Samsung Galaxy Note 8 with Android 8.0.
I'm not sure where to check the current version, but in the play store it says I last updated August 5th and there's no option to update. This issue has happened randomly since I downlo…
I was expecting to see the answers on the passage page, without realizing that if I had continued to the next questions page the answers would appear again. Stupid. Sorry, this can be deleted.
Most of the questions that I get wrong are because I misread one word or some other stupid oversight. I've also been trying to come up with a way to avoid that, but can't come up with anything other than read the rules or things you don't understand…
I'm on Windows 10. I don't have another device, but I have tried other networks and have had the same problem. I didn't even have Flash installed so I must have been using the regular video player.