While completing my MA, I attended a seminar for graduate students about completing the masters thesis. It was offered all grad students regardless of major. The speaker offered some great advice about burnout that I've used since that day. She pres…
3 a week worked for me. I still had enough time to BR and could see my PT scores improving weekly. BR is the key to improvement so just make sure you leave enough time for it.
"No" is a negate necessary indicator, group 4. so, No rabbit is white = R-->/W or W-->/R
"If" is a sufficient indicator group 1. So, if you are a rabbit then you are white= R-->W or /W-->/R.
I have the same problem. I noticed that adobe was automatically setting the print to 91% scale to accommodate the 7sage size. I had to manually change it back to 100% on every print job. This did cut off the top portion of the pages but the print s…
While I don't actively try to predict/anticipate inferences per question, I do experience it intuitively. As we progress, I think that process becomes more an act of the subconscious allowing to quickly navigate the games.
I was making the same mistakes. I had to discipline myself to read every answer choice if I wasn't 100% sure. I mean, I've answered so many of those and gotten them wrong because I was rushing and only about 95% sure.