ONE. This ONE relates to law school applications/schools. My general top tips for LSAT taking is in the link in the OP and comments to questions there. If you have specifics, feel free to ask.
Beginning. Law school applications are heavy…
DMed Question: Tips for getting better at the harder LR questions (the curvebrearker 4-5 star questions)
Answer: In my opinion, you need to diagnose the issue--are you missing those questions because of a substantive understanding issue or was it b…
My diagnostic was a 144 and I finished with a 166 two years later.
It takes countless hours, but it totally doable if you really want the score. I wrote a fairly long post with advice I learned throughout my journey. It's on my profile if you wish …
@"The Great White Shark" said:
@TheDeterminedC said:
@"The Great White Shark" said:
@TheDeterminedC RC having more Qs is a good point. That should be concerning if RC isn't a strength.
Thanks. Yeah, …
@"The Great White Shark" said:
@TheDeterminedC RC having more Qs is a good point. That should be concerning if RC isn't a strength.
Thanks. Yeah, the average is about 27 questions a section for RC, right? With LG around 23 and LR around 25 f…
My two strengths are LR and LG. So not having a second LR section makes my weak RC section worth 1/3 of the overall score, rather than the normal 1/4. That's a big con for myself. ADDITIONALLY, keep in mind that RC typically has the most quest…
@carbonel said:
What's your strategy for improving LR?
I stated three key reasons that were holding me back in LR in the comments above. That is what truly made the difference on test day for me. But there is no shortcut to knowing the mater…
@thecmancan said:
Congrats! That's about my goal score and I'm chipping away with 7sage help!
LG question: I feel and see tangible improvements in LR. I grasp conclusions better and eliminate trap answers faster. I can feel my thinking pr…
@Keepgoing said:
Logic Games Question - What prep tests do you think are essential for foolproofing? Some say 1-35 and others have a different range, like yours. I will be foolproofing soon and would love some guidance!
I don't have a specif…
@"a. valdez" said:
...this is like asking the high school teacher if she's gonna collect the homework after she's forgotten...
I nearly spat out my coffee.
So this is exactly what I leaned from a Sage and it helped so much.
1) I go to half speed reading when going over the rules. The time tradeoff of missing words in a rule is 10x worse than just slowing down in the first place.
2) Translate each rul…
@lexxx745 said:
Thanks for sharing! Can you maybe talk about what went wrong during the 2nd take? especially if you studied so hard for so long and got the same score? Nerves? Were your PT scores leading up to the second take much much higher…
@username_hello said:
for the experimental LG section, was there something about putting things into months? like for November, December, ... ? was that from the (using power score labels) 'Art on walls of a room' game or 'Auth…
@wwwshenpengwww said:
@"Pride Only Hurts" said:
@BairnOwl said:
Is the LR section with a question on manufacturing a product if and only if a CEO approves real? That section also had a question on how female chara…
@Jane_lsat said:
Do you consider LR difficult? Was it similar to PT73,PT86, or PTs in 60s?
The second LR I took was the first time I fully finished an LR section with time leftover to look at random questions after doing 2 passes. I don't kn…
@"Lucas Carter" said:
@TheDeterminedC said:
Anyone know if the adjacent paintings / sculptures LG game was experimental?
It was game #4.
The other LG section was fairly easy. The last game was tough.
Anyone know if the adjacent paintings / sculptures LG game was experimental?
It was game #4.
The other LG section was fairly easy. The last game was tough.
I BOMBED the sculpture game.
Hello! So I went to check out the question and I remember it. I posted a comment translating E in the comment section two months ago:
"E) favored by most people & not violate human rights & WFD → passed promptly.
We know our bill was passe…
I go to the syllabus, click on the wanted PT and hit the button for "print and take test." The "view PDF" button on the next page should be at the top in a blue button.
The current conditional in the original doesn't visually represent the rule that L and O cannot both be in at the same time.
"Original: ~Y -----> L or O"
New: ~Y -----> 1(L ----> ~O)
For me, this is how I would write it on a timed go. It…
There are lots of resources on 7sage about exactly how to change your studies, so I'm going to focus on mindset here as I think this is playing big role. I've been in a similar mindset before that you seem to have right now. I suggest to stop lookin…
Specifically using the analytic tool, are there any trends for the answers you are getting wrong? What do your analytics point to as the highest priority? How can you read the passage differently to combat the trend?
Something that analytics doesn'…
Clouds necessarily accompany rain.
Rain -----> Clouds
I think negating the statement helps intuitively understand it more:
Clouds do not necessarily accompany rain (sometimes there is rain with no clouds).
Rain notClouds
Rain notClouds is …
The question types are not too much of an issue. They are typically CBT, MBT and occasionally MBF. From the LSAT Trainer, these questions are either global, where it is always true, or specific, only pertaining to the world of the added premise the …