For those that had LR-LG-LR—LR-RC, with the 26 question LR passage being thE very first one, think that the first ten were harder than normal??? #4 and #5 tripped me up and ruined my timing for the rest of the section.
I say both - let me explain. ED apps usually have a really quick turnaround. I would choose the one you would most like to attend, apply ED and if you get in, great! If you do not, apply to the other school ED as well.
As far as between Berkeley or…
@Ohnoeshalpme said:
@onecallthatsall said:
@Ohnoeshalpme said:
A high score like that shows that you are capable of scoring in the high 160's but it's not a trend yet. If you're scoring up there now, there's no re…
@eRetaker said:
Once, it's a miracle. Twice, it's a coincidence. Three times, it's a pattern, so take a few more to find out if it's a fluke.
^^^bump. Best advice I have heard this cycle.
@sberg2014 said:
I just had the same thing happen. I jumped from a 163/164 average to a 169, but my score went back down after, at which point I realized that it was probably an aberration. But I agree with what people said, it's definitely no…
@"Seeking Perfection" said:
You could have gotten better at the test, gotten lucky with guesses, had the test play to your strengths or simply had a good day. The only way to tell if the improvement is real is to take more. It is certainly a g…
@"paulmv.benthem" said:
Congrats on the 167!
As for it being a fluke..."fluke" might be the wrong word. Sometimes particular tests play more easily to our strengths. That could be what happened here...but that doesn't mean it reflects an…
@Ohnoeshalpme said:
A high score like that shows that you are capable of scoring in the high 160's but it's not a trend yet. If you're scoring up there now, there's no reason why you can't score there consistently by September. Good Luck
@LCMama2017 said:
What is SJW?
I'll skip the Eileen Gray passage, lol.
SJW = Social Justice Warrior. Ya know... the purple haired basement dwelling types that feel the need enact swift and violent social justice on anyone who believes…
The movie was an interesting look into the career of one of America's most distinguished lawyers, but I think it could have been done without the partisan pandering to SJW's. The producers obviously knew their audience and gave them exactly what the…
As a Utah resident, mormon and BYU alum... I have to ask. Are you mormon? Because that is a HUGE factor you need to consider if potentially going there. I am mormon and a returned missionary and I ran away from Provo as fast as humanly possible when…
@Emily2122 said:
They are not PDFs but you easily make one:
Alright thank you so much!!
@LSATcantwin said:
Welcome back! You've got this. I'm also a vet - what branch did you serve in?
If you need any help along the way feel free to ask me. I do my best (when I'm not being pulled away by work, or other stuff) to help everyon…
@westcoastbestcoast said:
First and foremost. Thank you for service and welcome back to 7Sage. Your softs, although they aren"t weak, aren't necessarily strong. Alot of applicants worked as paralegal . That being said, your greatest bet of inc…
I scored 8 points lower then my PT's on my first take and 2 points lower on my second take. I have never had test day anxiety until the LSAT, but it absolutely destroyed me.
Now this isn't the case with everyone. My best friends best score he ever…
I emailed the 4 law schools last night and have already heard from 2 of them. Super easy, low stress, no worries.
Thank you guys!! It has all worked out alright!
Dude I had this exact same question. I was super apprehensive for my responses. Eventually I decided my strategy was to put similar schools that the law schools competes with, perhaps urging them to give me a quick response or give me some money.
@TheLoftGuy Pay no mind to @anthonycaramanica He is a troll.
In June 2016 he commented "what a nightmare 154 only 7 right on games" Then again in that same month said "160 target been scoring around there"
@TheLoftGuy remember we went through this in October when Dave Killorans prediction was WRONG. Please for the love of god and the sake of my sanity, let today be the day
@TheLoftGuy somebody asked that same question on Dave Killorans Powerscore blog post about his January 2nd prediction and he said that they have released it multiple times during their holiday closure. So I am
Still hoping for today! My wife says to…
Alright thanks guys! Seriously this is has been immensely helpful, despite I have been told to do both. I think I will try both ways with two schools I'm not so excited about and see which one turns out best.