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  • It is all speculation as it was not released but I am pretty sure the powerscore people predicted -8 or -9 for all of them.
  • There were a lot of posts and predictions from power score that they were going to be using early 80’s for January. This is all speculation but they have been pretty accurate with these predictions regarding flex so far.
  • I took November and the LR was incredibly easy. Felt like 60’s to me. I ran into the same issue with 80’s Lr though.
  • If you are shooting for a 160 you are in great shape already being at 157 on your first post cc test. Once you get more used to the timing you will go up from that alone. But the “easiest” way for you to improve your score would be to get LG to -0 t…
  • I think everyone has little things that work for them and it is just a matter of finding what works for you. With that being said, I was in a similar situation where I was constantly scoring -7/8 for about 5 months. What helped me get down to -2 con…
  • Merry Christmas to you too. I was in a similar situation with RC until not too long ago. I was consistently -10 to 12. Honestly everything changed for me when I started working with @lexxx745 for tutoring. He is amazing and just walking through a fe…
  • I had the same diagnostic score as you back in the beginning of March and scored a 161 on the November exam. Shooting for 165 on January.
  • You get a minute between each section or you can choose to just start right away. There is a timer that counts down from 60 seconds.
  • I am interested as well!
  • @"shp.saman" Your welcome! I started studying on 7sage at the end of February with a 141 diagnostic. My pt range was 158-164. I think it is easier in the sense that it requires less endurance, but the individual sections are not said to be any easie…
  • @grace099 Thanks! To be honest, Proctor U experience was awesome. I was worried too but the proctor couldn't have been better. The stuff in the beginning was a little tedious with the room check and having to authorize a bunch of screen share things…
  • @canihazJD thanks! appreciate all of your comments and help on here too!
  • Yeah for sure. The email says sign up times begin at noon eastern time on Thursday the 29th
  • Great, thanks so much! @legallytired
  • For the flex the second LR section is the one always eliminated on 7 sage. There was a post saying they did some research and found the difference in scores between the two for students was very minimal so they made it easy and just eliminate the se…
  • I saw a post that seemed like a good idea, you could take the test and then not even look at the score. That way you would still get in the pt, but your confidence would hopefully stay the same.
  • Have you read Loophole yet? The CC is a great foundation but I found that doing tons and tons of translation and clir drills (two fundamental concepts in the book) to be the most helpful thing I’ve done for LR. Also just seeing tons of questions mak…
  • It is very helpful for must be true questions when you have multiple conditional statements that you can chain together.
    in LAWGIC Comment by sheridjw October 2020
  • Thanks everybody for the replies. Going to take some time off and regroup and hopefully come back refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • @heyitsjudy Hey thanks for the response. It is reassuring to know thats probably whats going on. Did you come back after 2-3 days off feeling a lot better?
  • @"David.Busis" oh ok great. thank you!
  • This is super helpful thanks! Are the lsat medians updated here as well? It seems like they are different for some schools compared to the Spivey updated medians?
  • @OldLadyK thanks for the response and great advice! You are right about the quality over quantity idea. I think i will stick with 1 a week, thanks!
  • Yes i think i read it in about two or three weeks, moving through it methodically. But you really need to do the drills the author suggests a lot to get comfortable with the approach. 1 month might be pushing it, but i think its doable in 2.
  • It is a book specifically for Lr by Ellen Cassidy. It is very popular on here and has helped tons of people including myself.
  • Have you read the loophole yet? That helped me tremendously on LR.
  • Hey I am sure that can be the case but i want to reassure you on something else too which is that lots of times in the very beginning stages of prep people go down at first because you are trying to incorporate the new things you have learned in a t…
  • Have you tried the loophole yet? If not I think that could be very beneficial to you. I’m not entirely sure you’d be able to get totally comfortable with the strategies by October but certainly by November. Im not an expert in LR by any means but I …
  • @leandrileroux said: @"Nilesh S" Is "MLSAT" the same as Manhattan Prep? I tried searching MLSAT but couldn't find anything and I am keen to try your strategy. Thanks! This was from a long time ago and it looks like the user is inactive so i …
  • @aef541099 ok great, I’ll look into that, thanks so much!