@dennisgerrard Yes. The logic games in PTs 50 - 60 become highly formulaic and recognizable. I've never done any of the earlier PTs, but students have mentioned that there were a fair number of "unique" games, including a game that was similar to Se…
All PTs from 36 onwards. However, I regret not looking over earlier PTs, since September's virus game kind of threw me off. If you have the time, it's definitely beneficial to do as many PTs as possible before your test.
Haha I'm in a pretty similar situation... Girlfriend in first year medical school with plans to propose, a mother-in-law (ish) I'm pretty close to, and a father-in-law that I'm friendly with but supposedly doesn't quite approve. What's the father li…
Have you gone through the full curriculum? I'll be honest... While 158 is a fairly modest goal, I wouldn't throw away a perfectly good attempt with only a month to study and a diagnostic score so far below your target.
Don't sell yourself short. I…
Hey @zahra.vaid. Sorry to hear that your LSAT didn't go as well as you hoped Retakes generally yield better results, and as you've probably already heard, most Ontario schools have a fairly holistic admissions process. A 161 is widely considered by…
Also, on a side note, has anyone ever come across a flawed reasoning question where the answer was "the argument is flawed because they didn't cite any scientific evidence"? . If we are speaking scientifically, empirical evidence is clearly importan…
I was trying to find a PDF of the test to help answer the question, but I only managed to stumble upon a Kaplan explanation. Without seeing the answer choices, I'm not entirely sure if it'll be helpful... Also @mods let me know if posting this breac…
Old reading comprehension and logical reasoning sections might be relevant to the skills you learned throughout the core curriculum (e.g. active reading, parsing the structure of stimuli, etc.), but some of the question types are fully irrelevant. T…
I'm not sure where to find it either, but it's relatively easy to convert all your marks either by hand or through excel/google sheets. If you'd like, I can walk you through the process or you can follow the conversion table: https://www.ouac.on.ca/…
Similar to your diagnostic, I scored a 153 with a -10 on LG, -15 in LR, and -9 in RC. Like the situation you described, I managed to jump 17 points to score a 170 on the September test. Before going through the core curriculum, I thought sufficiency…
Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the LSAT's writing sample. To my understanding, it isn't used formally in the admission process. I think J.Y. mentioned that the writing sample might be used to verify that your personal statement wasn't pla…
The difference between a sufficient and necessary assumption is incredibly subtle, and distinguishing them requires a fair bit of practice. However, mastering this distinction is the key to answering "necessary assumption" type questions on the LSAT…
I had the exact same feeling right after writing the September LSAT.. 170 or 150. I found it helpful to just completely forget about it and distract yourself until you suddenly receive your score.
I agree with @"Creasey LSAT" in that you'd probably be better off using your intuition to get this one. The question stem is a bit too dense in information and lacks clear conditional language. The answers, however, do have clear conditional languag…
Here's how I mapped it:
A is always the best student ("B") = A B
I think this is a special case. If you're operating under the reasonable assumption that there can only be one "best student", then the arrow goes both ways. If you're asked about A…
@jaylenosgarage There's definitely another circular game in the 70s, but PT79 can't be accurately described as such... The infamous virus game in PT79 is more like a "circuit" game, but the only game that is remotely similar to it was published in t…
Just looking for some tips. I only started studying 2 weeks ago . I performed my first PT 72 and got 140
Brutal honesty incoming.
I'll be the first to say that, if you sincerely want to achieve a 160, you should reschedule your LSAT for when you're…
@lsnnnnn0011 I scored a bunch of 169s in the 60s and 70s, but my highest PT score was actually the same as what I got on the real thing (a single 170 on PT77, which I wrote ~a week before my test). My situation (i.e. scoring 3 above my PT average) i…
Scored a 170 on test day with an average PT score (10 most recent tests or so) of 167. J.Y. usually mentions that you'll score +/-3 of your 5 most recent tests, although I think most people end up on the minus side.
I was in a similar situation during my prep, where I was scoring in the low 160s and missing ~ a game and a half each PT due to time constraints. As I began to accumulate techniques and intuitions through watching J.Y.'s video explanations an…
Unless JY's evil twin hacks the system and turns this into an MCAT course.
Honestly, having taken a $2500 garbage online MCAT course from The Princeton Review, I'd totally support JY's evil twin in this endeavor.
Canada doesn't have any joint JD/MD programs, although it's definitely something I've considered. However, I'm greatly deterred by the fact that I'll be stuck in school until my mid-30s.
Yes, you can definitely circle and annotate as much as you want on the test itself. One important caveat is to not expect anything you write to be translated on your answer sheet. In other words, if you bubbled in something different than what you c…
My friend and I predicted that the September LSAT would have a doozy of a LG, since the previous few PTs had relatively easy LG sections. Despite more or less missing out on the entire virus game (-4 overall), I somehow managed to exceed my PT avera…
Probably medical school. I had my entire application filled out for medical school, including a competitive GPA and MCAT, before a somewhat sudden epiphany lead me to health law. That being said, medical school is far more competitive than law, and …