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report sub-par GRE when had positive response by not including it?

lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
in General 488 karma

I applied to HLS with 25% LSAT and received an interview request. HLS later in the admissions cycle clarified that people who have taken both LSAT and GRE report both (even though it wasn't stated at the time of submitting application).

I took GRE couple of years ago cold not for LS. Since I assume interview is a positive sign, i am unsure and concerned that reporting sub-par GRE that I took without prep will negatively impact my application, esp as my LSAT is already below median and the feather that could tilt the scale.

GRE score is: 163 v (93%), 167 q (94%), 5.5 aw (95%)

Those who applied HLS with GRE scores, can you share the stats and how bad this GRE would be esp as their median LSAT is 99%?


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    I would actually worry a little less about the impact of the GRE because you already applied and got an interview with a below Harvard's 25th percentile LSAT. A less than perfect GRE kind of just matches up. Finally, it could be they don't want the GRE when you have an LSAT score as an admissions consideration at all, but just as another point of data in their study proving the usefulness of the GRE. In this case it might be a slight positive even if it wasn't good.

    That said, the less than great GRE score obviously can't help much since you were positioned well enough to have an interview so the question is whether you are bound either practically or ethically to report it. I have no idea and recommend seeking professional advice quickly. It seems like it would be hard to obligate you to do something like that based on the fact that you happened to pay attention to their updated guidelines, but it might be possible. You definitely don't want it to somehow come out later in a way that prevents you from becoming a member of the bar or getting a job.

    Sorry, I know that isn't very helpful. Hopefully someone else, either here or in the real world can supply you a clearer answer.

    Good luck!

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma

    Also not reporting all GREs is a C&F violation for Harvard. They spoke to us in Sept so I'm surprised it wasn't in the app. They came to our school and in their presentation they made this very clear ALL GRE scores must be reported. If they catch it and you haven't reported they could revoke your JD (just like with any C&F violation). Their rep made a point to talk specifically about this violation and it's potential ramifications. So I'd report it to be safe.

    Worst case scenario isn't it preventing you from getting in, it's that it's discovered after and they revoke your JD.

  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    Congratulations on the interview! Agree with the other posters - definitely don't want to mess around with anything that could be perceived as a C&F issue when it comes time for you to be admitted to the bar later on. If there's conflicting information about whether you need to include that information, you should look back at your Harvard application very closely to see what the instructions are. And, you could always call the admissions office and ask them if it's required. If they say you do need to submit your past GRE scores, you can email an application addendum and ask for it to be added to your file (I had to do that for something else with schools and all of them emailed back to let me know they were adding it to my file - it was a pretty simple process). If you end up submitting an addendum, happy to answer any additional questions about how I did it. Good luck!

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    1028 karma

    Harvard's admission website clearly states that applicants that have taken the GRE are obligated to report all of their scores. If I were you, I'd notify them ASAP.

    From their FAQ page: "While applicants need only take either the LSAT or the GRE, HLS does require all of those test results from the past 5 years."

    Congrats on the interview! Don't let something like failing to report a relatively good GRE score (93rd/94th on a cold take is definitely nothing to be embarrassed about!) mess up your chances. No one even knows their standards yet.

    I'm assuming that your LSAT performance will be weighed much heavier than GRE scores from years ago anyway, since your LSAT score is what they will ultimately report to the ABA and US News. You could always try to send in an addendum explaining the circumstances surrounding your GRE scores if you're that concerned about them.

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