PTs: I perform better when I'm feeling better. Not like.... physically (although that helps) but mentally. I mean when I wake up and put my contacts in, get dressed, and brush my teeth just to sit in my room to take a PT. Hell, even putting on shoes helps.

We talk a lot about mindset in these forums, but other things contribute to mindset besides meditation and repetition. Not only does waking up and "getting ready" help your outlook, it gets you prepped for test day. If you only ever take PTs in boxers, you're not replicating test day conditions!

This is all to say, keep in mind other things that might give you a little confidence boost. Two weeks out (exactly)--we can do this!


  • armani__armani__ Member
    60 karma

    100% agree

  • lsat4lifelsat4life Alum Member
    255 karma

    If I perform better in my boxers can I just wear that to the test center? Is there a shirt & pants rule on the admission ticket?

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8706 karma

    Excellent post, I'm always glad to see people replicating test day conditions as close as possible.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited November 2017 10801 karma

    I agree with having the right mindset but when it comes to clothing I think I am slightly opposite to you. I actually have study clothes, clothes that I bought to wear only when I study. But instead of them being jeans or a nice shirt they are actually fuzzy-soft sweatpants and soft comfortable lightweight shirts and thick color-full socks. lol I cannot take the test in uncomfortable clothes. I find jeans just super uncomfortable.

    Before I begin studying each day I have to brush my teeth, do my skincare, have coffee, walk my dog, and eat a good solid breakfast that includes fruits. I also like my desk clean. Before I begin each day I make sure that I have my calendar organized, all my pencils sharpened and the drills I need for the day printed and ready to go.

    I think having things a certain way just makes me feel so much better about studying.

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    I completely agree. I would take this further and say this is true in life as well. When I dress for success, I feel like I accomplish a bit more whether it is LSAT or everyday errands. I think the mental aspect behind it that you are preparing your mind to accomplish XYZ versus just rolling out of bed and having no game plan. Preparing for your day/success organizes your mind and that includes dressing for the occasion. Great post! @kimmy_m66

  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    @Sami I totally think our two comments are compatible :) You're still getting dressed for the LSAT, which makes your mind go into LSAT mode! I guess I said boxers because I figured no one would wear just boxers to the testing center haha, but yeah if your comfy clothes work for you--go for it!

    I totally relate to the clean desk. If my desk is cluttered, so is my mind.

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    @Sami said:
    I agree with having the right mindset but when it comes to clothing I think I am slightly opposite to you. I actually have study clothes, clothes that I bought to wear only when I study. But instead of them being jeans or a nice shirt they are actually fuzzy-soft sweatpants and soft comfortable lightweight shirts and thick color-full socks. lol I cannot take the test in uncomfortable clothes. I find jeans just super uncomfortable.

    Before I begin studying each day I have to brush my teeth, do my skincare, have coffee, walk my dog, and eat a good solid breakfast that includes fruits. I also like my desk clean. Before I begin each day I make sure that I have my calendar organized, all my pencils sharpened and the drills I need for the day printed and ready to go.

    I think having things a certain way just makes me feel so much better about studying.

    I'm with you 100 percent! Sweats and a t-shirt is the only way to PT. I also bought some super comfy samba sneakers a couple weeks ago that I'm definitely wearing to the test center. The closest thing to slippers that won't turn heads lol. like actually wearing clouds on my feet :)

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    1866 karma

    I completely agree with this. I used to PT in my room in the kind of clothes I wear at home (old, two-sizes-too-big, stuff I wouldn't wear out) without my contacts on. I can see nearby and only need glasses/contacts for seeing far away, but realized I was just more unfocused when studying without contacts on, since I used to always wear my contacts to class.

    The first PT I took in the library instead of my room, wearing the kinds of clothes I would wear out (jeans, nice shirt, cardigan, shoes) plus my contacts, I broke through my high 150s plateau and crossed 160. Of course correlation isn't causation, but the library was noisy and I got distracted several times, and I still managed to score better.

