Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Can you use Feb score to get off wait list? - 7Sage Forum

Can you use Feb score to get off wait list?

calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
edited December 2017 in General 582 karma

I got a 170 on the December test but think I'm capable of more (my recent PT avg was around 172). If I were to be wait listed at a T6, could sending a higher Feb score get me accepted? Are there any drawbacks to taking Feb (other than having to study more)?


  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I'm also interested in this question

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    I don't have direct experience, but I've heard that Feb and even June can be used for this purpose, and also for scholarship negotiation.

    One possible drawback could obviously be significant score drop which is a consideration at Yale and Harvard. That study time is also time that could be spent on resume, PS, addenda etc.

    Final point, if your average PT is 172, I think 170 is about what to expect. Actual scores typically drop 3 points below PT average across the board. That said, random variation occurs so even if 170 is your true ability, you might have a great day and pull off a 173, it just depends on if you think it's worth it.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @cal270 said:
    I got a 170 on the December test but think I'm capable of more (my recent PT avg was around 172). If I were to be wait listed at a T6, could sending a higher Feb score get me accepted? Are there any drawbacks to taking Feb (other than having to study more)?

    Yes, you can absolutely use a higher Feb score to get off waitlists.

    Downsides to taking in Feb? You won't get your test disclosed so you'll be unable to see what you got wrong. This may be frustrating if you wanted to re-take again. Other than that, I don't think there is much of a downside.

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma

    Yep you can use both February and June because I did it last year (with June) I then deferred that school nonbinding to this year. You can also hold some schools for June. Not that I'd advise that but an option for some, you just have to ask.

  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    813 karma

    I am also interested in this question, i mean how does it work? Do the schools on their own get to know your new score? I was almost convinced that none of the T-14 schools will accept the February LSAT score.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Grey Warden" said:
    I am also interested in this question, i mean how does it work? Do the schools on their own get to know your new score? I was almost convinced that none of the T-14 schools will accept the February LSAT score.

    Yes. Many of them don't take them for admissions purposes, but for purposes of waitlists/negotiating scholarships they take Feb scores.

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    edited December 2017 3197 karma

    @"Alex Divine" that's not really true. There are only two schools that say they don't take Feb but if you email them asking permission they will, or if you have a score you can apply and then ask for a hold and almost all of them will grant it.

    Most highly suggest taking no later than Dec.
    Columbia will take with a petition, NYU will too. They make it sound like they won't, but do.

    Harvard says to be guaranteed for consideration must take LSAT prior to Dec. However the rep told us they take Feb but won't guarantee a decision.

    The following T14/15 all accept Feb as a first time LSAT on their websites: Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, UVA, Georgetown, UChicago, Michigan, Northwestern, UCLA, UTA, UPenn, Duke...

    Of these less than half say it places you at a disadvantage.

    At the end of the day. You max you're score in Feb you have a great shot especially if you're above medians and ideally the 75%. The Feb too late is mostly a myth nowadays. It all shifted with the 2014-2015 cycle.

    Part of the reason of the switch to a Jan LSAT is to accommodate the test along with admission deadlines.

  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    Thanks for your responses, everyone! I know I still have some work to do on LG, and I have a lot of time to study over the next month (no longer dealing with 9-5 internship or full time school). Sounds as though there isn’t much to lose!

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