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  • @josef7070 said: Yes, I didn't do much studying, trying to finish undergrad with a booming GPA, I got a 132 and not proud. I am going to start 7 Sage tomorrow, let see how I do in December's test. Plus, I am currently in a MPA Masters hopefu…
  • @selina said: My diagnostic was a 138 and after finishing the course I got a 153. I was learning new "things" every 2-3 days and the day after I finished the course without reviewing anything I jumped right in to take my first PT and scored th…
  • @"mz.rogan" said: in the 120s/130s you don't have a solid foundation yet. Join a course 7sage, lsat max, or blue print to help get you basics. But since you are on 7sage already utilize their lessons. no worries once you get the foundation whi…
    in --- Comment by LawyerDude513 July 2022
  • @"Hinde Sophia" said: Hey there. I second Steven_B-1's comment. The best thing you can do for yourself is be truly self reflective and have good data to assess where and how you are weak. Without that critical information, it's really hard to …
    in --- Comment by LawyerDude513 July 2022
  • @juliahanzhuya said: Hi! I am disappointed by some of the comments I read. I started at a 141 and received a 162 on November's test. I've been studying for June and I recently took a PT and got a 170. You are 100% capable of getting in the 160…
    in --- Comment by LawyerDude513 July 2022
  • @"Steven_B-1" said: The question is: how are you studying? Are you doing in-depth review of the mistakes you're making? Are you journaling your mistakes to learn from them? If you're at the 120-130s, then you're still making basic reading erro…
    in --- Comment by LawyerDude513 July 2022
  • I am in the same boat and I really appreciate all the feedback on this thread. I am too working with LSAT Trainer and looking to buy the $69 package. would that help me move 20 points. I want to get into the 150s also and I'm looking to take the Nov…