    Now I wear contacts when I'm doing an intense day of study at home, or dress up and go out for the four or five hours that I need to concentrate. I always PT in various locations outside my home now.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited November 2017 10801 karma


    I'm with you 100 percent! Sweats and a t-shirt is the only way to PT. I also bought some super comfy samba sneakers a couple weeks ago that I'm definitely wearing to the test center. The closest thing to slippers that won't turn heads lol. like actually wearing clouds on my feet :)

    I just checked out samba sneakers on amazon. I am always trying to figure out how to feel like I am walking on a soft cloud as well. lol I thought comfy thick socks were the way to go without wearing slippers but now I am rethinking :smiley:

    @kimmy_m66 said:
    @Sami I totally think our two comments are compatible :) You're still getting dressed for the LSAT, which makes your mind go into LSAT mode! I guess I said boxers because I figured no one would wear just boxers to the testing center haha, but yeah if your comfy clothes work for you--go for it!

    You know I have heard of people showing up without pencils to take the test. So if someone showed up wearing shorts that looked like they were boxers I wouldn't say I would be surprised.

    I totally relate to the clean desk. If my desk is cluttered, so is my mind.

    Yes! Same here. It actually drives me nuts to see the desk all cluttered.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @kimmy_m66 Doggone it, I really need to stop taking PTs in my boxers, lmao. I also lovd @Sami 's idea of having LSAT-specific clothing. I think I'm going to pick out some special LSAT clothes to wear that are comfortable and get used to taking the test in them!

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    @kimmy_m66 Doggone it, I really need to stop taking PTs in my boxers, lmao.

    Unless that's how you plan taking the actual test. There are not rules against that, to my knowledge.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited November 2017 23929 karma

    @uhinberg said:

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    @kimmy_m66 Doggone it, I really need to stop taking PTs in my boxers, lmao.

    Unless that's how you plan taking the actual test. There are not rules against that, to my knowledge.

    Hmmm... Now you got me thinking... taking the LSAT like...

  • sakox010sakox010 Member
    333 karma

    Definitely agree with the approach of having specific clothes that you wear for taking PTs/studying for the LSAT. Personally, I often feel cold in room-temperature rooms if I wear a short-sleeved shirt. I took the June LSAT in a long-sleeved shirt and I'm glad I did because I would have definitely been distracted by temperature of the testing center.

  • TabbyG123TabbyG123 Member
    711 karma

    Another trick I like to use for replicating test day conditions is replicating the "wait time" that occurs while folks are signing in and going into their rooms (like the half hour to hour from call time to sitting down at your seat). Call me crazy, but I think the anxiety of waiting to enter the testing room is kind of a crucial time where your mindset can be affected by too much thinking. So whenever I PT at the university that I'm going to be taking at, I arrive at the time I am going to for test day, and I wait in the lobby for like 15-20 minutes focusing on my breath and doing positive visualizations so that I am prepared to combat last-minute potential negative thinking as a result of pre-test jitters.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    @Sami said:
    I agree with having the right mindset but when it comes to clothing I think I am slightly opposite to you. I actually have study clothes, clothes that I bought to wear only when I study. But instead of them being jeans or a nice shirt they are actually fuzzy-soft sweatpants and soft comfortable lightweight shirts and thick color-full socks. lol I cannot take the test in uncomfortable clothes. I find jeans just super uncomfortable.

    Before I begin studying each day I have to brush my teeth, do my skincare, have coffee, walk my dog, and eat a good solid breakfast that includes fruits. I also like my desk clean. Before I begin each day I make sure that I have my calendar organized, all my pencils sharpened and the drills I need for the day printed and ready to go.

    I think having things a certain way just makes me feel so much better about studying.

    that's literally what i wear daily as a mother. Lol.

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    would highly recommend ALLBIRDS shoes!

  • jlaw7494jlaw7494 Alum Member
    60 karma

    You'll see me at your testing center decked out in Gucci.

  • lsat 1101lsat 1101 Alum Member
    267 karma

    I have a leggings rule - comfortable black leggings. I practice in them, I wear them to test day. no jeans for me either, bada bing bada boom lol.

  • lsat 1101lsat 1101 Alum Member
    267 karma

    @YoloRalphLauren lol! perfect.

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