For Q9, in order to choose C "present and interpret", both authors need to write their passages in a neutral tone because that's what present and interpret will be like. However, if you take a closer look at passage A, you will find the author'…
@mesposito886 said:
The generalization is actually the researcher's claim: people tend to gesture less when they articulate abstract rather than physical concepts. The disconfirming evidence is in the second sentence: that this generalization …
Thank you for answering my question! It helps a lot. Like you said, the knowledge here is very specific and I now recognize that what knowledge answer choice B is talking about is explicitly stated in stimulus. Now it makes sense to …
@"J.Y. Ping" said:
@Qiran_catlady Fixed!
Thank you for holding these sessions! They are super helpful for my LSAT journey. I will definitely take your advice on LR, and keep practicing! I will tell you how effective it is on the next BR call…