@m_downing said:
Trying to recall other questions, but my brain is fried. LR RC LR LR LG - second LR section ended with a question about PTSD, stress, and cortisol levels and another about Planet 256 (or something). Was that one real or experimental?
Thank god...was definitely the worst of the three, not at all helped by the fact the proctor never called a 5 minute warning. Thought to myself "this has been a really long 10 minutes..." (since that was the time last I checked my watch) as I was bubbling in the PTSD one, and then the timer went off.
@oberdysz said:
I don't think the curve will be great since we can't pinpoint anything that was too challenging:(
Purely anecdote, but I've heard a lot of complaints about the LG section.
LG is normally my best section, and I was totally lost this time around for some reason - ended up randomly bubbling in something like 10-12 questions for that, which if I recall, is even worse than the cold take I did back in June.
I am with you on that one. I was super disappointed in the Logic Games. Typically that's my stronger section too and it definitely wasn't this time around.
I had 2RC sections. The first had the Chinese dialect and the Heroes and Multiverse. The second RC had the Comedian & Chefs and Social Theorists. From what I see some people had these together in a section. Is it weird that mine was broken up?
@"gillian.s.hawley" said:
Anyone remember the question about potato insects toward the end of one of the LRs? Was this real or not real?
I had experimental LR. LR(25)-RC-LR(26)-LR(26)-LG, think I had this in the second LR... any confirmation? Also in the same section was lake sassafras towards the end as well, if that's correct
I can’t remember Sassafrass but the question right after the potato insects was about switching insurance and saving $100.
@hchamz123 said:
I would like to know, too!!!!
(Assuming I don't cancel)
So far I sat in a Cook Out* parking lot and cried. Not off to a good start
*Fast food chain in the southeast lol
I can't tell if it was terrible or good. This really rips
Same. I don't know your situation but LR is always a hit or miss for me, so getting 3 sections of it killed me. Studying and working full time has been really stressful and I think I probably should've waited...I did absolutely terrible in September but probably improved today...not as much as I would've wanted.
I suggest taking a couple days to decide. That's what I'm going to do!
@hchamz123 said:
I would like to know, too!!!!
(Assuming I don't cancel)
So far I sat in a Cook Out* parking lot and cried. Not off to a good start
*Fast food chain in the southeast lol
I can't tell if it was terrible or good. This really rips
Same. I don't know your situation but LR is always a hit or miss for me, so getting 3 sections of it killed me. Studying and working full time has been really stressful and I think I probably should've waited...I did absolutely terrible in September but probably improved today...not as much as I would've wanted.
I suggest taking a couple days to decide. That's what I'm going to do!
I definitely won't cancel just in case I did well. But sorry to hear about 3 LRs, I got so lucky to have an LG experimental. At least you can do unlimited retakes now, if you liked
No clue on the first LR. I typically range between 0-2 wrong on LR, but I guessed on a minimum of two on that section and didn't feel very confident in my other answers.
Both LG were tight on time and resulted in a couple guesses at the end.
Second LR felt normal and I finished with plenty of time.
All things considered, I definitely underperformed today. The first LR (Caligula) could be anywhere between - 2 and - 8/9. Pretty dissaponted, as LR had always been my strongest section.
@tiffwallacexo said:
had three LRs, i remember one was hard... it had 26 questions and a question about an ancient greek charachter reading a tablet that asked to reject one of the statements? Was that experimental?
Some PLEASE tell us this was experimental?
I had the same thing. Please let me know if you find out if the tablet one is the experimental
What does -12 mean? If you get 12 wrong you get a certain score?
a -12 curve means that you can get 12 wrong and still get a 170! For the most part, the difficulty of the curve seems to depend on the difficulty of LG. I'm sure hoping it's something along the lines of -12 haha
@m_downing said:
Trying to recall other questions, but my brain is fried. LR RC LR LR LG - second LR section ended with a question about PTSD, stress, and cortisol levels and another about Planet 256 (or something). Was that one real or experimental?
I had the exact same sequence. And I'm hoping hell LR 2 was experimental. That one was brutal ???
