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  • For July, they sent an email two days before sign up was available and gave the exact time that it would go live. It was about 2 weeks before the test. They also gave the range of dates that it would be available to take. They allowed about a week, …
  • Wow, Christopherr - thank you so much for the great advice!! You are absolutely right that it is harder to read the stimulus only once. I've definitely been struggling to build my instinct on when to just skip a question. I took PT 81 and went -7 on…
  • Thanks, Daniel! I am definitely trying to work through that. I have a bit of a bad habit of spending too much time reading a perplexing stimulus and AC instead of skipping it and coming back to it. @danielbrowning208 said: Do you have a skipp…
  • I'd like to join as well - I typically score in the low to mid 160s, but I am aiming for 170 range as well. My diagnostic was 153. I plan to take the test in July!
  • @Leatherneck thanks for the advice! I definitely second guess myself more than I should. I have not tried hyper skipping. I have heard of it, but I have always been hesitant to try it. I think I am a little worried I will run out of time to come bac…