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Week of LSAT (Dec 2017)

Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out a good game plan for this week. I want to be adequately rested, I burned out my first time taking in February and I don’t want that to happen again.

Anyone who has good tips on how I should approach these last few days, I am all ears.


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    edited November 2017 3279 karma

    What do you normally do?
    What's your target?
    How are you currently doing (sectional not just overall score)?

  • floresnfloresn Member
    72 karma

    @10000019 said:
    What do you normally do?
    What's your target?
    How are you currently doing (sectional not just overall score)?

    I'm averaging a 159, but I need and have been shooting for a 165 since my first test. It's gonna take my best effort to have a heck of a game day performance, but I feel like i can get there still. There's still hope!

    I average about -7/ -8 on LR but I have had sections where I've missed 4-5.

    LG is -2 or -3 usually.

    Reading comp is where I get killed, I just haven't made improvements in RC. My score varies in that section, I can get -6 some sections, but some sections I miss half. I realize there's not a drastic improvement happening from now till Saturday, but I feel like if I have a good test day, I can get there. I realize I'm being a little ambitious in making that jump, but I believe its possible.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @floresn said:

    I'm averaging a 159, but I need and have been shooting for a 165 since my first test. It's gonna take my best effort to have a heck of a game day performance, but I feel like i can get there still. There's still hope!

    I average about -7/ -8 on LR but I have had sections where I've missed 4-5.

    LG is -2 or -3 usually.

    Reading comp is where I get killed, I just haven't made improvements in RC. My score varies in that section, I can get -6 some sections, but some sections I miss half. I realize there's not a drastic improvement happening from now till Saturday, but I feel like if I have a good test day, I can get there. I realize I'm being a little ambitious in making that jump, but I believe its possible.

    Regarding what you posted for LR, is that for each section or overall?
    I wouldn't spend too much time going after the LG. It's known for being one of the easiest sections to improve, but I think you would have an easier time getting 2 or 3 points from another section.

    With a -6 in RC, do you get near your goal score? If so, have you tried skipping 1 passage and focusing on the other three? Most questions in RC can be demonstrated by a corresponding line in the passage.

    IMO LR isn't too bad to improve on, but with the limited time I'm not sure that you'd be able to get it done.

    To summarize my thoughts:
    - Focus on LR. Using the analytics here and a list for most frequent question types (, drill the hell out of one or two.
    - Try a skipping strategy for RC to see if that helps you get a more consistent score.
    - Stay fresh with LG, but don't spend too much time there for a few points.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @floresn said:

    I'm averaging a 159, but I need and have been shooting for a 165 since my first test. It's gonna take my best effort to have a heck of a game day performance, but I feel like i can get there still. There's still hope!

    I average about -7/ -8 on LR but I have had sections where I've missed 4-5.

    LG is -2 or -3 usually.

    Reading comp is where I get killed, I just haven't made improvements in RC. My score varies in that section, I can get -6 some sections, but some sections I miss half. I realize there's not a drastic improvement happening from now till Saturday, but I feel like if I have a good test day, I can get there. I realize I'm being a little ambitious in making that jump, but I believe its possible.

    To get from a 159 to a 165, you need to get about 10 more raw points correct on your test.

    For LG: I would drill any and all modern games from the PTs you have already done. Make sure you're comfortable with 1-2 rule substitution questions. I'd also recommend going back through all of the games you've done in the past and just quickly make sure you are confident on each type of game and potential game board you have come across. Take out all the games you felt like you had trouble with and redo and review them. You want to make sure you've done everything you can to build your confidence up on games!

    For RC: I don't think you should focus on doing only 3 passages for RC just because every passage has easy and hard questions. If you skip a passage, you'll likely be missing a few easy points. I think it's a better strategy to attempt all 4 and skip harder questions or guess when you get stuck.

    For LR: Going to need some more info. But in any case, here's what I would do: Get some note cards and write down each q-type and a few sentences on how to properly solve them or any tips that you find helpful. After you're done, go back and review each card and see if there's anything you missed or that you should add. This will help you to evaluate which question types you may still need to review.

    Above all else, just make sure you don't overdo is this week. While you can make a great deal of improvement in a week, you can't cram for a test like the LSAT. Most important is staying healthy and well-rested so on Saturday you're ready to go!

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