I'm in a similar situation, as I am applying to Canadian law schools and and writing for a third time in Nov. Where are you applying to in Canada and what are your top choices? And what score do you need to get accepted there? I think it also depend…
@sandy180 said:
I have chickened out twice already and the only penalty is having to carry the piano on your back for that much longer:) You're good!
Thanks @sandy180 ! Sorry, just saw this now
@chicaryss said:
@alicia32 I'm a Canadian applicant as well and I'm not sure how schools evaluate your application even if your record shows that you've cancelled. Index schools like UBC or U of A might not even care at all (UBC only looks at …
@LCMama2017 I am looking at schools in Canada so aiming for 160 -165. Thanks for the feedback. The br sessions are a great idea! Best of luck to you as well!
@beezmoof I believe cancelling means to cancel your score - so you could cancel your score before you take it, or afterwards, but within a certain timeframe. To withdraw would be to cancel your registration, but since the deadline has passed for thi…