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How should I proceed?

d.c.webb89d.c.webb89 Member
in General 18 karma

Fellow 7Sagers, I need your advice. I took the Sept LSAT and scored a 149. I haven't been able to put very much time into studying since then because we had a newborn (in addition to our toddler) a week after the test, and I was coaching cross country until mid October. I am also a high school Spanish teacher, so I have been trying to keep up with my work, all while helping at home as much as possible. My point is that I have at most, 1-2 hours a day that I can even attempt to study uninterrupted.

I am applying to schools this cycle. I should get into my first choice but I would still like to take the February LSAT to improve my score and have a better opportunity for scholarships. Things have started slowing down again but I'm not sure what would be the best way to get the most out of my study time. I'm struggling to get back into the groove and I'm feeling kind of lost because it has been so long since I actually studied.

Before I took the Sept LSAT my last 3 PTs were 146/152/149. My BRs were 159/164/159. My Sept LSAT breakdown was as follows:

Sect. 1 LR +11/-14
Sect. 2 LG +16/-7
Sect. 4 LR +13/-13
Sect. 5 RC +17/-10

Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation or have any suggestions on how to proceed? I have the LG and LR Powerscore Bibles and I've been through the 7sage CC, so I could review those. Also, I haven't really used the Powercore Bibles, but would it be a waste of time at this point? Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Maybe consider doing the famous @Pacifico fool proof method for LG.

    The LG are widely held as one of the "easiest" areas to improve in. It looks like you did fairly well on the Sept test, with maybe one game throwing you off. If you can do the fool proof method and get your LG down to 0/-1 area that should improve your score a fair chunk!

    After that I'd focus on LR. Go through the CC one more time for each question "type" and then drill. I see you only have the Starter package on 7Sage so maybe find a way to get a hold of drill packets. If you can afford the upgrade the "Ultimate" package it should give you access to more drilling material!

    Without spending the extra money - and giving yourself a bit more practice. Print out a practice test that you can use to study. Go through each LR question and see if you can identify the type. After that go back to the CC and review how to approach it. Rinse and repeat for an entire section. This might help to cement some of the ideas in!

    Obviously these are just some basic ideas. you can customize it however you see fit!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I definitely second a lot of what @LSATcantwin said. Games are probably the easiest things to also work on while you have other commitments. You can do 1 game at a time if you have a spare 15-20 minutes. Print out the games you have available from 7sage and carry them around with you, bust them out whenever you have a few minutes. And once you're more solid in that area, work on drilling some LR by question type. Flaw seems to be the most challenging for folks, but I also think it's a good one to improve on because they are very repetitive. If you do a ton in a row, you really start to see the patterns. So yeah, I think I'd break it down to the smallest pieces you can and try to work it in whenever you have a spare few minutes.

    I started with the LG bible before signing up for 7sage, and have the LR bible but haven't cracked it. I like 7sage's curriculum on games better, think it's more efficient. But, different strokes for different folks. I think the most helpful thing is just to have a plan and be consistent. You could try reading through the LG bible and if it doesn't resonate with you, put it aside and stick with 7sage's methods. Either one you use though, the 7sage LG videos are invaluable. Very very important to watch those along with your studying.

    Anything you can print and just keep on hand for studying whenever you have a moment will probably be very helpful!

  • d.c.webb89d.c.webb89 Member
    18 karma

    @LSATcantwin, Thank you for the advice. I read up on what @Pacifico said, and I am seeing a little better how to organize my studies.

  • d.c.webb89d.c.webb89 Member
    18 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:
    I definitely second a lot of what @LSATcantwin said. Games are probably the easiest things to also work on while you have other commitments. You can do 1 game at a time if you have a spare 15-20 minutes. Print out the games you have available from 7sage and carry them around with you, bust them out whenever you have a few minutes. And once you're more solid in that area, work on drilling some LR by question type. Flaw seems to be the most challenging for folks, but I also think it's a good one to improve on because they are very repetitive. If you do a ton in a row, you really start to see the patterns. So yeah, I think I'd break it down to the smallest pieces you can and try to work it in whenever you have a spare few minutes.

    I started with the LG bible before signing up for 7sage, and have the LR bible but haven't cracked it. I like 7sage's curriculum on games better, think it's more efficient. But, different strokes for different folks. I think the most helpful thing is just to have a plan and be consistent. You could try reading through the LG bible and if it doesn't resonate with you, put it aside and stick with 7sage's methods. Either one you use though, the 7sage LG videos are invaluable. Very very important to watch those along with your studying.

    Anything you can print and just keep on hand for studying whenever you have a moment will probably be very helpful!

    Thank you @"Leah M B"! I have had the same experience with the LG and LR bibles and I wasn't sure if other people still found them useful after finding 7sage.

  • arantzacebarantzaceb Free Trial Member
    11 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Maybe consider doing the famous @Pacifico fool proof method for LG.

    Hi, do you know if for the the 4th try thats when you time yourself with 35 min?

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