@m_downing said:
Trying to recall other questions, but my brain is fried. LR RC LR LR LG - second LR section ended with a question about PTSD, stress, and cortisol levels and another about Planet 256 (or something). Was that one real or experimental?
Are you sure!!! If true that is awesome news!!! I bombed that one hard. Guessed on like 7-8 questions
Im glad Chinese Language was real RC section because the Tax Alternative one, I know I didn't do so well. And the last passage on RC I didn't read bc I ran out of time, i guessed the answers sad face
I had 3 LR's and I thought one of the sections was super hard.. I usually don't have issues finishing the LR sections and I barely finished that one in time. I actually guessed on a couple that I had meant to return to. I don't remember a PTSD question or anything about Planet 256 on my LR's though. I do remember the T Rex question.. was that section real?
I had 2 LG - RC, LR, LG, LG, LR. I fucked up the first LG. the 1st and 2nd game went well for me. But the 3rd and 4th were really hard. and I was not be able to finish them.
the 3rd was [removed]. something closed or not closed. [removed]
the 4th was distribute six people between a zoning and voting group. I remember [removed].
@sebrencl said:
I had 3 LR's and I thought one of the sections was super hard.. I usually don't have issues finishing the LR sections and I barely finished that one in time. I actually guessed on a couple that I had meant to return to. I don't remember a PTSD question or anything about Planet 256 on my LR's though. I do remember the T Rex question.. was that section real?
From reading through this thread, it looks like that section was real. I do share your sentiment though - I found that section to be particularly tricky (or maybe I was just brain fried by the time break was over).
thanks for the information. great to know the Voting/Zoning game is an experimental one. But i saw a lot of posts saying the in-out grouping (closed/open) one is real. So I am pretty worried.
I am wondering if LSAC would put experimental games and real games in one section? I am pretty sure the Voting/Zoning game and Closed/Open game appeared in the same section in my test book.
thanks for the information. great to know the Voting/Zoning game is an experimental one. But i saw a lot of posts saying the in-out grouping (closed/open) one is real. So I am pretty worried.
I am wondering if LSAC would put experimental games and real games in one section? I am pretty sure the Voting/Zoning game and Closed/Open game appeared in the same section in my test book.
No they don't mix up experimental and actual questions in one section.
@AmateurPhilosopher said:
Was the LR section with the whistleblower question real or experimental? The one about punishing those who reveal politicians
I think this was Experimental, I didn't get that question.
thanks for the information. great to know the Voting/Zoning game is an experimental one. But i saw a lot of posts saying the in-out grouping (closed/open) one is real. So I am pretty worried.
I am wondering if LSAC would put experimental games and real games in one section? I am pretty sure the Voting/Zoning game and Closed/Open game appeared in the same section in my test book.
No they don't mix up experimental and actual questions in one section.
could anyone recall if there is another closed/open game except for the train station closed/open game? I can't remember the subject but some how I remember it's about the coal mine?
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
By 2nd LR I mean = the 3rd section, right before break
I unfortunately found the first LR (25 questions, the real one) to be a lot harder than the other two, so that's a bummer. RC is usually my worst section, but I didn't find it too difficult, and I was able to finish with some time left. I thought the games were straightforward, and very doable. Some rules needed more careful attention so as not to misuse/forget them, but nothing unlike previous tests.
Here's hoping my other sections cancel out the massacre of the first LR
Good luck everyone!
My experimental was LR. I didn't think any particular section was terribly hard compared to other tests, but LR is definitely my weak point and it drained me. I thought the RC was straightforward but for some reason, I ran out of time on the last question which usually never happens for me. Logic Games was actually the only section where I did not run out of time right before the last question.
@m_downing said:
Trying to recall other questions, but my brain is fried. LR RC LR LR LG - second LR section ended with a question about PTSD, stress, and cortisol levels and another about Planet 256 (or something). Was that one real or experimental?
I had the exact same sequence. And I'm hoping hell LR 2 was experimental. That one was brutal ???
Right?!?!? I ended up having to guess on 7 of them...
I had RC, LR, LG, LG, LR. The First LG was exceptionally difficult, but the second one was easy (almost scary easy). Was the LG section with the leak/rumor experimental or real?
