The stimulus states: "the resulting *lack of substance* leads to books
that are *short-lived items*" - This directly supports (B)s notion that: "The substance of a children's book is important to its longevity."
... here on 7Sage was organized a little differently so that I ... anything. I'm talking about a pie-in-the-sky ideal ... many ways to skin a cat annoy @"Dillon A. Wright" master the ...
... taken the 50s, 60s, and a few of the 70s. I ... taking 1 in the 40s a week and 1 in the ... 50s a week since the 50s are ... 1 40 and 1 50 a week.
Next month I ... 1 60 and 1 70 a week. Even though I've ... exposed to them, in a month's time I think it won ...
... Test Masters while finishing a Master's program and I can ... I have interned for a Public Defender's/Mitigation Specialist Office, worked ... as bailiff for a few ... work to your advantage. A gap doesn't necessarily mean ...
@shainabarber said:
What's the point in taking a test I know ... wanted and have since delayed a cycle from October to next ... June. I suffered a bad case of burnout and ...
... in Italy. It was a class trip actually and ... so it's not like anyone took a video or ... by hiding something that a school would most likely ... 've always been a victim of Murphy's law. Anything and ... Weigh the risk of acknowledging a mistake (which most likely won ...
Climbing over @nicole.hopkins's mic drop, @SA135790 argues that ... so this is often where a conversation about discrimination ends. ... set yourself up with a greater disadvantage than the ... , in the end, cultivate a person's work ethic. However, it ...
"what's more" makes B a wrong answer because it ... basically saying if Harper's ideas could have improved ... improve the sound of a guitar on an absolute ... evaluating the merits of a guitar's sound. Mark is saying ... is an absolute way a guitar should sound, while ...
... . Let’s say we have a crosswalk and over a year’s time, 2 ... people have been hit by a car ... person has been hit by a car crossing against the light ... . But let’s also say that in that ...