... before I go to the explanation. It has been suggested that ... if we write out an explanation for our thought process that ... prior to viewing the video explanation, or am I complicating things ... go right to the video explanation first?
This is a phenomenon-hypothesis Strengthening question, so we are looking for an answer choice that strengthens the hypothesis or an answer choice that prevents an ...
I saw something in a comment somewhere about logic game sets of similar questions to do, and I saw on one explanation JY had "if you struggled with this type of question, here's a bunch more". Are there multiple of these lists/ do these lists exist?
As I progress through the course, I watch the video explanations for my BR and star them for review. But I'm having trouble finding them all conveniently. Is there a page I'm unaware of that shows all video explanations which I've starred?
So I have been studying for the LSAT since 2014 and I have been also doing freelance consulting work up until August 2015. I have about a 2 year gap in resume currently, due to studying full time for the LSAT, and I was wondering ...
I usually get 6-7 wrong per LR section in late PT50s or early 60s. Yet, when I did PT40s(PT42), I got 10 wrong per section. I felt lost and confused. Should I review the CC before doing more timed section or PT?