Fire Alarm went off during the exam. They evacuated us outside and made us wait for 15 minutes in the cold before allowing us back in to finish the test... the alarm went off at the 3 minute mark while I was on my last passage on my reading comprehension.. Lost my train of thought and had to guess on the remaining questions.. Do you guys think if I submit a complaint with LSAC that they'll void my test as I've never took it before?
@butler17 I agree completely. The First LG was the real one, and I thought it was pretty difficult. The second one was experimental, but insanely easy.
Anyone have RC-LR-LG RC-LR?
I'm curious to see if anyone else struggled with the second section (first LR). I don't quite remember which questions pertained to which sections because its all a blur at the moment.
I found that LR section particularly difficult and much harder than the second LR section. Anyone agree?
@"Paul Caint" said: @butler17 I agree completely. The First LG was the real one, and I thought it was pretty difficult. The second one was experimental, but insanely easy.
So now I'm confused because in the experimental and real list at the beginning of the Dec 2017 thread, it has the experimental section as the one with the rumor and I recall that being in my first LG section.
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
By 2nd LR I mean = the 3rd section, right before break
Personally I thought the 1st LR was the hardest. From hardest to easiest: 1, 4, 3
The order of my test was LR (25), RC, LR (25), LR (26), LG. The question topics that I remember from the LR sections are:
First LR 25: prodevelopment was the first question
Second LR 25: a question about commitment should be morally neutral
Third LR 26: science with physical phenomena, tornado, Indian spice.
For me, I honestly thought that the first LR section was the hardest and second was very easy. It seems like the second one is the experimental section which is pretty upsetting...
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
By 2nd LR I mean = the 3rd section, right before break
Personally I thought the 1st LR was the hardest. From hardest to easiest: 1, 4, 3
Is it possible that the order of the same type of sections are mixed?? Eg. 1LR 2LR 3LR vs. 3LR 2LR 1LR
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
By 2nd LR I mean = the 3rd section, right before break
Personally I thought the 1st LR was the hardest. From hardest to easiest: 1, 4, 3
Is it possible that the order of the same type of sections are mixed?? Eg. 1LR 2LR 3LR vs. 3LR 2LR 1LR
Great question because based on what I remember about my own 2 LG sections some of the "real" "experimental" sections arent adding up. But that could just be wishful thinking.
Had 3 LRs. It was weird because it felt like I was being harassed with LR section after LR section. At one point I though LSAC just forgot about games. RC wasn't bad. I actually thought the comedian/chef dual passage was entertaining.
There was one game that I'll be waking up in cold sweats about for days to come.
LR Real (1) - [Removed] about fusion of atoms and heat (25 Qs)
LR Real (2) - [Removed] of herbal medicines that eventually become harmful (26 Qs)
RC Real - 1- Chinese speakers in San Fran, 2- Multiverse, 3- Comedy and chef IP [Removed], , 4 - Social Dariwinism (2 and 3 might be switched)
Edited your post a bit but thanks! Added the ones I was missing.
LR Real (1) - [Removed] about fusion of atoms and heat (25 Qs)
LR Real (2) - [Removed] of herbal medicines that eventually become harmful (26 Qs)
RC Real - 1- Chinese speakers in San Fran, 2- Multiverse, 3- Comedy and chef IP [Removed], , 4 - Social Dariwinism (2 and 3 might be switched)
Edited your post a bit but thanks! Added the ones I was missing.
LR Real (1) - [Removed] about fusion of atoms and heat (25 Qs)
LR Real (2) - [Removed] of herbal medicines that eventually become harmful (26 Qs)
RC Real - 1- Chinese speakers in San Fran, 2- Multiverse, 3- Comedy and chef IP [Removed], , 4 - Social Dariwinism (2 and 3 might be switched)
Edited your post a bit but thanks! Added the ones I was missing.
Was pretty confident until I got to my 5th section - LG. First two games went ok but the first game took me 15 minutes, big mistake. I guessed on most of the Qs for the 3rd and 4th game.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the games were really hard... Having experimental LR is really exacerbating my post-test anxiety because I have no idea which questions happened in which section nor do I remember how well I felt after each section... Guess it's just wait and see.
