... mislabeled... so then you open dates or carrots. If you open ... apples, then you know that dates are correctly labeled. BUT if ... open carrots and it has dates then you give up on ...
I know the predicted release date according to LSAC is the 28th, but are there any dates out there that are predicted by 7sage or powerscore that are different?
I’m definitely interested! I also appreciate you giving back to the community. Can you message me some dates and times? I work full time and have a kiddo, so evenings of all days work best for me. Lmk?
... her if providing incorrect employment dates would be an issue for ... allthatmumbojumbo"). She said incorrect employment dates may be a problem if ...
I think you can apply if you have a Green Card: https://www.lsac.org/lsat/lsat-dates-deadlines-score-release-dates/lsat-fees-refunds/fee-waivers-lsat-credential
But if you don't, I think you should call LSAC to ask.