Also, as a point of clarity, don't check your answers before the blind review as the aim is to win people over with your reasoning alone for the particular answer choice you choose.
Alright, great to hear! I was tentatively thinking this group could review one PT a week together preferably later in the week depending on what people’s schedules look like. Given that we’re about 9 weeks out from the test, I thought starting aroun…
@AlexRexeger Oh jeez, I completely misspoke thinking today was Thursday. Friday in the time slot you mentioned should work for me and yeah if you don't mind I'd be down to join that group if possible.
I apologize for the delayed response. Currently, I'm no longer in a position to host the review but I encourage anyone else to take the mantel and organize as they see fit.
Yes, as of now it looks like Skype is preferred overall though personally I'm more familiar with using GoToMeeting for this kind of thing. Whatever works best for the people who think they will attend!
Great to see there's even more interest! I'm moving to a new city tomorrow with a three hour time change so how would this Saturday at 11 PST work to look at PT 42 passage 4 and PT 45 passage 3?
Given that JY is holding RC BR sessions for PT 84 Monday and Wednesday this week and I will be moving this Thursday it looks as though I won't be able to host an RC review session. I highly encourage anyone struggling with and/or simply interested i…
Wow, great to see such a response! From surveying the comments, it looks like science and humanities passages are where we should start. How would Monday-Wednesday at 7:30 EST work for everyone? Also, how about we start off with PT 42 passage 4 and …
I see one person mentioned morning and afternoon, what are everyone else's thoughts about a good time? @ajstephens93 @"MinnaH." @btownsquee @Lilzillaa @"Victoria."