I am with you on that one. I was super disappointed in the Logic Games. Typically that's my stronger section too and it definitely wasn't this time around.
I had 2RC sections. The first had the Chinese dialect and the Heroes and Multiverse. The second RC had the Comedian & Chefs and Social Theorists. From what I see some people had these together in a section. Is it weird that mine was broken up?
I can’t remember Sassafrass but the question right after the potato insects was about switching insurance and saving $100.
Same. I don't know your situation but LR is always a hit or miss for me, so getting 3 sections of it killed me. Studying and working full time has been really stressful and I think I probably should've waited...I did absolutely terrible in September but probably improved today...not as much as I would've wanted.
I suggest taking a couple days to decide. That's what I'm going to do!
I definitely won't cancel just in case I did well. But sorry to hear about 3 LRs, I got so lucky to have an LG experimental. At least you can do unlimited retakes now, if you liked
@cal270 Honestly I think a -12 curve would be reasonable.
RC/LR/LG/LG/LR here.
RC felt pretty straightforward. I'm guessing 1/2 wrong.
No clue on the first LR. I typically range between 0-2 wrong on LR, but I guessed on a minimum of two on that section and didn't feel very confident in my other answers.
Both LG were tight on time and resulted in a couple guesses at the end.
Second LR felt normal and I finished with plenty of time.
All things considered, I definitely underperformed today. The first LR (Caligula) could be anywhere between - 2 and - 8/9. Pretty dissaponted, as LR had always been my strongest section.
I had the same thing. Please let me know if you find out if the tablet one is the experimental
What does -12 mean? If you get 12 wrong you get a certain score?
Can someone break down how the curves work ?
a -12 curve means that you can get 12 wrong and still get a 170! For the most part, the difficulty of the curve seems to depend on the difficulty of LG. I'm sure hoping it's something along the lines of -12 haha
LR and RC wasn't bad.
LG.... what the...
Was the LR section with a question about Species X experimental or real? (Second LR section for me.)
Had LR(25),RC,LR(26),LR(26), LG. I know the first LR was real, has anyone that had the same template as mine figured if the 3rd or 4th LR was real?
@maencolleges I didn't, but holy sh*t that is a terrible lineup![:cry: :cry:](/forums/resources/emoji/cry.png)
I had the exact same sequence. And I'm hoping hell LR 2 was experimental. That one was brutal ???
Are you sure!!! If true that is awesome news!!! I bombed that one hard. Guessed on like 7-8 questions
Im glad Chinese Language was real RC section because the Tax Alternative one, I know I didn't do so well. And the last passage on RC I didn't read bc I ran out of time, i guessed the answers sad face
I had 3 LR's and I thought one of the sections was super hard.. I usually don't have issues finishing the LR sections and I barely finished that one in time. I actually guessed on a couple that I had meant to return to. I don't remember a PTSD question or anything about Planet 256 on my LR's though. I do remember the T Rex question.. was that section real?
I had 2 LG - RC, LR, LG, LG, LR. I fucked up the first LG. the 1st and 2nd game went well for me. But the 3rd and 4th were really hard. and I was not be able to finish them.
the 3rd was [removed]. something closed or not closed. [removed]
the 4th was distribute six people between a zoning and voting group. I remember [removed].
Is this LG an experimental one?
@wuxinyi9512 The LG with zoning and voting was experimental.
Nm I just saw the real/fake discussion thread and answered my own question.
From reading through this thread, it looks like that section was real. I do share your sentiment though - I found that section to be particularly tricky (or maybe I was just brain fried by the time break was over).
thanks for the information. great to know the Voting/Zoning game is an experimental one. But i saw a lot of posts saying the in-out grouping (closed/open) one is real. So I am pretty worried.
I am wondering if LSAC would put experimental games and real games in one section? I am pretty sure the Voting/Zoning game and Closed/Open game appeared in the same section in my test book.
Does anyone know if the poem paraphrase question/section was real?
No they don't mix up experimental and actual questions in one section.
Is this in LR? I remember this one. I only had two LR so I think this is real
Mine was LR, RC,LR, LR, LG.
The are the ones I know were real:
Real RC: Chinese Dialects, comedians v. chefs, Darwinism, and Metiuniverse
Real LG: stations closing; cleaning 8 floors; sequencing game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4/6 destination
LR was my experimental and all the questions got mixed up in my head. I don't remember which pertained to which section -.-
I think this was Experimental, I didn't get that question.
Had LR q on hypnosis. Is that real?
could anyone recall if there is another closed/open game except for the train station closed/open game? I can't remember the subject but some how I remember it's about the coal mine?
I got the same order. And I also don’t remember which question was in which LR
I thought the second LR was really hard. Did you feel the same?/was that the experimental??
By 2nd LR I mean = the 3rd section, right before break
I unfortunately found the first LR (25 questions, the real one) to be a lot harder than the other two, so that's a bummer. RC is usually my worst section, but I didn't find it too difficult, and I was able to finish with some time left. I thought the games were straightforward, and very doable. Some rules needed more careful attention so as not to misuse/forget them, but nothing unlike previous tests.![:tired_face: :tired_face:](/forums/resources/emoji/tired_face.png)
Here's hoping my other sections cancel out the massacre of the first LR
Good luck everyone!
My experimental was LR. I didn't think any particular section was terribly hard compared to other tests, but LR is definitely my weak point and it drained me. I thought the RC was straightforward but for some reason, I ran out of time on the last question which usually never happens for me. Logic Games was actually the only section where I did not run out of time right before the last question.
Right?!?!? I ended up having to guess on 7 of them...
I had RC, LR, LG, LG, LR. The First LG was exceptionally difficult, but the second one was easy (almost scary easy). Was the LG section with the leak/rumor experimental or real?
Fire Alarm went off during the exam. They evacuated us outside and made us wait for 15 minutes in the cold before allowing us back in to finish the test... the alarm went off at the 3 minute mark while I was on my last passage on my reading comprehension.. Lost my train of thought and had to guess on the remaining questions.. Do you guys think if I submit a complaint with LSAC that they'll void my test as I've never took it before?
@butler17 I agree completely. The First LG was the real one, and I thought it was pretty difficult. The second one was experimental, but insanely easy.
Anyone have RC-LR-LG RC-LR?
I'm curious to see if anyone else struggled with the second section (first LR). I don't quite remember which questions pertained to which sections because its all a blur at the moment.
I found that LR section particularly difficult and much harder than the second LR section. Anyone agree?
So now I'm confused because in the experimental and real list at the beginning of the Dec 2017 thread, it has the experimental section as the one with the rumor and I recall that being in my first LG section.
Personally I thought the 1st LR was the hardest. From hardest to easiest: 1, 4, 3
The order of my test was LR (25), RC, LR (25), LR (26), LG. The question topics that I remember from the LR sections are:
First LR 25: prodevelopment was the first question
Second LR 25: a question about commitment should be morally neutral
Third LR 26: science with physical phenomena, tornado, Indian spice.
For me, I honestly thought that the first LR section was the hardest and second was very easy. It seems like the second one is the experimental section which is pretty upsetting...
Is it possible that the order of the same type of sections are mixed?? Eg. 1LR 2LR 3LR vs. 3LR 2LR 1LR
Great question because based on what I remember about my own 2 LG sections some of the "real" "experimental" sections arent adding up. But that could just be wishful thinking.
Had 3 LRs. It was weird because it felt like I was being harassed with LR section after LR section. At one point I though LSAC just forgot about games. RC wasn't bad. I actually thought the comedian/chef dual passage was entertaining.
There was one game that I'll be waking up in cold sweats about for days to come.
Was pretty confident until I got to my 5th section - LG. First two games went ok but the first game took me 15 minutes, big mistake. I guessed on most of the Qs for the 3rd and 4th game.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the games were really hard... Having experimental LR is really exacerbating my post-test anxiety because I have no idea which questions happened in which section nor do I remember how well I felt after each section... Guess it's just wait and see.